Designing Tasks for Assessing Three-Dimensional Science Learning

Explore approaches and challenges to designing assessment tasks that integrate the three dimensions of science learning in this panel-led session.


A pressing need for science education researchers, as well as classroom teachers and assessment designers, is determining how to assess student learning in settings where instruction is aiming to meet the vision of the Framework for K-12 Science Education. In this interactive panel session, several DR K-12 projects will explore approaches and challenges to designing science tasks that assess student proficiency with new science learning goals that focus on making sense of phenomena or design solutions to problems by integrating disciplinary core ideas, crosscutting concepts, and science and engineering practices. Goals for the session include: 1) grappling with the “why and how” of designing tasks for three-dimensional learning, 2) considering what a range of tasks for classroom assessment might look like, and 3) engaging in facilitated discussion about key questions and issues surrounding developing assessment for 3-dimensional learning. Together, panelists and presenters will examine questions such as:

  • What is three-dimensional learning and how does it relate to the vision put forth in the Framework?
  • What are key challenges in designing assessment tasks that meet the vision of the Framework?

Following an introduction to the overarching assessment challenges and framing questions, panelists will provide overviews of their work. Panelists and participants will then review technology-enhanced assessment tasks and engage in whole-group, facilitated reflective discussion. 

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