David Yopp

Professional Title
Associate Professor of Mathematics Education
About Me (Bio)
I am interested the knowledge needed for effective mathematics instructional coaching. I am also interested in the roles and purposes of proof and reasoning in K-12 education and teacher training.
Citations of DRK-12 or Related Work (DRK-12 work is denoted by *)
  • Yopp, D. A., Ely, R., Adams, A. E., Nielsen, A. W., & Corwin, E. C. (2019). Eliminating counterexamples: A case study intervention for improving adolescents’ ability to critique direct arguments. The Journal of Mathematical Behavior, 57. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmathb.2019.100751.*
  • Yopp, D. A. (2017). Eliminating counterexamples: A Grade 8 student’s learning trajectory for contrapositive proving. The Journal of Mathematical Behavior, 45, 150-166.*
  • Yopp, D. A. & Ely, R. (2016). When Does an Argument Use a Generic Example? Educational Studies in Mathematics, 91(1), 27-53. DOI: 10.1007/s10649-015-9633-z.*
  • Adams, A. E., Ely, R., & Yopp, D. A. (2017). Viable Argument through Example Use: Assessing Student Work. Teaching Children Mathematics, 23(5), 293-300.*
Montana State University

This project conducts research on knowledge that contributes to successful coaching in two domains: coaching knowledge and mathematics content knowledge. The influence of these knowledge domains on both coaches and teachers is being examined in two ways: (1) by investigating correlations between assessments of coach and teacher knowledge and practice in each domain and (2) by investigating causal effects of targeted professional development for coaches.

University of Idaho (UI)

This project tests and refines a hypothetical learning trajectory and corresponding assessments, based on the collective work of 50 years of research in mathematics education and psychology, for improving students' ability to reason, prove, and argue mathematically in the context of algebra. The study produces an evidence-based learning trajectory and appropriate instruments for assessing it.

University of Idaho (UI)

This project builds on a prior study that demonstrated increases in students' knowledge of argumentation and their performance on mathematics assessments. The project will extend the use of the argumentation intervention into all eighth grade content areas, with a specific focus on students' learning of reasoning and proof, and contribute to understanding how students' learning about mathematical practices that can help them learn mathematics better.