
Design Patterns for Assessing Model-Based Reasoning (Large-Scale Assessment Technical Report 6)

Understanding, exploring, and interacting with the world through models characterizes science in all its branches and at all levels of education.  Model-based reasoning is central to science education and thus science assessment.  Building on research in assessment, science education, and learning sciences, this report provides a set of desgin patterns to help assessment designers, researchers, and teachers create tasks for assessing aspects of model-based reasoning: Model Formation, Model Use, Model Elaboration, Model Articulation, Model Evaluation, Model Revision, and Model-Based Inquiry.


Mislevey, Robert

Riconscente, Michelle

Rutstein, Daisy


Conceptual Framework for Analyzing and Designing Illustrations in Science Assessment: Development and Use in the Testing of Linguistically and Culturally Diverse Populations

We present a conceptual framework for designing and analyzing illustrations used in science assessment. This conceptual framework is intended to help test developers to systematically create and examine illustrations used in science test items. Unlike previous approaches to examining illustrations, which rely on the use of vague or polysemic terms


Solano-Flores, Guillermo

Wang, Chao


Assembling Our Knowledge of Teacher Learning: The State of Our Understanding and Practices (Wilson)


Suzanne Wilson

Short Description

In this interactive talk, Wilson will ask each project to make explicit its assumptions about how teachers learn, the forces that matter the most, and how the logic and components of programs reflect those underlying assumptions. Wilson will then consider that array of assumptions in light of relevant scholarship on teaching quality and teacher learning.

About Standards, Possible Influences of DR-K12, and Synecdoche of X-County (Millman)


Richard Millman

Short Description

Join the panelists from the plenary presentation to continue conversations about common standards in each of the STEM disciplines.

A Design Pattern for Observational Investigation Assessment Tasks (Large Scale Assessment Technical Report 2)

The significance of inquiry skills is widely acknowledged in science practice across many areas.  Unlike experimentation, another form of inquiry skill, observational investigation has been much ignored in science education and thus science assessment.  Drawing on reserach development in assessment design, this report provides a design pattern to help assessment designers create tasks assessing students' complex scientific reasoning skills in observational investigation.  The design pattern lays out considerations regarding targeted knowledge and skills in this inquiry process, characterist


Mislevy, Robert

Liu, Min

Cho, Y.

Fulkerson, Dennis

Nichols, Paul

Zalles, Dan

Fried, Ron

Haertel, Geneva

Cheng, Britte

DeBarger, Angela

Villalba, Serena

Colker, Alexis

Haynie, Kathleen

Hamel, Larry


A Design Pattern for Experimental Investigation (Large-Scale Assessment Technical Report 8)

The significance of inquiry skills is widely acknowledged in science practice across many areas.  Carrying out experimental investigations is an indispensable element of scientific inquiry and, therefore, an important capability to assess.


Colker, Alexis

Liu, Min

Mislevy, Robert

Haertel, Geneva

Fried, Ron

Zalles, Dan


Using Rule Space and Poset-based Adaptive Testing Methodologies to Identify Ability Patterns in Early Mathematics and Create a Comprehensive Mathematics Ability Test


Presenters discuss creating and evaluating a substantial revision of an existing assessment of early mathematics using emerging, multidimensional, cognitive and psychometric, theoretical models.

Session Type
PI-organized Discussion

Advancing understanding of how early learning of mathematics progress is dependent on the development of good measures. Presenters of this session produced the “Research-based Early Mathematics Assessment” (REMA), and now better understand its limitations. They are now creating and evaluating a substantial revision of the REMA using emerging multidimensional theoretical models, both cognitive and psychometric. The development of this instrument will lead to substantive advances in the fields of mathematics education research, cognitive psychology, and psychometric theory. 

Technology-Enhanced STEM Assessment Research and Development: Findings and Futures


How have technology-enhanced assessment projects studied their technical quality, effectiveness, and feasibility? Four mature assessment projects share designs, research methods, findings, and challenges.

Session Type
PI-organized Discussion

This collaborative session brings together four mature projects that use different approaches to develop and validate technology-enhanced STEM assessments. Presenters share their designs, research findings, and implications for measuring STEM standards. All offer evidence addressing four questions: (1) What was the technical quality (reliability and validity) and effectiveness of the assessments for their intended purposes? (2) How feasible were the assessments to implement in classrooms? (3) How can the projects can be scaled up and sustained?