Looking Back ...
There were some exciting STEM achievements in 2019, such as the imaging of a black hole and the first all-female spacewalk. NSF managed to make a lot of awards, despite a government shutdown. One of the CAREER grants was awarded to former CADRE Fellow Carlos (Nick) Gomez! This interactive NSF awards summary shows the number of awards and amount of funding by state, type of institution, and/or institution name, going back 10 years. And the DRK-12 community developed products, published, and presented, as highlighted in our monthly newsletter "Newsbites." Our most viewed Newsbites (and other DRK-12 highlights) from 2019 are listed below.
There were also challenges. PISA and NAEP scores were released, leading to questions about the implications of the steady or declining scores of US students in reading and mathematics. At the same time, although there is increased enrollment in non-IHE alternative certificate programs, there are reports of declining enrollment in and completion of teacher prep programs, especially for those specializing in STEM. And within the larger context of concern about the research enterprise (including data security, IP, and sexual harassment), the Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) has requested comments on steps that federal agencies can take to ensure effective, efficient, safe, and inclusive research environments.
Looking Ahead ...
The President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology is developing a 5-year plan around four industries of the future named by the White House as a focus for federal funding: AI, advanced manufacturing, quantum information science, and 5G. Meanwhile, the Building Blocks of STEM Act—which directs NSF to support STEM education research focused on early childhood, female students, and female students in computing—has been progressing through Congress. The 2020 NSF EHR budget request indicates a continued commitment to broadening STEM participation, and education and workforce connections.
In January, NSF is expected to release the revised 2020 Proposal & Award Policies & Procedures Guide (PAPPG). See highlighted text on the for-comment PAPPG draft indicating proposed changes, including an expanded section on responsible and ethical conduct of research. In the next year, we also expect to see a revised DRK-12 solicitation.
The 2020 DRK-12 PI Meeting planning committee is busy working on the design for the June 3-5 meeting. Awardees who will have active DRK-12 grants in June 2020 can expect an invitation this winter to register for the PI meeting. If you have suggestions for the planning committee to consider, please send them to cadre@edc.org.
CADRE will invite applications in January for the biennial CADRE Postdoc Opportunity, through which five early career scholars participate in capacity-building activities, including attending the DRK-12 PI Meeting along with the CADRE Fellows.
We look forward to seeing you next year, perhaps at the PI meeting, at the DRK-12 middle grades engineering education session at NSTA, or during an online conversation with the 2020 CADRE Fellows.
Wishing you a happy new year!
Most Popular DRK-12 News and Resources in 2019
We're looking back on DRK-12 work in 2019 and sharing some of the most popular content.
Most Visited Spotlights
Modeling in Science (2017) |
Culturally Responsive STEM Education (2019) |
Engineering Education (2019) |
Citizen Science in K-12 STEM Education (2019) |
Technology-Enhanced Assessment (2019) |
Most Clicked Newsbites
- Teachers' Orientations Toward Using Student Mathematical Thinking as a Resource During Whole-Class Discussion
- Developing a Three-Dimensional View of Science Teaching: A Tool to Support Preservice Teacher Discourse
- How Do Middle School Girls of Color Develop STEM Identities? Middle School Girls' Participation in Science Activities and Identification with STEM Careers
- A Framework for Characterizing Students' Cognitive Processes Related to Informal Best Fit Lines
- Mixed Methods for Studies That Address Broad and Enduring Issues in Education Research
Popular Social Media Posts
- Our November newsletter features a Spotlight on Curriculum: Practitioner Selection, Adaptation, & Design, as well as tools for dissemination! cadrek12.org/newsletters/november-2019-newsletter #dissemination #curriculum #edresearch
- A Web-based digital STEMfolio for youth (ages 16-24) who are neither in school nor working, which provides scaffolds & supports to build STEM competencies and explore STEM careers. Learn more in this video: videohall.com/p/1598 #STEMvideohall @CAST_UDL #STEMEd #NSFSTEM #DRK12
- If you're interested in learning more about current research, there's a Spotlight on this topic, which offers info and resources from NSF-funded tech-enhanced assessment work in science and math ed #NSTAChat cadrek12.org/technology-enhanced-assessment
- Integrating Earth science into high school chemistry can help engage students with compelling local phenomena, especially in districts that are short on #EarthScience teachers: videohall.com/p/1543 #STEMvideohall #NSFSTEM #DRK12 #STEMEd #EE #NGSSchat @caryinstitute #edchat
- Today's featured #2019funded project: Teaching Students to Reason about Variation and Covariation in Data: What Do We Know and What Do We Need to Find Out? ow.ly/bSqG50wIBaB @BSCSScienceLearning
Most Viewed DRK-12 Videos in the 2019 STEM For All Video Showcase
Most Viewed DRK-12 Project Resources
