Middle School

Leveraging Open Source Tools across NSF-funded Projects: Partnerships, Integration Models, and Developer Communities

STEM Categorization

Discuss the potential utility of CODAP and other open source tools in your work, effective cross-project partnerships, and supporting developer communities around open source materials.

Session Materials

Goal: Participants will explore the spectrum of “working together” from collaboration to community. Alongside participant examples, CODAP will be used as a model to explore the range of possibilities.

Objectives: That participants

Session Types

Exploring the Relationship between Rigorous Curriculum Materials and the Development of Ambitious Mathematics Instructional Practices

STEM Categorization

Hear the findings and perspectives of three projects investigating the impact of and challenges related to teachers’ use of ambitious instructional materials on their knowledge and practice.


This session will focus on implementations of curriculum materials, especially with regard to ambitious mathematics and pedagogy, and participants will consider how materials are interpreted and enacted, and the means of support that facilitate development of ambitious mathematics and pedagogy. Presenters from three DR K-12 projects will share frameworks and findings from their work, followed by participant discussion.

Session Types

District Leadership in Scaling Up Instructional Improvement

STEM Categorization

Learn about two projects’ findings on district leadership practices critical for scaling up ambitious mathematics instruction through teacher professional development. Share your own insights, challenges, and recommendations for scale-up. 


School districts play a critical role in supporting the development of school-level capacity for instructional improvement. Yet, our knowledge on what it takes to achieve district-wide improvement in mathematics instruction and student learning is still limited.  The objectives of this panel presentation are: 1) to share, compare, and discuss findings on district leadership for scaling up instructional improvement at various sites, and 2) to identify common aspects of district leadership critical for scaling up ambitious and equitable mathematics instruction. 

Session Types

Designing Tasks for Assessing Three-Dimensional Science Learning

STEM Categorization

Explore approaches and challenges to designing assessment tasks that integrate the three dimensions of science learning in this panel-led session.


A pressing need for science education researchers, as well as classroom teachers and assessment designers, is determining how to assess student learning in settings where instruction is aiming to meet the vision of the Framework for K-12 Science Education.

Session Types

Scientific Modeling across the K–12 Continuum: Alignment between Theoretical Foundations and Classroom Interventions

STEM Categorization

Explore methods and challenges associated with supporting and evaluating scientific modeling in K–12 classrooms in this structured poster session.


In this interactive panel symposium, presenters will draw from a set of active DR K-12 projects to explore a diverse array of resources, models, and tools (RMTs) designed to operationalize varying perspectives on scientific modeling in elementary, middle, and secondary classrooms across disciplinary domains.

Session Types

Improving Student Learning and Teacher Practice in Mathematics: A Focus on Formative Assessment

STEM Categorization

Join a discussion with panelists from several projects about project model designs, initial findings, and implementation challenges associated with formative assessment in mathematics.

Session Materials

In this session, four projects will share their work on formative assessment and mathematics learning trajectories, and participants will discuss the implications for formative assessment practices in mathematics.

Session Types

Expanding Opportunities for STEM Teacher Leadership

STEM Categorization

Learn about issues, opportunities, and models of teacher leadership to create transformative learning environments and improve education policy and decision making.

Session Materials

Effective teachers are crucial to efforts in improving student learning in K-12 STEM education. Effective teaching may be enhanced through innovative professional development that takes into account the stage of a teacher’s career continuum and opportunities for teachers to use their knowledge and wisdom of practice in various leadership capacities.

Session Types

Projects Supporting Linguistically Diverse Students

STEM Categorization

Join a discussion about how ELL projects approach challenges associated with recruitment of teachers; build trust and administrative support; develop partnerships between institutions and schools; and disseminate.


Culturally Responsive Education

STEM Categorization

Review themes related to culturally responsive STEM instruction, and generate ideas for advancing research and practice in this area.


Argumentation and Discourse

STEM Categorization

Join a discussion about models for teaching and learning argumentation and discourse in mathematics, including implications for teacher practice, classroom structure, and the nature of students’ learning.

Session Materials
Presenter Reflections

David Yopp, University of Idaho | June 22, 2016

This session’s conversation focused on ways of viewing argumentation and how argument produces as the content to be learned.

Participants discussed examples (e.g., rational and irrational numbers, solving equations, and natural number operations) in Common Core where the argument students produce is the content. Understanding these concepts included understanding arguments that represent the concept, and these arguments provide access to mathematical notions that have no physical expression.

For example, numbers are classified as rational or irrational through an argument. An arguer might classify a radical as an irrational number by arguing that the radical cannot be expressed as the quotient of integers. When a linear equation is solved and a solution is found, the solution process can be viewed as an argument: that there exist a unique solution. The concept of "solving equations" is represented by this argument.

Following discussion of these examples, participants asked themselves what other areas of content could be viewed as an argument.