Dear Colleagues,
This newsletter highlights the work of DRK-12 projects, particularly those developing products for the practice of scientific modeling and several mathematics projects featured in an AERA session organized by CADRE. Thank you to the awardees who contributed to these efforts to spread the word about what we are learning and producing through DR K-12 projects.
Congratulations to those of you who are hearing about your newly awarded DRK-12 grants. When the majority of 2017 awards have been made in the coming months, CADRE will send a special newsletter to introduce the new awardees.
We hope you check your Inboxes this summer for that announcement and these upcoming products, developed with the CADRE community: 1) a DRK-12 working group synthesis of existing and emerging design principles for online and blended professional development; and 2) a guide for early career STEM education researchers and those who mentor them. To give you a taste of the latter, we have included one of the tip sheets in this newsletter.
The CADRE Team
STEM Practices: Scientific Modeling
CADRE's newest Spotlight showcases DR K-12 work on modeling in science education. It features a video in which PIs Dan Damelin, Cory Forbes, and Brian Reiser clarify the definition of scientific models, discuss their importance, and describe their potential role in teaching and learning science.
The spotlight also features an assortment of project-developed products to support students' use of models in the science classroom:
Elementary School
Elementary & Middle School Middle School |
Middle & High School
High School |
Practitioner Outreach
From 2011-2016, CADRE organized nine STEM Smart workshops across the U.S., which brought practitioners, district leaders, and administrators together around STEM education topics. Many workshop sessions were led by DR K-12 researchers and featured their projects' resources, models, and tools. To continue the conversation and sharing of resources, CADRE disseminates a STEM Smart newsletter featuring DR K-12 products and opportunities around different themes of work, such as:
- Engineering (April 2017)
- Early Childhood (May 2017)
- Scientific Modeling (June 2017)
If you have ideas for a theme, or would like to share a resource or opportunity from your work, email We welcome your input!
2017 STEM For All Video Showcase
The 3rd annual STEM for All Video Showcase featured the work of 35 DR K-12 projects.Congratulations to the following DR K-12 videos that were recognized:
- Facilitators' choice: EcoXPT, PlantingScience Digging Deeper
- Public choice: Creating Opportunities in an Inclusive STEM High School
- Presenters' choice: I-Engineering, Research on Computational Thinking & the Game Zoombinis
Thank you to the DR K-12 grantees that took the time to contribute to the showcase by creating a video or participating in conversation. A special thanks to our community members who served as facilitators this year: 2016-17 CADRE Fellow Gladys Krause; DR K-12 PIs William McHenry, Heidi Schweingruber, Sue Doubler, Deborah Hanuscin; and Former DR K-12 PIs Al Byers and Jacqueline DeLisi.
Projects' videos are featured in a Spotlight on, as well as on the site's project profiles, Facebook, and Twitter.
Advancing Mathematics Education Through NSF's DR K-12 Program
At the 2017 AERA Annual Meeting, DR K-12 awardees showcased the DR K-12 portfolio of transformative research in mathematics education during a structured poster session.
Presenters included: Jere Confrey, Jodi Davenport, Meixia Ding, Janine Firmender, Gloriana González, James Hammerman, Jessica Hunt, Marta Magiera, Meghan Shaughnessy, Ian Whitacre, and Junmeng Zhu.
Early Career Activities
AERA Early Career Networking Event
Members of the DR K-12 community met at the AERA Annual Meeting for an informal networking event designed to offer current Fellows, Fellows alumni, and CAREER awardees an opportunity to meet each other and connect with PIs.
Thank you to all who attended and helped make this event a success!
CADRE Fellows
This spring, Fellows participated in a webinar on writing NSF proposals with presenters Angela Calabrese Barton and Paola Sztajn. CADRE concluded the 2016-17 fellowship year with a visit to NSF where Fellows participated in a mock proposal review and met with program officers. As in previous years, Fellows reported gaining valuable insight into writing a successful NSF proposal.
