January 2020 Newsletter

Dear Colleagues,

We are greatly saddened to share the news that Dr. Karen King passed away in December. Among her many accomplishments, Karen was a key DRK-12 and former CADRE program officer, as well as a generous contributor to the CADRE Fellows program. We know that many of you worked with her or were impacted by her work. We send our condolences to you and grieve the loss to the field. On February 3, NSF will be hosting a celebration of life for Karen.                                          

Watch your email over the next month for an invitation to register for the 2020 DRK-12 PI Meeting and the Call for Session Proposals. 

CADRE currently invites application submissions to the 2020 DRK-12 Postdoc Professional Growth Opportunity (deadline February 21). Read more below about this opportunity, which includes sponsored participation in the PI meeting. In other early career news, we want to congratulate former CADRE Fellow (2015-16) Maria Gonzalez-Howard on her new CAREER award!

Registration is also open for the STEM for All Video Showcase. View last year's DRK-12 video entries as you plan your own entry and prepare to engage a wide audience in your work. Visit the new Multiplex to view DRK-12 videos across the years. As you engage other audiences through DRK-12 publications, products, and presentations, don't forget to share the details with us by February 12 so that we can share this news in our February newsletter. We would love to help promote your products and activities.  

Earlier this month, NSF released the new CS for All solicitation which includes an additional strand for conducting research on the learning and teaching of computer science (deadline April 13). We invite you to learn about DRK-12 work in this area in our new Spotlight on Computer Science and Computational Thinking.


The CADRE Team

Spotlight on Computer Science and Computational Thinking

Computer Science

As the field of computer science grows and computing technology becomes increasingly prominent, helping students develop proficiency with computer science concepts and practices and computational ways of thinking has become a national priority. Preparing all students for a computer-driven future will require innovations in curriculum, assessment, and teaching.

In this Spotlight, Aankit Patel reflects on his experience working with teachers to implement equitable computer science education in New York City schools. In addition, DRK-12 projects discuss their work with K-12 students and teachers to promote computer science and computational thinking across academic disciplines.

In This Spotlight

Call for 2020 CADRE Postdoc Nominations

CADRE is inviting five postdoctoral researchers working in the field of STEM education research to participate in the 2020 CADRE Postdoc Professional Growth Opportunity. Selected postdocs will have the opportunity to network with other early career researchers, engage in informal mentoring with more experienced researchers, participate in capacity-building webinars on funding their research agenda, and attend the 2020 DRK-12 PI Meeting in Washington, D.C.

We invite PIs and co-PIs on active DRK-12 projects to nominate a postdoc in STEM education research who you think would benefit from this opportunity. The postdoc can be a member of your project team, someone in your department, or a postdoc with whom you've had the opportunity to work in a different capacity and can speak to the quality of their work. (Note: The nominating PI or co-PI does not have to attend the PI meeting.)  
Please invite your nominee to complete an application, which includes a personal statement, CV or resume, and a letter of recommendation from the nominating DRK-12 PI or co-PI. The deadline is February 21. 

2020 STEM For All Video Showcase and Multiplex

Video Showcase

Save the Date! The 2020 STEM For All Video Showcase will be held May 5-12. The video showcase is a great opportunity to present your work to a wide audience and to virtually learn about others' work in education research. Last year's video showcase had more than 70,000 visitors! Since the first video showcase in 2015, DRK-12 projects have presented 193 videos; 34 of those videos were recognized with awards. 
If you would like to present a video, registration is mandatory. Registration will close once it reaches capacity, so register as soon as possible to reserve your spot. Videos must be submitted by April 15. 
In related news, a new website was recently launched that offers the full collection of videos from the 2015-19 STEM For All Video Showcases. Called the Multiplex, the website enables users to better filter videos by interest across years, create video playlists, and add comments and questions to ongoing online discussions. The Multiplex will also host monthly themes. January's theme is Broadening Participation and features a blogcurated playlistwebinar on the topic, virtual discussion, and more.


Project Tip: Writing Effective Op-Eds

Consider writing an op-ed piece related to your work. The OpEd Project's Tips and Tricks offers advice on getting started, questions to guide your writing, tips on how to structure your piece, and hooks that grab readers' attention.  

More tips on writing op-eds can be found in the writing and publishing section of our Dissemination Toolkit. 

Newsbites from NSF, DRK-12, and NSF Networks

News from NSF

News from DRK–12 Projects & Awardees
Email cadre@edc.org to share news from your project.

News from NSF Networks

See our Upcoming CADRE & NSF Network Events page for ATECentral, CIRCL, CAISE, CS for All Teachers, EvaluATE, NSF INCLUDES National Network or STELAR events that may be of interest to you.

Upcoming Opportunities

The following funding and publication opportunities, listed by deadline, may be of interest to you and your DRK-12 project members. 


For other publication opportunities, including those with ongoing submissions, see CADRE's list of Publications for STEM Educators, Policymakers, and Researchers.

Conference Proposals

For more conference information, see CADRE's list of Conferences for STEM Educators, Policymakers, and Researchers.

Job Openings


In Case You Missed It

Highlights from recent newsletters and announcements:

A complete archive of our newsletters and announcements is available on cadrek12.org.

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