Lynch has also written articles on science teacher education policy and ability grouping. Her last major recent research project was Scaling up highly rated science curricula in diverse student populations: Using evidence to close achievement gaps, a $5M+ project funded by the NSF/Interagency Research Initiative. This project focused on implementation, feasibility, scale-up and sustainability issues for middle school science curriculum materials. An article summing up the results of that six year study will be published in February, 2012 in the Journal of Research in Science Teaching, and is entitled: A Retrospective View of a Study of Middle School Science Curriculum Materials: Implementation, Scale-up, and Sustainability in Changing Policy Environment.
Sharon Lynch is currently the PI on a new NSF DRK-12 project, called Opportunity Structures for Preparation and Inspiration (OSPrI). This research, currently in its first year (2011-12), focuses on inclusive STEM-focused high schools. It will select 12 exemplary schools from across the US, and conduct site-based structured case studies that include 10 candidate critical components of the selected schools. The goal is to provide rich cases that reflect the important attributes of the schools to the field, as well as to make comparisons across schools. The study will also focus on students’ experiences in the schools from students’ points of view.
Sharon Lynch is president-elect of the NARST (National Association of Research in Science Teaching), A Worldwide Organization for Improving Science Teaching and Learning Through Research. She serves on many national committees on science education and is a frequent contributor at national conferences.