This project hypothesizes that learners must have access to the real work of scientists if they are to learn both about the nature of science and to do inquiry themselves. It explores the question "How can informal science education institutions best design resources to support teachers, school administrators, and families in the teaching and learning of students to conduct scientific investigations and better understand the nature of science?"
Suzanne Wilson
Professional Title
About Me (Bio)
Dr. Suzanne M. Wilson is a Neag Endowed Professor of Teacher Education at the University of Connecticut in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction. Her undergraduate degree is in history and American Studies from Brown University; she also has a M.S. in Statistics and a Ph.D. in Psychological Studies in Education from Stanford University. She was a University Distinguished Professor in the Department of Teacher Education at Michigan State University, where she served on the faculty for 26 years. Her work spans several domains, including teacher learning, teacher knowledge, and the connection between educational policy and teachers’ practice. She has conducted research on history and mathematics teaching and has reviewed the literature on teacher professional development and teacher education. Her current work focuses on developing sound measures for tracking what teachers learn in teacher preparation, induction, and professional development programs. Her areas of expertise include: curriculum policy, history of teachers and teaching, mathematics reform, teacher assessment, teacher education and learning, teacher education policy, educational general and reform policy, scholarship of teaching, and the teaching of history.
American Museum of Natural History (AMNH), Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies, Michigan State University (MSU)
American Museum of Natural History (AMNH)
Schools and teachers face unprecedented challenges in meeting the ambitious goals of integrating core interdisciplinary science ideas with science and engineering practices as described in new standards. This project developed a middle school ecology unit and related teacher professional development to help high-need and urban middle school students, including English Language Learners, understand these ideas and related practices.