
Summer 2010 Newsletter Greetings from CADRE Dear Colleagues, Summer is coming to an end, and CADRE is planning the 2010 DR K-12 PI meeting. Scheduled for Dec. 1-3 in D.C., we are trying hard…
October 2021 Newsletter Dear Colleagues, This month we begin accepting applications for the CADRE Fellows Program. We’ve made some exciting changes to the program. We’re combining the Fellows…
November 2021 Newsletter Dear Colleagues, CADRE is excited to plan and offer new supports for DRK-12 awardees. Please take our survey on your professional interests and needs, if you haven't…
Winter 2011 Newsletter Greetings from CADRE Dear Colleagues, With the December PI meeting behind us, we are now planning some follow-up support for grantees who participated in special…
Summer 2011 Newsletter Greetings from CADRE Dear Colleagues, CADRE Advisory BoardWe recently met with our national advisory group and as always, found their guidance and counsel to be very…
Fall 2011 Newsletter Dear Colleagues: CADRE has had a busy summer and fall, and you will read about some of our activities in this newsletter. DR K-12 PIs, please watch your email for the…
December 2021 Newsletter Dear Colleagues, This month, we’re taking a pause from our standard articles to reflect on 2021, highlight resources and information that the DRK-12 community found…
January 2022 Newsletter Dear Colleagues, In this month’s newsletter, we are excited to announce the 2022 CADRE Fellows! Thank you to the reviewers who helped identify this year’s cohort from…
February 2022 Newsletter Dear Colleagues, We’re excited to announce upcoming CADRE events. We launch our first Learning Series next month. The series will give our community the opportunity…
March 2022 Newsletter Dear Colleagues, As we welcome the spring season, we also welcome a new group of DRK-12 awardees. Congratulations to the recent CAREER and RAPID award winners! Our…
April 2022 Newsletter Dear Colleagues, We thank all of you who completed our recent survey of DRK-12 projects. Based on the results, we’re taking an initial look at the ways DRK-12 projects…
May 2022 Newsletter Dear Colleagues, More than 40 DRK-12 projects presented videos in the recent STEM For All Video Showcase. It isn’t too late to view those videos to learn about current work…
June 2022 Newsletter Dear Colleagues, Happy summer, and welcome to the most recent new awardees! For those preparing to submit proposals for the next DRK-12 deadline (October 5, 2022), we…
July 2022 Newsletter Dear Colleagues, NSF receives many Design and Development proposals but fewer DRK-12 proposals for Exploratory projects. This month we're featuring a Spotlight on…
August 2022 Newsletter Dear Colleagues, As summer winds down and the school year is upon us, we hope you’ve had some time to relax and are happily anticipating the opportunities ahead. In…
September 2022 Newsletter Dear Colleagues, CADRE is excited to announce that we’re now accepting applications for the 2023 CADRE Fellows program! This program offers mentorship and community…
October 2022 Newsletter Dear Colleagues, As we enter Year 2 of our current CADRE project, we are excited to build off of our previous work and offer support to a new cohort of early career…
November 2022 Newsletter Dear Colleagues, This month’s newsletter includes a Spotlight on projects researching artificial intelligence (AI) in STEM teaching, learning, and assessment. It…
December 2022 Newsletter Dear Colleagues, As we near the end of 2022, CADRE is taking a look back at the past year of DRK-12 ideas and resources that made an impact and taking note of some of…
January 2023 Newsletter Dear Colleagues, Happy New Year! As we look at our plans for 2023—including the CADRE Learning Series, CADRE Fellows program, 2023 DRK-12 PI Meeting, new outreach,…
February 2023 Newsletter Dear Colleagues, NSF has asked us to share your professional news on a timely and regular basis, and we need your help. Please let us know—now and throughout the year…
March 2023 Newsletter Dear Colleagues, Thank you to those who have completed the survey we recently sent to gather information about DRK-12 projects. The majority of results are aggregated,…
April 2023 Newsletter Dear Colleagues, The DRK-12 program has funded projects that research innovative approaches to providing equitable and high-quality STEM education opportunities to rural…
May 2023 Newsletter Dear Colleagues, Administrators and teacher leaders have distinct roles when it comes to leading and carrying out STEM teaching and learning. They discuss the vision for…
