
Teacher Cultivation of Classroom Statistical Modeling Practice: A Case Study

This report characterizes forms of dialogic support that a sixth-grade teacher generated during whole-class and small-group conversations to help students develop a practice of statistical modeling. During four weeks of instruction, students constructed and revised models to account for variability and uncertainty across a variety of random processes, many of which they experienced first-hand. Data sources for the research included field notes and video recordings of classroom conversations involving the teacher.


Panchompoo (Fai) Wisittanawat

Richard Lehrer

Lead Organization(s)
Short Description

This report characterizes forms of dialogic support that a sixth-grade teacher generated during whole-class and small-group conversations to help students develop a practice of statistical modeling.

Opening the Door to Data Science in STEM Classrooms

In today’s technologically complex and connected world, students’ needs to develop competencies and confidence with data have never been greater. A new On the Same Wavelength blog post shares work from a National Science Foundation project, Boosting Data Science Teaching and Learning in STEM. The authors describe effective practices for engaging all students with data in the classroom.

Perez , L. & Lionberger, K. (2023, May 3). Opening the door to data science in STEM classrooms. NextGenScience.


Leticia Perez

Karen Lionberger

Lead Organization(s)
Short Description

In today’s technologically complex and connected world, students’ needs to develop competencies and confidence with data have never been greater. The authors describe effective practices for engaging all students with data in the classroom.

Centering Educators’ Voices in the Development of Professional Learning for Data-Rich, Place-Based Science Instruction

This self-reflective case study describes our project team’s efforts to promote equity in science professional learning (PL) by centering the voices of educators in the PL design process and within the course itself. We believe that educators’ experiences, priorities, and expertise are essential to developing professional learning that meets the needs of teachers and their students. We have a particular interest in amplifying the voices of those in historically underrepresented communities.


Nicole Wong

Rasha Elsayed

Katy Nilsen

Leticia R. Perez

Kirsten R. Daehler

Lead Organization(s)
Short Description

This self-reflective case study describes our project team’s efforts to promote equity in science professional learning (PL) by centering the voices of educators in the PL design process and within the course itself. In this case study, we share and critique the practices and tools that we have employed to center educator voices, rather than those of the PL designers and researchers.

Teacher Innovator Interview: Rachel Folger

Rachel Folger laughs when she recounts the time one of the students in her eighth grade social studies class exclaimed, “Whoa, Ms. Folger! Did you know that this is just what we’re doing in math?” Rachel is thrilled that her students—who typically “walk through their day in these very isolated subject areas”—are making connections across the curriculum.


Concord Consortium

Lead Organization(s)
Short Description

Rachel Folger laughs when she recounts the time one of the students in her eighth grade social studies class exclaimed, “Whoa, Ms. Folger! Did you know that this is just what we’re doing in math?” Rachel is thrilled that her students—who typically “walk through their day in these very isolated subject areas”—are making connections across the curriculum.

Data Stories and Interdisciplinary Project-based Learning

The DataPBL project enlisted a team of teachers, data science educators, and researchers to co-design data experiences for the eighth grade Japanese American Internment curriculum module developed by EL Education. In the DataPBL version of the interdisciplinary project-based module, students analyze and visualize data in CODAP. Project research is studying how students tell stories with data and how this data storytelling contributes to students’ data agency and identity.


Joe Polman

Trang Tran

Kate Miller

Lead Organization(s)
Short Description

The DataPBL project enlisted a team of teachers, data science educators, and researchers to co-design data experiences for the eighth grade Japanese American Internment curriculum module developed by EL Education.

A Search for Data Offers a New Friendship and Answers to 8th Graders’ Questions

A curriculum developer on the DataPBL project details his journey searching for data about the Japanese American internment for 8th grade students to explore with CODAP.

Roderick, S. (July 6, 2023). A search for data offers a new friendship and answers to 8th graders’ questions. The Concord Consortium.