- Thinking with Data: A Cross-Curricular Approach to Data Literacy | PPT Presentation
- Disruptions in Ecosystems | Publication
- Supporting Sense-making with Mathematical Bet Lines | Publication
- Productive Struggle for All: Differentiated Instruction | Publication
- Goals for Productive Discussions and Nine Talk Moves | Tool
Most Viewed DRK-12 Project Pages
- Crowdsourcing Neuroscience: An Interactive Cloud-based Citizen Science Platform for High School Students, Teachers, and Researchers
- SimScientists Human Body Systems: Using Simulations to Foster Integrated Understanding of Complex, Dynamic, Interactive Systems
- CAREER: Cultivating Teachers' Epistemic Empathy to Promote Responsive Teaching
- Teaching Evolution Through Human Examples (TEtHE)
- Teaching STEM with Robotics: Design, Development, and Testing of a Research-based Professional Development Program for Teachers
Most Viewed DRK-12 Community Voices Blogs
Citizen Science Opportunities, Partnerships, and Challenges |
New Directions for Engineering Education Research--Building the K-12 Agenda |
Project Tip: Career-Life BalanceMany professionals struggle with career-life balance. For those times when personal life events impact your project work, read FAQs about NSF's family-friendly policies and procedures for awardees. |
Newsbites from NSF, DRK-12, and NSF Networks
News from NSF
News from DRK–12 Projects & Awardees
- Celebrating Computer Science Education Week
Blog | Paul Goldenberg makes a case for why all students should learn how to program a computer. - Conceptual Dynamics of Student Reasoning during Interviews Involving Discrepant Embodied Experiences
Publication | In this Journal for STEM Education Research article, Victor Lee describes conceptual dynamics observed in two cases where high school students were interviewed and responded to discrepant embodied experiences. - Designing for Rightful Presence in STEM: The Role of Making Present Practices
Publication | In this Journal of the Learning Sciences article, Angela Calabrese Barton and Edna Tan write about the construct of rightful presence (and the co-constructed "making present" practices) as one way to consider more systemically how to make sense of the historicized and relational nature of teaching and learning. - Developing Student 21st Century Skills in Selected Exemplary Inclusive STEM High Schools
Publication | In this International Journal of STEM Education article, Stephanie Stehle and Erin Peters-Burton describe their study, which analyzed student work samples and teacher lesson plans from seven exemplary inclusive STEM high schools to better understand at what level teachers at these schools are engaging and developing student 21st Century skills. - Eliminating Counterexamples: A Case Study Intervention for Improving Adolescents' Ability to Critique Direct Arguments
Publication | In this Journal of Mathematical Behavior article, David Yopp, Rob Ely, Anne Adams, Annelise Nielsen, and Erin Corwine describe a case study investigating eighth-grade mathematics students' conceptions about the validity of a direct argument after experiencing an intervention for improving their argumentation and proving practices. - Infrastructuring as a Practice of Design-Based Research for Supporting and Studying Equitable Implementation and Sustainability of Innovations
Publication | In this Journal of the Learning Sciences article, William Penuel presents infrastructuring as a useful construct for guiding efforts to support more equitable implementation and sustainability of resources developed to support student learning in design-based research. - Limitless Mind
Podcast | In this Second City Works podcast, Jo Boaler discusses her book and research on the adaptability of our brains. - Longitudinal Investigation of Primary Inservice Teachers' Modelling the Hydrological Phenomena
Publication | In this International Journal of Science Education article, Tina Vo (2016-17 CADRE Fellow), Cory Forbes, Laura Zangori, and Christina Schwarz describe their work investigating teachers' conceptualizations and practice modeling water related phenomena over time. - Making Mathematical Thinking Visible
Publication | In this Educational Leadership article, Johannah Nikula, Jill Neumayer DePiper, and Mark Driscoll make that case that for English language learners, diagrams can be a powerful tool to develop and communicate mathematical understanding. - NSTA Outstanding Science Trade Books for Students
Awards & Recognition | Jessica Fries-Gaither's book Exemplary Evidence: Scientists and Their Data, was recognized by NSTA. - Supporting the Scientific Practices through Epistemologically Responsive Science Teaching
Publication | In this Journal of Science Teacher Education article, Leema Berland, Rosemary Russ, and Cori West present a theoretical argument that epistemologically responsive science teaching has the potential to scaffold student participation in the scientific practices.
News from NSF Networks
- Jan 23 at 1 pm ET: Join the Office Hour with NSF INCLUDES Program Officer Kurt Thoroughman | NSF INCLUDES
- Resources from the Impact Evaluation: Why, What, and How Webinar | EvaluATE
- Three Strategies for Preparing Teachers of Computer Science | CS for All Teachers
See our CADRE & NSF Network Events page for ATECentral, CIRCL, CAISE, CS for All Teachers, EvaluATE, NSF INCLUDES National Network or STELAR events that may be of interest to you.