Thank you to the Fellows cohort for a great year and to those in the DR K-12 community who contributed to the program (listed below).
Fellowship Orientation - November 2016
Miriam Gates (EDC), Jonathan Hertel (Museum of Science, Boston), June Mark (EDC), Hannah Sevian (UMass Boston)
Career Pathways Webinar - December 2016
Jodi Davenport (WestEd), Ann House (SRI International), Karen Trujillo (New Mexico State University)
Writing & Publishing Webinar - January 2017
Paul Cobb (Vanderbilt University), Patricio Herbst (University of Michigan)
Networking Webinar - February 2017
María González-Howard (Boston College), Gloriana González Rivera (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign), Brian Belland (Utah State University)
Proposal Writing Webinar - April 2017
Angela Calabrese Barton (Michigan State University), Paola Sztajn (North Carolina State University)
Tips for Developing Successful NSF Proposals
This tool offers tips for early career STEM education researchers as they begin to lead their own proposal development efforts. The advice largely comes from NSF-funded awardees who have graciously shared information about their own proposal writing experiences. This resource is part of CADRE's more comprehensive Early Career Guide to be released later this summer. Keep an eye on your inbox!
CADRE's NSF Proposal Toolkit offers additional resources related to funding opportunities, NSF proposal requirements, and specific proposal components.
Newsbites from DR K-12 & NSF
We're pleased to share this quarter's news from DR K-12 projects and people, as well as our sister resource networks who serve other NSF funding programs (ATE, CAISE, CIRCL, CS for All Teachers, MSPnet, and STELAR). In addition to our newsletter digest, we disseminate your news items on our website and social media. Let us hear from you!
News from DR K-12 Projects & Awardees
- 2017 AERA Fellows
Awards & Recognition | Angela Calabrese Barton, Jere Confrey, Guillermo Solano-Flores, and Suzanne Wilson have been selected as 2017 AERA Fellows. They were inducted on April 28 at the AERA Annual Meeting in San Antonio, TX. - 2017 Morningstar Family Teaching Award
Awards & Recognition | Karen Brennan was presented with the Morningstar Family Teaching Award at the Harvard Graduate School of Education Convocation. This award recognizes a faculty member for their excellence in teaching and advising throughout the year. - A Policy-Relevant Instrumental Case Study of an Inclusive STEM-Focused High School: Manor New Tech High
Publication | In this International Journal of Education in Mathematics, Science and Technology article, Sharon Lynch, Ann House, and colleagues "provide insight and understanding of a trend in U.S. education to create new STEM schools and increase the achievement of students underrepresented in STEM." - Assessing Computational Thinking in Students' Game Designs
Publications | Gillian Puttick is an author on this paper for the 2016 ACM SIGCHI Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play. The paper discusses two methods for analyzing computational thinking in games designed by students in the visual programming language Scratch. - Chancellor's Commission on the Status of Women at UNL
Awards & Recognition | CADRE Fellows alumnus Jenny Dauer has been named to the Chancellor's Commission on the Status of Women at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. The Commission advises the chancellor on issues related to gender equity and the concerns of women faculty, staff, and students. Her term will run through 2020. - Classroom Assessment for the NGSS: Seeing Students Learn Science
Webinar | In this NAS webinar, Heidi Schweingruber and Peter McLaren talked about their new book, Seeing Students Learn Science, and discussed classroom assessment and professional learning in science. - Common Core State Standards for ELA/Literacy and Next Generation Science Standards
Publication | In this Educational Researcher article, Okhee Lee "focuses on how the CCSS and the NGSS treat 'argument,' especially in Grades K-5, and the extent to which each set of standards is grounded in research literature." - Disciplinary Core Ideas: Reshaping Teaching and Learning
Publication | This new book by Ravit Golan Duncan, Joseph Krajcik, and Ann Rivet aims to reshape your approach to teaching and learning by focusing on disciplinary core ideas, which can make science lessons more coherent and memorable. - Harold W. McGraw, Jr. Prize in Education
Awards & Recognition | Christine Cunningham has been awarded the 2017 McGraw Prize for her work as founder and director of Engineering is Elementary at the Museum of Science Boston. - Inclusive STEM High Schools Increase Opportunities for Underrepresented Students
Publication | In this Phi Delta Kappan article, Nancy Spillane, Sharon Lynch, and Michael Ford "report on a study of eight inclusive STEM high schools that are designed to increase the numbers of students in demographic groups underrepresented in STEM." - National Science Board Public Service Award
Awards & Recognition | Arthur Eisenkraft will receive the 2017 Public Service Award from the National Science Board in recognition of his role in promoting public understanding of science and engineering. - What Is "Repeated Reasoning" in MP 8?
