The following publications were submitted by DR K-12 project members. Find publications below by topic: Engineering | Math | Science | Science & Math | Science & Technology | Science, Technology & Engineering…
Dear Colleagues,
It has been a busy spring for CADRE and the DRK-12 community who have been working hard on dissemination and outreach efforts. Representatives from DRK-12 projects have been spreading the word about…
Dear Colleagues,
We are saddened to share the news that Julio Lopez-Ferrao passed away on March 25. Julio had been a DRK-12 program officer since the inception of the program, and was CADRE's first program officer. He…
Dear Colleagues,
The current pandemic is making it impossible to ignore the health, economic, and educational disparities in our country. At the same time, current education research has been greatly impacted—through…
Dear Colleagues,
On the heels of Earth Day and the White House’s climate summit, we’re featuring a Spotlight on Earth and Environmental Science that discusses environmental literacy and shares innovative DRK-12 work…
Dear Colleagues,
We thank all of you who completed our recent survey of DRK-12 projects. Based on the results, we’re taking an initial look at the ways DRK-12 projects are engaging underserved populations and addressing…
Dear Colleagues,
The DRK-12 program has funded projects that research innovative approaches to providing equitable and high-quality STEM education opportunities to rural students, such as place-based learning, online…
Dear Colleagues,
Family and community engagement in education can contribute to positive student outcomes. Read how projects featured in this month’s Spotlight are including families and caregivers across preK-12 grades in…
Dear Colleagues,
We've heard! CADRE has been awarded a grant to continue serving the DRK-12 program and its awardees for another two years. Here's what we know. We will continue to share news and resources with you…
Dear Colleagues,
The 2019 DRK-12 grants have been awarded, and new projects are beginning. Welcome to all the new members of the CADRE community! We send a special congratulations to former CADRE Fellows Camillia Matuk and…
Dear Colleagues,
The demand for data skills is growing across industries and disciplines. Understanding how to analyze and interpret data will not only be critical for students as they enter the workforce, but also as…
Dear Colleagues,
This month, we’re showcasing resources to support equitable and inclusive instruction and research from NSF resource networks (see article below). We're also featuring new DRK-12 projects on Facebook and…
Dear Colleagues,
As summer winds down and the school year is upon us, we hope you’ve had some time to relax and are happily anticipating the opportunities ahead. In that vein, CADRE is excited to announce the 2023…
Dear Colleagues,
CADRE introduces our new report, Classroom-Based STEM Assessment: Contemporary Issues and Perspectives. This report highlights the latest insights from DRK-12 program-funded research and underscores the…
Dear Colleagues,
A new National Science Board brief on the science and engineering landscape asks, “How can we ensure U.S. leadership in critical and emerging technologies and a robust STEM workforce?” (NSB, 2004).…
Dear Colleagues,
We wish you all happy holidays and a new year! As we close out 2017, we are taking a moment to send you some CADRE and DRK-12 highlights from the last year.
Dear Colleagues,
In 2018 ... Approximately 56.6 million students were expected to attend elementary and secondary schools—the majority of whom are nonwhite. Public school systems were expected to employ about 3.2 million…
Looking Back ...
There were some exciting STEM achievements in 2019, such as the imaging of a black hole and the first all-female spacewalk. NSF managed to make a lot of awards, despite a government shutdown. One of the…
NSF program officer and DRK-12 program lead, Michael Steele, opens our year-end newsletter with a message for the DRK-12 community.
To the Discovery Research PreK-12 PI Community,
What a long, strange year it’s been…
Dear Colleagues,
This month, we’re taking a pause from our standard articles to reflect on 2021, highlight resources and information that the DRK-12 community found most compelling, and invite you to revisit those that you…
Dear Colleagues,
As we near the end of 2022, CADRE is taking a look back at the past year of DRK-12 ideas and resources that made an impact and taking note of some of the important influences on STEM education research.…
Dear Colleagues,
As we end 2023, we want to thank all of you who shared your research and what you’re learning about preK-12 STEM education (e.g., through project Spotlights, the DRK-12 PI Meeting, and the assessment…
Dear Colleagues,
2024 has been an eventful year. Alongside other national and global influences on education, artificial intelligence (AI) has become a widely adopted tool. We encourage you to explore CADRE’s brief Toward…
Dear Colleagues:
CADRE has had a busy summer and fall, and you will read about some of our activities in this newsletter. DR K-12 PIs, please watch your email for the annual survey conducted by UMass Donahue Institute, our…
Dear Colleagues:
This is our first "formal" opportunity to welcome new DR K-12 PIs, and welcome back those of you who we haven't seen since the June PI Meeting. Thanks to all who participated in making this one of the most…
Dear Colleagues,
While the policy context seems to change almost daily, those of us in the field continue to work on our NSF awards with the same commitment, focus, and enthusiasm.
