
CAREER Award Forum

STEM Categorization

This session focuses on the priorities and interests of CAREER awardees, including topics such as efficacy and effectiveness studies of STEM interventions in field settings, linking theories of change to variable selection, measure development, case studies, and other topics chosen by the participants.


Designing Multilevel Studies

STEM Categorization

Using practical training and STEM study examples, presenters provide training on planning efficient and effective impact studies in multilevel settings.


The purpose of this session is to train researchers in how to plan efficient and effective studies in multilevel settings (e.g., students nested within classrooms and schools) using several common designs.

Supports for Elementary Teachers Implementing the NGSS: Challenges and Opportunities across Science, Technology, and Engineering

STEM Categorization

Consider methods and challenges associated with supporting upper elementary teachers’ implementation of NGSS-based classroom interventions in this structured poster session.


In this structured poster session, a set of projects will present and discuss resources, models, and tools (RMTs) designed to support upper elementary teachers to implement an array of curricular and instructional interventions reflecting diverse disciplinary concepts and practices embodied in NGSS. The session aims to provide a forum for exploring diverse approaches to improving science in 3rd-5th-grade classrooms and engage in discussion about how these ideas can advance systemic efforts to support quality science instruction and student learning. 

Session Types

Leveraging Open Source Tools across NSF-funded Projects: Partnerships, Integration Models, and Developer Communities

STEM Categorization

Discuss the potential utility of CODAP and other open source tools in your work, effective cross-project partnerships, and supporting developer communities around open source materials.

Session Materials

Goal: Participants will explore the spectrum of “working together” from collaboration to community. Alongside participant examples, CODAP will be used as a model to explore the range of possibilities.

Objectives: That participants

Session Types

Infusing Engineering into Secondary-level Classes

STEM Categorization

Participants learn about approaches to infusing or integrating engineering concepts into secondary-level science classrooms and engage in an analysis of two projects’ products and outcomes.

Session Materials

The session will feature the experiences, outcomes, and materials from two engineering-oriented DR K-12 projects. The two projects, INFUSE and INSPIRES, use different approaches to teacher professional development with the goal of preparing science teachers to infuse or integrate engineering into their classrooms. They have both developed a unique set of materials designed to impact science and technology outcomes (working on a combination of curriculum development, professional development, and research).

Session Types

The Question of Dissemination: Using Video to Draw Broader Audiences to NSF Research

STEM Categorization

Consider the role project videos can play in dissemination of research with OSPrI describing their video experience, and NSF situating the work within their efforts to improve policymakers’ understanding of DR K–12 research and development.

Session Materials

A challenge for researchers and federal research funding institutions in the 21st century is how to get the word out on how research is pertinent and being used in by the field. According to Neild (2016, p1):

Session Types

Expanding Opportunities for STEM Teacher Leadership

STEM Categorization

Learn about issues, opportunities, and models of teacher leadership to create transformative learning environments and improve education policy and decision making.

Session Materials

Effective teachers are crucial to efforts in improving student learning in K-12 STEM education. Effective teaching may be enhanced through innovative professional development that takes into account the stage of a teacher’s career continuum and opportunities for teachers to use their knowledge and wisdom of practice in various leadership capacities.

Session Types

Game-Based Learning Assessments: Using Data from Digital Games to Understand Learning

STEM Categorization

Discover how digital games can inform classroom teaching using data from innovative formative assessments from three different game-based projects.


This session aims to open up a conversation about of how games can be used for formative assessment and how data from digital games can inform classroom teaching.

Session Types

Data-Intensive Research in Education: New Opportunities for Making an Impact

STEM Categorization

Join a facilitated discussion about the application of data science to education, drawing on a recent NSF-sponsored report. Participants share insights from DR K–12 projects.


The Computing Research Association’s report from an NSF-sponsored workshop describes seven next steps for data-intensive research in education:

Session Types

Federal Agency Funding Opportunities: Within and Beyond NSF

STEM Categorization
In a roundtable session, representatives from NSF’s Directorate for Education and Human Resources (EHR) programs, NIH, and ED discuss funding opportunities within their respective agencies.
Session Type
Session Types