
Learning About Science Topics of Social Relevance Using Lower and Higher Autonomy-Supportive Scaffolds

Evaluation of plausible alternative explanations of scientific phenomena is an authentic scientific activity. Instructional scaffolding can facilitate students’ engagement in such evaluations by facilitating their reflections on how well various lines of scientific evidence support alternative explanations. In the present study, we examined two forms of such scaffolding, with one form providing more autonomy support than the other, to determine whether any differential effects existed between the two.


Eric C. Schoute

Janelle M. Bailey

Doug Lombardi

Short Description

Evaluation of plausible alternative explanations of scientific phenomena is an authentic scientific activity. Instructional scaffolding can facilitate students’ engagement in such evaluations by facilitating their reflections on how well various lines of scientific evidence support alternative explanations. In the present study, we examined two forms of such scaffolding, with one form providing more autonomy support than the other, to determine whether any differential effects existed between the two.

Learning About Science Topics of Social Relevance Using Lower and Higher Autonomy-Supportive Scaffolds

Evaluation of plausible alternative explanations of scientific phenomena is an authentic scientific activity. Instructional scaffolding can facilitate students’ engagement in such evaluations by facilitating their reflections on how well various lines of scientific evidence support alternative explanations. In the present study, we examined two forms of such scaffolding, with one form providing more autonomy support than the other, to determine whether any differential effects existed between the two.


Eric C. Schoute

Janelle M. Bailey

Doug Lombardi

Short Description

Evaluation of plausible alternative explanations of scientific phenomena is an authentic scientific activity. Instructional scaffolding can facilitate students’ engagement in such evaluations by facilitating their reflections on how well various lines of scientific evidence support alternative explanations. In the present study, we examined two forms of such scaffolding, with one form providing more autonomy support than the other, to determine whether any differential effects existed between the two.

Using Simulations to Support Students’ Conceptual Development Related to Wildfire Hazards and Risks from an Experiential Learning Perspective

From the experiential learning perspective, this study investigates middle and high school students (n = 1009) who used an online module to learn about wildfire hazards, risks, and impacts through computational simulations of wildfire phenomena. These students were taught by 18 teachers in urban, rural, and suburban schools across the United States. We analyzed students’ simulation behaviors captured in log files, responses to an assessment administered before and after the module, and demographic surveys, as well as teachers’ responses to a post-module implementation survey.


Trudi Lord

Paul Horwitz

Hee-Sun Lee

Amy Pallant

Christopher Lore

Lead Organization(s)
Short Description

From the experiential learning perspective, this study investigates middle and high school students (n = 1009) who used an online module to learn about wildfire hazards, risks, and impacts through computational simulations of wildfire phenomena.

Analysing Students' Concept Mapping Style and Its Association with Task Performance in Computer-based Inquiry Learning

In scientific inquiry learning, students often have difficulties conducting hypothetical reasoning with multiple intertwined variables. Concept maps have a potential to facilitate complex thinking and reasoning. However, there is little investigation into the content of student-constructed concept maps and its association with inquiry task performance.


Juanjuan Chen

Minhong Wang

Tina A. Grotzer

Chris Dede

Lead Organization(s)
Short Description

In scientific inquiry learning, students often have difficulties conducting hypothetical reasoning with multiple intertwined variables. Concept maps have a potential to facilitate complex thinking and reasoning. However, there is little investigation into the content of student-constructed concept maps and its association with inquiry task performance. This study explored students' concept mapping style and its association with task performance in computer-based inquiry learning.

Elementary Teachers as Collaborators: Developing Educative Support Materials for Citizen Science Projects

Science education is an important component of a full education beginning in primary grades. In recent decades, research has identified young learners’ rich knowledge of the natural world and their potential to connect with sophisticated science ideas. Elementary teachers face many challenges to implementing reform-based science instruction in their classrooms. Some teachers may choose to enhance their students’ science experiences by introducing them to citizen science (CS) projects.


Sarah J. Carrier

Lindsey H. Sachs

Jill M. McGowan

Meredith Hayes

P. Sean Smith

Christine L. Goforth

Sarah E. Safley

Short Description

Elementary teachers face many challenges to implementing reform-based science instruction in their classrooms. Some teachers may choose to enhance their students’ science experiences by introducing them to citizen science (CS) projects. Unfortunately, few CS projects offer substantial guidance for teachers seeking to implement the projects for instructional purposes, placing a heavy burden on teachers. To address these burdens, our research team collaborated with Teacher Advisory Group (TAG teachers) during the development and revision of educative support materials for two CS projects.

A Guide to Choosing Locally Relevant Citizen Science Projects for the Classroom

This Citizen Science Guide provides specific guidance on identifying relevant citizen science projects that fits an educators' curricular and instructional needs.


Malin Clyde

Haley Andreozzi

Lead Organization(s)
Short Description

This Citizen Science Guide provides specific guidance on identifying relevant citizen science projects that fits an educators' curricular and instructional needs.

The Schoolyard SITES Curriculum Workbook: A Design Process for Engaging Students in Citizen Science in Their Schoolyard


Lara Gengarelly

Erik Froburg

Malin Clyde

Haley Andreozzi

Lead Organization(s)
Short Description

Schoolyard SITES Curriculum Workbook includes a narrative description of the SITES professional development program and the Project Planning Guide.

Beach Profiler Grapher

Online plotter for historical data and student data collected using the Emery Method for beach profiling.


Project Team

Lead Organization(s)
Short Description

Online plotter for historical data and student data collected using the Emery Method for beach profiling.

Proportions Playground

Apps for examining proportional relationships of various kinds.


Proportions Playground Team

Short Description

Apps for examining proportional relationships of various kinds.

Proportions Playground

Apps for examining proportional relationships of various kinds.


Proportions Playground Team

Short Description

Apps for examining proportional relationships of various kinds.