Upcoming papers: American Society of Engineering Education Annual Conference, June 15-17, 2015, Seattle, WA

1. A. Brill, J. Listman, and V. Kapila, “Using Robotics as the Technological Foundation for the TPACK Framework in K-12 Classrooms,” Proc. Amer. Soc. Eng. Ed., Seattle, WA, June 2015. 20 pages. To appear.

2. M. Moorhead, J. Listman, and V. Kapila, “A Robotics-Focused Instructional Framework for Design-Based Research in Middle School Classrooms,” Proc. Amer. Soc. Eng. Ed., Seattle, WA, June 2015. 19 pages. To appear.

2015 NSF Teaching and Learning Video Showcase

The 2015 Teaching & Learning Video Showcase features 112 short videos on STEM education research & development. Forty-one of these 3-minute videos showcase the work of NSF's Discovery Research K-12 (DR K-12) program.  The interactive portion of the showcase was held May 11-15th, 2015. However, you can still view the videos and read the discussions that took place. 

Congratulations to the following DR K-12 videos that were recognized:

Dept of Ed Webinar

Dear Colleagues,

This year, Congress has appropriated $60 million to the Department of Education (ED) for the First in the World (FITW) grant competition, with a $16 million set-aside for Minority-Serving Institutions (MSI's).