2023 DRK-12 PI Meeting

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The 2023 DRK-12 PI Meeting provided opportunities for learning, networking, and substantive conversations for approximately 300 DRK–12 project leaders, NSF program directors, and CADRE Fellows.


The meeting agenda included the following focal areas:

  • Attending to Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Justice in Our Work and Relationships
  • Responding to the Changing Education and Research Environment
  • Building Partnerships and Collaborating
  • Making an Impact and Disseminating our Research and Products to Various Audiences
  • Building on Our Work
  • Innovations in Interdisciplinary Subjects
  • Designing and Conducting Research Projects


CADRE worked closely with the 2023 DRK-12 PI Meeting Planning Committee to design a meeting that offered many opportunities for meeting participants to engage in discussion about current and future STEM education research, share their work, and network. The committee members included:

Marta Civil, Professor, The University of Arizona | Bio

Cory Forbes, Fenton Wayne Robnett Professor of Science Education and Chair, Dept. of Curriculum and Instruction, University of Texas at Arlington | Bio

Lama Jaber, Associate Professor, Florida State University | Bio

Hollylynne Lee, Interim Associate Dean, Friday Institute, and Distinguished Professor of Mathematics and Statistics Education, NC State University | Bio

Eve Manz, Associate Professor of Education, Boston University | Bio

Amber Willis, Program Director, Deans for Impact | Bio

Charlies Xie, Founder, President & CEO, Institute for Future Intelligence | Bio