Steve Roderick

Lead Organization(s)
Short Description

A curriculum developer on the DataPBL project details his journey searching for data about the Japanese American internment for 8th grade students to explore with CODAP.

Online Teacher Professional Learning: An Approach to Foster Personalized Pathways

Teachers tend to be lifelong learners, motivated to pursue professional learning that is meaningful to their particular needs. In 2013, Marrongelle et. al., noted “it is incumbent on the field to capitalize on emerging technologies in the design and delivery of effective professional development.” (p. 208). While the past decade has seen an increase in development of opportunities for personalized learning for mathematics teachers online (e.g., Silverman & Hoyos, 2018), more work is needed to provide additional research-based opportunities.


Hollylynne S. Lee

Emily P. Thrasher

Matt Grossman

Gemma F. Mojica

Bruce Graham

Adrian Kuhlman

Short Description

The InSTEP professional learning platform aims to support grades 6-12 teachers’ professional learning in teaching statistics and data science through a personalized online learning platform. While statistics and data analysis are included in standards for both mathematics and science, there are also many states across the country envisioning high school course pathways that include a heavier emphasis on statistics and even stand alone courses on data science. In this brief research report, we aim to share how we have designed supports for teachers to personalize their professional learning and results from a collective case study of 37 participants engaged in a field test of the platform in Fall 2022.

Engagement in the InSTEP Professional Learning Platform: Developing Expertise to Teach Data and Statistics

In this study, 82 middle and high school teachers engaged with the InSTEP online professional
learning platform to develop their expertise in teaching data science and statistics. We
investigated teachers’ engagement within the platform, aspects of the platform that were most
and least effective in building teachers’ expertise, and the extent to which teachers’ self-efficacy
changed. Using mixed methods, we collected, analyzed and integrated multiple data sources.


Gemma F. Mojica

Emily Thrasher

Adrian Kuhlman

Bruce Graham

Hollylynne S. Lee

Michelle Pace

Short Description

In this study, 82 middle and high school teachers engaged with the InSTEP online professional
learning platform to develop their expertise in teaching data science and statistics. We
investigated teachers’ engagement within the platform, aspects of the platform that were most
and least effective in building teachers’ expertise, and the extent to which teachers’ self-efficacy

Opportunities for Research within the Data Science Education Community

This webinar provided early career data science education researchers with information on the state of the field; tools, curricula, and other resources for researchers; and insight into funding opportunities and proposal development. Participants explore topics, research interests, and problems of practice in more depth in breakout rooms with session leaders.


Katherine Miller, Chad Dorsey, The Concord Consortium; Kirsten Daehler, Leti Perez, WestEd; Kayla DesPortes, New York University; Nicholas Horton, Amherst College; Seth Jones, Middle Tennessee State University; Josephine Louie, Education Development Center; Josh Rosenberg, University of Tennessee, Knoxville; David Weintrop, University of Maryland

Lead Organization(s)
Short Description

This webinar provided early career data science education researchers with information on the state of the field; tools, curricula, and other resources for researchers; and insight into funding opportunities and proposal development. Participants explore topics, research interests, and problems of practice in more depth in breakout rooms with session leaders.

Preparing for a Data-Rich World: Civic Statistics Across the Curriculum

Civic Statistics by its nature is highly interdisciplinary. From a cross-curricular perspective, teaching and learning Civic Statistics faces specific challenges related to the preparation of teachers and the design of instruction. This chapter presents examples of how Civic Statistics resources and concepts can be used in different courses and subject areas. Because topical issues and current data are central to these resources, we recognise that the original ProCivicStat resources will become outdated in time.


Joachim Engel

Josephine Louie

Short Description

Civic Statistics by its nature is highly interdisciplinary. From a cross-curricular perspective, teaching and learning Civic Statistics faces specific challenges related to the preparation of teachers and the design of instruction. This chapter presents examples of how Civic Statistics resources and concepts can be used in different courses and subject areas.