
The Crisis You Can’t Plan For: K-12 Leader Responses and Organisational Preparedness During COVID-19

Unlike many types of educational crises, the COVID-19 pandemic was a crisis leaders could not have prepared for. But research is only starting to examine how leaders’ responses and organisational context have played a role. This mixed-methods study accordingly examines how leaders have mitigated challenges presented by the COVID-19 pandemic, and what local factors are most salient.


Craig De Voto

Benjamin M. Superfine

Short Description

Unlike many types of educational crises, the COVID-19 pandemic was a crisis leaders could not have prepared for. But research is only starting to examine how leaders’ responses and organisational context have played a role. This mixed-methods study accordingly examines how leaders have mitigated challenges presented by the COVID-19 pandemic, and what local factors are most salient.

Research and Product Dissemination and Sustainability: Approaches and Considerations

Many, if not most, DRK–12 projects grapple with challenges and opportunities related to dissemination and sustainability. Dissemination strategies to optimize the visibility of a project and reach of key research outputs may be part of a larger sustainability plan to support uptake of research products, models, and interventions and extend the impact of the project results.



Short Description

This document features issues and approaches that were discussed by a “critical friends group” in the process of providing input to a DRK-12 project on dissemination strategies. While not comprehensive, the considerations listed may serve as a reminder of what to think through when you are conceptualizing and designing your next research and development project.

From Pilots to Products: Notes from a Gathering of Researchers and Developers at the 2018 DRK-12 PI Meeting

This document captures the ideas and experiences shared by DRK–12 awardees who attended a forum to explore different routes toward product sustainability. It includes notes on types of DRK-12 products, use and adoption of products, resources needed to support dissemination and sustainability of products, sources of support, and indicators of successful product dissemination and sustainability.



Short Description

This document captures the ideas and experiences shared by DRK–12 awardees who attended a forum to explore different routes toward product sustainability. It includes notes on types of DRK-12 products, use and adoption of products, resources needed to support dissemination and sustainability of products, sources of support, and indicators of successful product dissemination and sustainability.

NSF Faculty Early Career Development Program (CAREER) Solicitation Deadline

Event Date
Sponsoring Organization

Learn more about the NSF Faculty Early Career Development Program  (CAREER) Program and solicitation here:


Event Type

Leveraging Open Source Tools across NSF-funded Projects: Partnerships, Integration Models, and Developer Communities

STEM Categorization

Discuss the potential utility of CODAP and other open source tools in your work, effective cross-project partnerships, and supporting developer communities around open source materials.

Session Materials

Goal: Participants will explore the spectrum of “working together” from collaboration to community. Alongside participant examples, CODAP will be used as a model to explore the range of possibilities.

Objectives: That participants

Session Types

Scientific Modeling across the K–12 Continuum: Alignment between Theoretical Foundations and Classroom Interventions

STEM Categorization

Explore methods and challenges associated with supporting and evaluating scientific modeling in K–12 classrooms in this structured poster session.


In this interactive panel symposium, presenters will draw from a set of active DR K-12 projects to explore a diverse array of resources, models, and tools (RMTs) designed to operationalize varying perspectives on scientific modeling in elementary, middle, and secondary classrooms across disciplinary domains.

Session Types

Preparing Teachers to Support Rich Disciplinary Discussions in Their Classrooms

STEM Categorization

Learn about pre- or in-service teacher education activities designed to support teacher facilitation of student disciplinary discussions through enactments that illustrate teacher education activities.

Session Materials

Often the most we know about our colleagues’ on-the-ground support of teachers is what we read in the methods sections of research articles, or what has been reified many times over in their published teacher learning materials. We rarely get to see, much less experience, one another’s approaches to supporting teachers. This session will open up the black-box of our work with teachers for discussion and scrutiny.

Session Types

Culturally Responsive Education

STEM Categorization

Review themes related to culturally responsive STEM instruction, and generate ideas for advancing research and practice in this area.


Broadening Participation — Making STEM Learning Relevant and Rigorous for All Students

This CADRE brief explores factors that contribute to opportunity gaps in STEM education based on race, ethnicity, gender, ability, and socioeconomic status. It showcases the work of several DR K-12 projects and describes promising approaches for removing barriers for underrepresented groups and enhancing the STEM learning of all students.



Short Description

This brief explores factors that contribute to opportunity gaps in STEM education based on race, ethnicity, gender, ability, and socioeconomic status. It showcases the work of several DR K-12 projects and describes promising approaches for removing barriers for underrepresented groups and enhancing the STEM learning of all students.