CIRCL Webinar: How to Use DIA2 to Target Your Proposal to NSF

As you work on preparing proposals to NSF, you might encounter questions such as: What programs have funded work in areas related to my topic? Who are other researchers working on topic X? Which program officers should I talk to about my interest in topic Y? With DIA2, you can find answers to these questions in seconds. DIA2 is a highly visual, easy to use tool for exploring NSF knowledge. Join us in a webinar led by Krishna Madhavan and Mihaela Vorvoreanu to learn how you can take advantage of this powerful knowledge mining and visual analytics tool.

The Pre‐Service STEM Teacher Education IUSE Webinar

The NSF Division of Undergraduate Education (DUE) is collaborating with the Virtual Faculty Collaborative (VFC), a partnership between AAAS, Louisiana State University, and Higher Education Services, to offer an IUSE webinar focusing on those interested in improving undergraduate education for pre-service STEM Teachers.

The Pre‐Service STEM Teacher Education IUSE Webinar will be held on Thursday, October 1, 2015, 2:00pm – 4:00pm (Eastern Time)

NSF Nuts & Bolts Webinar Slides and Recording

Slides and a recording of the NSF Nuts & Bolts webinar are now available. In this webinar, NSF Program Officer David Campbell introduces DR K-12 awardees to the ins and outs of project management, sharing information on evaluation and reporting, advisory boards, Institutional Review Boards (IRB), NSF Highlights, and more.…

AEA MSI Fellowship Application Deadline 9/22

CALL FOR APPLICATIONS: Minority Serving Institution Fellowship  | DEADLINE: September 22, 2015 

Are you a faculty member from a group traditionally under-represented in the applied social sciences? Are you looking for an opportunity to participate in professional development opportunities, expand your professional network, and improve your knowledge and understanding of topics related to evaluation, assessment, and applied research?

Environmental/Earth Science Projects and NGSS

The Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS), released in April of 2013, were developed based on the vision for science education described in the National Research Council's 2011 report, A Framework for K-12 Science Education. In this vision, students "actively engage in scientific and engineering practices and apply crosscutting concepts to deepen their understanding of the core ideas in these fields."

Cyberlearning 2016: Designing for Deeper, Broader, and More Equitable Learning

Event Date

The Cyberlearning 2016: Designing for Deeper, Broader, and More Equitable Learning will take place January 25-26, 2016 at the Westin Arlington Gateway in Arlington, VA. Approximately 150 leading researchers along with students, educators, designers, industry experts, and other stakeholders will work together for two days at Cyberlearning 2016 to accelerate the community's collective work and impact.

Event Type