Student Materials, Professional Development, and Assessment Organized Around Habits of Mind in the CCSSM

Learn about three projects centered on algebraic habits of mind: a puzzle-centric curriculum for middle school and at-risk algebra students, professional development on the Standards for Mathematical Practice, and an assessment for teachers.


2014 Session Types
Collaborative Panel Session

Algebraic habits of mind, at the core of five of the Standards for Mathematical Practice, become both a potent and appealing intervention for at-risk algebra students and a solid prevention-model middle-school course either to accelerate algebra or to ensure success in a later algebra course. The session focuses on the habits of mind in that context, in related professional development work that addresses the Standards for Mathematical Practices, and on assessment of algebraic habits of mind in teachers.

Participants engage in some of the puzzles from the student materials, learn why puzzles (including Olympiad-like problems) are good both for the high and low performers of the class (and, by continuity, the middle as well). They see an emerging way to develop a focus on teachers’ algebraic habits of mind and to learn about research to design and refine an instrument to assess teachers’ mathematical habits of mind.