October 2022 Newsletter

Dear Colleagues,

As we enter Year 2 of our current CADRE project, we are excited to build off of our previous work and offer support to a new cohort of early career scholars through the CADRE Fellows. (Watch for an announcement of the new cohort in the November newsletter.) We are also planning new CADRE Learning Series on topics that leverage the expertise in DRK-12 on designing and leading research projects, as well as ways to support prospective awardees with proposal development and project design. And we are looking forward to bringing our community together for the 2023 DRK-12 PI Meeting, leading topical groups to advance what we’re learning through DRK-12 research, and more! The input you provided in response to our recent surveys helps us to focus these efforts in areas of most interest to you. We hope you’ll get involved in our activities, and we look forward to your continued feedback!

In this month’s Spotlight, members of projects describe ways that they are addressing social-emotional learning for teachers and/or students either explicitly or through related experiences and skill building. And in honor of National Hispanic Heritage Month and Indigenous Peoples’ Day, we invite you to learn more about the DRK-12 projects studying teaching and/or learning in support of Hispanic and Latino or Indigenous peoples.

In policy news, Arati Prabhakar has been confirmed to be director of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, and is the first woman and the first person of color in that position. The 2022 EHR Fall Advisory Committee Meeting will be held November 9–10, 2022. The theme of the meeting is Building and Strengthening Pathways to a STEM Literate Citizenry and Workforce. Register to attend. In related news, NSF announced yesterday that they are changing the name of the Directorate for Education and Human Resources to the Directorate for STEM Education (EDU)!

The CADRE Team

Social-Emotional Learning | Spotlight

Students smiling at the camera with arms around each other

The role of social-emotional learning in education is receiving attention in schools, news, and research, including how it can help students and teachers cope post-pandemic and lead to improved academic outcomes. The Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL) defines social-emotional learning as “the process through which all young people and adults acquire and apply the knowledge, skills, and attitudes to develop healthy identities, manage emotions and achieve personal and collective goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain supportive relationships, and make responsible and caring decisions.”

In this Spotlight, read how four DRK-12 projects are incorporating social-emotional learning (SEL) skills into their STEM education research and development and find related resources about SEL.

In this Spotlight:

Project Tip: Find Upcoming Events and Opportunities on CADRE's Calendar

Keep up to date with the following resources that we regularly update and post on the cadrek12.org website's calendar:

CADRE, NSF & NSF Network Events
Browse upcoming events hosted by NSF and NSF Networks (CADRE, ATE Central, CAISE, CIRCL, CS for All, NSF INCLUDES, STELAR) and view archived CADRE events, such as the DRK-12 PI meeting.

Upcoming Funding, Publication, and Career Opportunities for STEM Education Researchers
In addition to a list of new opportunities listed by deadline and updated monthly, CADRE also offers curated lists of:


News from NSF

News from NSF Networks

News from DRK-12 Projects and Awardees


Do you have news to share? Email cadre@edc.org.

Upcoming Opportunities

The following funding and publication opportunities, listed by deadline, may be of interest to you and your DRK-12 project members.


For more NSF funding opportunities, see CADRE's list of Upcoming NSF DRL EHR Solicitation Deadlines.


For other publication opportunities, including those with ongoing submissions, see CADRE's list of Publications for STEM Educators, Policymakers, and Researchers.
For more conference information, see CADRE's list of Conferences for STEM Educators, Policymakers, and Researchers.

Career & Professional Development

For job, funding, and capacity-building opportunities for doctoral students, postdocs, and other early career scholars, visit our Early Career News & Opportunities page.
A complete archive of our newsletters and announcements is available on cadrek12.org.

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