A new set of DR K-12 proposals has been…
Dear Colleagues:
At the recent PI meeting, I mentioned that we were hopeful, but had not received official notification of funding. (You know this feeling!) We are pleased to announce that CADRE is alive and well for the…
Dear Colleagues:
The fall has been busy and productive for CADRE. First, you may notice that this newsletter and our website have a new look and feel! We're currently renovating and making changes to to…
Dear Colleagues:
While it isn't completely clear how the new presidency will impact education policy, schools, and students, those of us in the DR K-12 community will continue to research how to help children learn. And…
Dear Colleagues,
DRK-12 projects are out and about sharing their work. In this month's Spotlight, read about projects focused on improving STEM education for students whose first language isn't English. (Use the…
Dear Colleagues,
CADRE has opened registration for the 2018 DRK–12 PI Meeting to invited DRK–12 and STEM+C PIs. (Note: a reminder invitation will be sent out later this week to invited PIs who have not…
Dear Colleagues,
In this newsletter, we feature current DRK-12 projects doing research on assessment and learning technologies, as well as share a framing piece by James Lester on recent advances in…
Dear Colleagues,
As schooling during the pandemic has moved from classrooms to online learning, students with disabilities may be facing particular challenges with STEM learning (Pew Research Center). Our Spotlight this…
Dear Colleagues,
We’re excited to announce upcoming CADRE events. We launch our first Learning Series next month. The series will give our community the opportunity to learn together about professional development (…
Dear Colleagues,
NSF has asked us to share your professional news on a timely and regular basis, and we need your help. Please let us know—now and throughout the year— if you’ve received an accolade or other…
Dear Colleagues,
This month’s Spotlight on Social Studies and STEM Integration showcases how educators and researchers are melding history, geography, economics, and civics with STEM to support real-world applications,…
Dear Colleagues,
We are excitedly preparing for the 2018 DRK-12 PI Meeting. The planning committee is working on the agenda, including designing strategies to engage and leverage the expertise of 50 STEM+C…
Dear Colleagues,
Happy new year. As the government shutdown continues, we want to remind you that NSF announced that it is still accepting project reports. NSF has also recently announced that the next DRK-12 submission…
Dear Colleagues,
We are greatly saddened to share the news that Dr. Karen King passed away in December. Among her many accomplishments, Karen was a key DRK-12 and former CADRE program officer, as well as a generous…
Dear Colleagues,
We’re happy to welcome a new year with optimism: optimism, in part, that we will be able to continue to respond to aspects of our recent national challenges through innovations and changes that will…
Dear Colleagues,
In this month’s newsletter, we are excited to announce the 2022 CADRE Fellows! Thank you to the reviewers who helped identify this year’s cohort from a record number of amazing applicants. We look forward…
Dear Colleagues,
Happy New Year! As we look at our plans for 2023—including the CADRE Learning Series, CADRE Fellows program, 2023 DRK-12 PI Meeting, new outreach, topical groups, and more—we are excited to continue…
Happy 2024 DRK-12 PI Community!
Letter from NSF Program Directors
While we are starting a new year, we would like to acknowledge your remarkable efforts and unwavering commitment to fostering excellence in STEM education…
Dear Colleagues,
News keeps coming in from NSF! They recently announced a number of ways that researchers can positively influence the future of preK-12 STEM education research: a new STEM education advisory panel (…
Dear Colleagues,
This month's Spotlight focuses on improving science and mathematics education in rural America. Though rural areas differ, they often share similar assets (e.g., community orientation) that can…
Dear Colleagues,
In 2018, NSF and IES released a companion to the Common Guidelines which identifies principles to help education stakeholders design and report reproducibility and replication studies in the…
Dear Colleagues,
The National Academies report, Call to Action for Science Education: Building Opportunity for the Future, calls on communities across our nation to provide time, materials, and resources to support…
Dear Colleagues,
NSF receives many Design and Development proposals but fewer DRK-12 proposals for Exploratory projects. This month we're featuring a Spotlight on Exploratory Research, where in addition to highlighting…
Dear Colleagues,
We are delighted to be back with our newsletter after taking a brief hiatus last month to focus on the 2023 DRK-12 PI Meeting. It was a pleasure to see both familiar and new faces at the event. We thank…
Dear Colleagues,
We have several opportunities to add to your summer calendar. First, we invite you to bring your questions about submitting a proposal in response to the DRK-12 solicitation to the upcoming office hours…