Leveraging Open Source Tools across NSF-funded Projects: Partnerships, Integration Models, and Developer Communities

Discuss the potential utility of CODAP and other open source tools in your work, effective cross-project partnerships, and supporting developer communities around open source materials.


Goal: Participants will explore the spectrum of “working together” from collaboration to community. Alongside participant examples, CODAP will be used as a model to explore the range of possibilities.

Objectives: That participants

  1. Discuss their own experiences, successes, and frustrations with modes of cross-project collaboration.
  2. Understand what “open source” means and the opportunities for curriculum and software development that it offers.
  3. Experience CODAP as a data exploration environment, as embedded components of an online curriculum, and as a platform to build on.
  4. Contribute ideas to:
    • How to develop a community around CODAP
    • How and whether to generalize the CODAP model or other omdels of collaboration that have potential to extend the life and impact of our products

Structure: To introduce the session, panelists will describe the "working together spectrum" (giving examples where possible and appropriate), and participants will engage in small group discussions focused on: "What are some experiences you have had along this spectrum and what have been your joys and frustrations?" Small groups will identify questions that could be addressed by the larger group.

Panelists will briefly describe CODAP as a model, its place in the spectrum, and how it has been integrated into three NSF-funded projects (InquirySpace, Ocean Tracks, and Building Models), along with other possible modes of integration. Participants will also have a chance to try CODAP and describe their experiences.

Using the CODAP as one example, small groups will discuss any or all fo the following questions:

  1. Are there ways that you would like to make use of CODAP now, in the near future, or in the long term?
  2. How can the CODAP community best be developed?
  3. What are your thoughts now about the “working together spectrum?”
  4. In what ways might your plans for future work by influenced by this session?

Time will be reserved at the end for whole group discussion and questions.

Sample CODAP Documents:


Session Types