
Dear Colleagues, As summer winds down and the school year is upon us, we hope you’ve had some time to relax and are happily anticipating the opportunities ahead. In that vein, CADRE is excited to announce the 2023…
September's Multiplex theme and expert panel webinar was organized by CADRE and the STEM for All Multiplex teams. Through a blog, video playlist, and upcoming webinar, we will explore and share different ways to support…
CADRE is now accepting applications for the 2023 Fellows program.  The CADRE Fellows program provides professional growth opportunities for early career professionals in the field of preK-12 STEM education research.…
NSF will host an informational webinar Oct 4, 2022, 11:30 AM Eastern Time on the recently posted NSF Dear Colleague Letter on Advancing Educational Innovations and Broadening Participation in STEM with Blockchain…
Dear Colleagues, CADRE is excited to announce that we’re now accepting applications for the 2023 CADRE Fellows program! This program offers mentorship and community building for early career scholars and seeks to increase…
Learn about the Racial Equity in STEM Education (EHR Racial Equity) | NSF - National Science Foundation in two upcoming webinars: EHR Racial Equity Solicitation Overview Webinar Registration - Zoom (…
Dear Colleagues, As we enter Year 2 of our current CADRE project, we are excited to build off of our previous work and offer support to a new cohort of early career scholars through the CADRE Fellows. (Watch for an…
The National Science Foundation (NSF) and Partnership for Expanding Education Research in STEM (PEERS) Data Hub have joined efforts to support education and data science researchers to extend their scholarship by hosting a…
The following notification was sent out by the National Science Foundation: We are pleased to announce that a revised version of the NSF Proposal & Award Policies & Procedures Guide (PAPPG) (NSF 23-1) has been…
The National Science Foundation (NSF) seeks a Deputy Division Director at Division of Research on Learning in Formal and Informal Settings. Learn more and apply:
Dear Colleagues, This month’s newsletter includes a Spotlight on projects researching artificial intelligence (AI) in STEM teaching, learning, and assessment. It sheds light on directions in AI education research and…
CADRE is pleased to host the 2023 DRK–12 PI Meeting on June 28–30 at the Hyatt Regency Crystal City in Arlington VA. CADRE and the PI meeting planning committee invite session proposals. Please read the complete Call for…
NSF's Division of Research and Learning in Formal and Informal Settings (DRL) is seeking program director(s) with expertise in research on science education in preK-12 formal or informal settings.
Dear Colleagues, As we near the end of 2022, CADRE is taking a look back at the past year of DRK-12 ideas and resources that made an impact and taking note of some of the important influences on STEM education research.…
Image Do you want to introduce video approaches into your research or figure out new strategies for recording and analyzing video data?  In the first webinar of…
Please join us in welcoming the 2023 CADRE Fellows: Naomi Blaushild, The Learning Partnership Kyalamboka Brown, Stanford University Hannah Cooke, University of Connecticut Arsene Frederic Jr., Howard University Kelly-Ann…
NSF is seeking qualified candidates for multiple Science Education Administrator (Program Director) positions for the Division of Research and Learning in Formal and Informal Settings in Alexandria, VA. Candidates should…
NSF implemented revised versions of the Biographical Sketch and Current and Pending (Other) Support formats for consistency with the Proposal and Award Policies and Procedures Guide (PAPPG) (NSF 23-1). The requirement to…
A new Dear Colleague Letter from NSF announces a $6 million Visionary Interdisciplinary Teams Advancing Learning (VITAL) Prize Challenge. Learn more:…
Dear Colleagues, Happy New Year! As we look at our plans for 2023—including the CADRE Learning Series, CADRE Fellows program, 2023 DRK-12 PI Meeting, new outreach, topical groups, and more—we are excited to continue…
Dear Colleagues, NSF has asked us to share your professional news on a timely and regular basis, and we need your help. Please let us know—now and throughout the year— if you’ve received an accolade or other…
CADRE Learning Series: Partnerships in Research Developing and maintaining partnerships is a necessary component of education research. During Part 1 of this webinar series, learn how researchers are approaching…
NSF seeks to hire temporary program directors with education research or development expertise in one or more of the following areas: 1) Equity in STEM: diversity, equity, inclusion and access in preK-12 and informal…
Dear Colleagues, Thank you to those who have completed the survey we recently sent to gather information about DRK-12 projects. The majority of results are aggregated, but we have also collected information about DRK-12…
The Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Program is a Foundation-wide activity that offers the National Science Foundation's most prestigious awards in support of early-career faculty who have the potential to serve…