Upcoming Opportunities
The following funding and publication opportunities, listed by deadline, may be of interest to you and your DRK-12 project members.
- January 13 - NSF | Cyberlearning for Work at the Human-Technology Frontier
- January 15 - NSF | ADVANCE: Organizational Change for Gender Equity in STEM Academic Professions (Full Proposal for Adaptation and Partnership Competition)
- January 31 - NSF | Accelerating Research through International Network-to-Network Collaborations (AccelNet)
- February 3 - NSF | Growing Convergence Research (GCR)
- February 11 - NSF | Computer Science for All (CSforAll:RPP)
- February 28 - NSF | EHR Core Research (ECR): Building Capacity in STEM Education Research (ECR: BCSER)
- March 10 - NSF | EPSCoR Research Infrastructure Improvement Track 4: EPSCoR Research Fellows (RII Track-4)
For more NSF funding opportunities, see CADRE's list of Upcoming NSF DRL EHR Solicitation Deadlines.
- January 1 - Journal of Mathematics Education Leadership | Spring 2020 Issue
- January 1 - Science & Children | Earth and Space Science for Young Learners
- January 1 - The Science Teacher | Equity for All
- January 15 - Connected Science Learning | Design Thinking: Human-Centered Science
- February 1 - Science & Children | Engaging Families in Science Learning
- February 1 - Science Scope | Using Literature in the Science Classroom
- February 1 - The Science Teacher | Evaluating Scientific Claims
- March 1 - Science Scope | Effective Classroom Strategies for Science for All
- March 1 - The Science Teacher | Interdisciplinary Science
- March 15 - Transactions on Computing Education | Re-Entering Computing through Emerging Technology (Extended abstract deadline)
- March 31 - Research in Science Education | Multimodal Meaning Making in Science
- April 1 - Journal of Mathematics Education Leadership | Summer 2020 Issue
- April 1 - Science & Children | Start with the Phenomena
- April 1 - Science Scope | Science Beyond the Classroom
- April 1 - The Science Teacher | STEM on a Shoestring
- April 15 - Connected Science Learning | Engaging Families in Science
- Ongoing - Educational Technology Research and Development | Special Issue Proposals
- Ongoing - The Elementary STEM Journal | STEM for All: Learning Opportunities
- Ongoing - Journal of Research on Technology in Education | Special Issue Proposals
- Ongoing - Research in Science Education | Special Issue Proposals
For other publication opportunities, including those with ongoing submissions, see CADRE's list of Publications for STEM Educators, Policymakers, and Researchers.
- January 1 - 2020 NCTM Annual Meeting & Exposition (Call for Proposals)
- January 13 - Connected Learning Summit 2020 (Call for Proposals)
- January 15 - 2020 NSTA Area Conferences (Call for Proposals)
- January 15 - EdMedia + Innovate Learning Conference (Call for Papers)
- February 1 - 2020 ASCD Conference on Teaching Excellence (Call for Proposals)
- February 4 - 2020 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (Call for Papers)
For more conference information, see CADRE's list of Conferences for STEM Educators, Policymakers, and Researchers.
- January 2 - Simon Fraser University: Assistant/Associate Professor of Technology & Learning Design
- Until filled - BSCS Science Learning: Science Educator, Professional Learning
- Until filled - Drexel University: Assistant/Associate Professor, Urban Teacher Education (Application review begins January 6)
- Until filled - McREL Research and Evaluation Jobs
- Until filled - New York University: Postdoctoral Scholar in Arts-Integrated Data Literacy (Application review began November 15)
- Until filled - Southern Methodist University, Research in Mathematics Education Department: Senior Research Specialist (Application submission before December 2 encouraged)
- Until filled - University of Arizona: Advanced Assistant/Associate/Full Professor of Learning Sciences (Application review began November 12)
- Until filled - University of Connecticut: Assistant/Associate Professor in Learning Sciences (Application review began October 28)
- Until filled - University of Georgia: Assistant Professor of Science Education
- Until filled - University of Kentucky: Assistant or Associate Professor in Science/STEM Education
- Until filled - University of Texas at Austin: Assistant/Associate Professor in STEM Education, Curriculum, and Instruction (Application review began November 5)
- Until filled - University of Wisconsin-Madison: Assistant Professor of Learning Sciences
- Until filled - Utah State University, Department of Instructional Technology and Learning Sciences: Assistant/Associate Professor (Application review began November 1)
- Until filled - Utah State University, Department of Instructional Technology and Learning Sciences: Professional Practice Assistant/Associate Professor (Application review began November 1)
In Case You Missed It
Highlights from recent newsletters and announcements:
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