July 2023 Newsletter Dear Colleagues, We are delighted to be back with our newsletter after taking a brief hiatus last month to focus on the 2023 DRK-12 PI Meeting. It was a pleasure to see…
August 2023 Newsletter Dear Colleagues, CADRE introduces our new report, Classroom-Based STEM Assessment: Contemporary Issues and Perspectives. This report highlights the latest insights from…
September 2023 Newsletter Dear Colleagues, A recent budget memo outlines US priorities for research and development (R&D) in fiscal year 2025, emphasizing a range of sectors including…
October 2023 Newsletter Dear Colleagues, This month’s Spotlight on Research and Practice Partnerships highlights current DRK-12 project work and the pivotal role of partnerships in advancing…
November 2023 Newsletter Dear Colleagues, Congratulations to those of you who submitted a DRK-12 proposal. We have our fingers crossed for your success. If you didn't submit, we encourage you…
December 2023 Newsletter Dear Colleagues, As we end 2023, we want to thank all of you who shared your research and what you’re learning about preK-12 STEM education (e.g., through project…
January 2024 Newsletter Happy 2024 DRK-12 PI Community! Letter from NSF Program Directors While we are starting a new year, we would like to acknowledge your remarkable efforts and…
February 2024 Newsletter Dear Colleagues, This month’s Spotlight on Social Studies and STEM Integration showcases how educators and researchers are melding history, geography, economics, and…
March 2024 Newsletter Dear Colleagues, Here in New England, where CADRE is headquartered, spring is trying hard to break through winter’s hold. We hope that as many of you head out for spring…
April 2024 Newsletter Dear Colleagues, Family and community engagement in education can contribute to positive student outcomes. Read how projects featured in this month’s Spotlight are…
May 2024 Newsletter Dear Colleagues, In this newsletter, we focus on project development, specifically highlighting insights and expertise from your DRK-12 and NSF colleagues, in preparation…
June 2024 Newsletter Dear Colleagues, As we inch closer to the next DRK-12 proposal submission deadline on November 13, we’ve been featuring resources and events that may inform those who are…
Winter 2012 Newsletter Dear Colleagues: Just a reminder that the 2012 DR K-12 PI Meeting will be held June 13-15th at the Hyatt Regency Crystal City in Arlington, VA. Registration will open in…
Fall 2012 Newsletter Dear Colleagues: This is our first "formal" opportunity to welcome new DR K-12 PIs, and welcome back those of you who we haven't seen since the June PI Meeting. Thanks to…
Winter 2013 Newsletter Dear Colleagues, CADRE's work this year is largely focused on dissemination, and we are pleased to send you this quarterly CADRE newsletter that highlights efforts and…
Spring/Summer 2013 Newsletter Dear Colleagues, We are writing to wish you a good summer, inform you of new resources, and let you know what we'll be working on in the coming months. We have…
Fall 2013 Newsletter Dear Colleagues, While the policy context seems to change almost daily, those of us in the field continue to work on our NSF awards with the same commitment, focus, and…
Winter 2014 Newsletter Dear Colleagues: I am writing to let you know that we are in discussion with NSF  about organizing a 2014 DR K-12 PI meeting, preferably in early August. While there has…
Fall 2014 Newsletter Dear Colleagues: At the recent PI meeting, I mentioned that we were hopeful, but had not received official notification of funding. (You know this feeling!) We are pleased…
Winter 2015 Newsletter Dear Colleagues: The CADRE team wishes you a productive professional year in 2015! In the fall, we welcomed the newest cohort of Fellows to the CADRE community. They are…
Spring 2015 Newsletter Dear Colleagues: With spring almost here and preparation for conferences underway, we are all thinking more about dissemination strategies. Let us help you! Send us a…
Lisa Lamb
Lisa Lamb Email Discipline Specialist (Education) Associate Professor San Diego State…
Associate Professor
Leslie Lancaster University of Pittsburgh (Pitt)
Michael Lang Email Administrator PI-NSF Communication In Science Inquiry Project Maricopa…
PI-NSF Communication In Science Inquiry Project
John Lannin Email Assistant Professor University of Missouri…
Assistant Professor
Douglas Lapp Central Michigan University