NSF has posted a new Dear Colleague Letter (DCL): Supporting Knowledge Mobilization for PreK-12 and Informal STEM Learning and Teaching. The DCL "encourages submissions to programs within the Directorate for STEM…
NSF has posted Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) On Proposal Preparation and Award Administration Related to NSF Proposal & Award Policies & Procedures Guide (PAPPG) (NSF 23-1). View this and other proposal related…
Dear Colleagues, The DRK-12 program has funded projects that research innovative approaches to providing equitable and high-quality STEM education opportunities to rural students, such as place-based learning, online…
Dear Colleagues, Administrators and teacher leaders have distinct roles when it comes to leading and carrying out STEM teaching and learning. They discuss the vision for and implementation of instruction, how to use data…
NSF has released the DRK-12 NSF 23-596 solicitation. Proposals are due on November 8, 2023. Review What's New including: New Partnership Development project type; Emphasis on a programmatic commitment to research in…
CADRE will host NSF-led informational sessions on the new DRK-12 Solicitation 23-596. If you are planning to submit a DRK-12 proposal (deadline November 8, 2023), we encourage you to register and attend one of…
Dear Colleagues, We are delighted to be back with our newsletter after taking a brief hiatus last month to focus on the 2023 DRK-12 PI Meeting. It was a pleasure to see both familiar and new faces at the event. We thank…
Join one of the upcoming office hour-style webinars for an opportunity to interact with NSF program officers in small groups and get answers to your questions regarding the DRK-12 solicitation and proposal process. These…
CADRE is now accepting applications for the 2024 Fellows program. The CADRE Fellows program provides professional growth opportunities for early career professionals in the field of preK-12 STEM education research. Through…
Dear Colleagues, CADRE introduces our new report, Classroom-Based STEM Assessment: Contemporary Issues and Perspectives. This report highlights the latest insights from DRK-12 program-funded research and underscores the…
Image CADRE is pleased to announce the release of a new report, which highlights the latest insights from DRK-12 program-funded research and underscores the union of…
Image Many DRK-12 projects seek to document changes in classroom instruction. To that end, researchers often seek to use or create reliable instructional observation…
Dear Colleagues, A recent budget memo outlines US priorities for research and development (R&D) in fiscal year 2025, emphasizing a range of sectors including artificial intelligence, economic competitiveness, social…
Dear Colleagues, This month’s Spotlight on Research and Practice Partnerships highlights current DRK-12 project work and the pivotal role of partnerships in advancing our understanding of effective teaching and learning…
The National Science Foundation (NSF) seeks reviewers for its Discovery Research in PreK-12 (DRK-12) program. If you or your research partners are interested in serving, please fill out or forward this survey: https://…
Dear Colleagues, Congratulations to those of you who submitted a DRK-12 proposal. We have our fingers crossed for your success. If you didn't submit, we encourage you to consider serving in a reviewer capacity. It's not…
Please join us in welcoming the 2024 CADRE Fellows: Miranda M. Allen, Texas Tech University Jerome Amedu, University of New Hampshire Fangxing Bai, University of Cincinnati Tajma A. Cameron, Drexel University Destinee…
Dear Colleagues, As we end 2023, we want to thank all of you who shared your research and what you’re learning about preK-12 STEM education (e.g., through project Spotlights, the DRK-12 PI Meeting, and the assessment…
The National Science Foundation (NSF) is partnering with the Institute of Education Sciences (IES) to fund a Research and Development Center on Improving Outcomes in Elementary Science Education (Solicitation 84.305C RFA…
Recognizing the unique assets and needs of rural schools, DRK-12 researchers are working in partnerships with rural communities across the U.S. to support STEM education. In Part 1 of this Learning Series, researchers…
The National Science Foundation (NSF) has posted a notice establishing guidelines for the use of generative artificial intelligence technology by reviewers and proposers:…
NSF recently released a  revised version of the Proposal & Award Policies & Procedures Guide (PAPPG) (NSF 24-1). The new PAPPG will be effective for proposals submitted or due on or after May 20,…
Happy 2024 DRK-12 PI Community! Letter from NSF Program Directors While we are starting a new year, we would like to acknowledge your remarkable efforts and unwavering commitment to fostering excellence in STEM education…
Dear Colleagues, This month’s Spotlight on Social Studies and STEM Integration showcases how educators and researchers are melding history, geography, economics, and civics with STEM to support real-world applications,…
Dear Colleagues, Here in New England, where CADRE is headquartered, spring is trying hard to break through winter’s hold. We hope that as many of you head out for spring conferences, you encounter great weather for travel…