Publication | In this Mathematics Teacher article, E. Paul Goldenberg, Cynthia Carter, June Mark, Johannah Nikula, and Deborah Spencer explain how "algebra students benefit from the learned habit of looking for and expressing regularity in repeated reasoning."
Email to share news from your project.
News from NSF Networks
- CIRCL Primer: Persistence in Education
Nikki Shechtman discusses the relationship between persistence and academic achievement, including the roles that teachers and learning environments can play in promoting students' grit, tenacity, perseverance. The primer also includes resources and readings for those wanting to learn more. - Design-Based STEM Integration
Three new papers from the EngrTEAMS MSP are available in the MSPnet library. The first presents findings on the influence of teacher-developed, engineering design-based science curriculum units on learning and achievement among grade 4-8. The second examines student interest in engineering design-based science. The third presents an analysis of teacher-developed, design-based STEM integration curricular materials. - From Teacher to Leader: Building Your Personal Learning Network
On July 10, join CS for All Teachers at CSTA 2017 for their session on developing personal learning networks to support computer science education in schools and districts. - STEM Opportunities: Broadening Participation in STEM
On June 22, STELAR hosted a virtual session highlighting funding opportunities within NSF's Directorate for Education and Human Resources that are aimed at broadening participation in STEM. The recording and presentation materials are available on the STELAR website. - Informal STEM Education: Resources for Outreach, Engagement, and Impact
This report examines the relationships between informal science education, science communication, and STEM research, identifying existing knowledge and resources to support their connection as well as opportunities to further bridge the gaps between these communities. - 5 Community College Resources You Should Be Sure to Bookmark
In a recent blog post, ATE Central shared five key resources for those interested in community and technical college education.
See our Upcoming NSF Network Events page for ATE, CIRCL, CAISE, CS for All Teachers, MSPnet, or STELAR, events that may be of interest to you.
Upcoming Opportunities
The following funding, publication, and career opportunities, listed by deadline, may be of interest to you or your DR K-12 colleagues.
- July 19, 2017 (Proposal) - Faculty Early Career Development Program (CAREER)
- July 25, 2017 (Letter of Intent) - Historically Black Colleges and Universities - Undergraduate Program (HBCU-UP)
- August 9, 2017 (Letter of Intent) - ADVANCE: Increasing the Participation and Advancement of Women in Academic Science and Engineering Careers
- August 15, 2017 (Proposal) - International Research Experiences for Students (IRES)
- August 23, 2017 (Proposal) - Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU)
- September 5, 2017 (Letter of Intent) - Historically Black Colleges and Universities Undergraduate Program (HBCU-UP)
- September 5, 2017 (Proposal) - Tribal Colleges and Universities Program (TCUP)
- September 5, 2017 (Proposal) - Innovative Technology Experiences for Students and Teachers (ITEST)
- September 13, 2017 (Proposal) - ADVANCE: Increasing the Participation and Advancement of Women in Academic Science and Engineering Careers
- September 14, 2017 (Proposal) - EHR Core Research (ECR)
- September 15, 2017 (Proposal) - Innovation Corps Teams Program (I-Corps Teams)
- September 18, 2017 (Proposal) - Tribal Colleges and Universities Program (TCUP)
For other opportunities, see CADRE's List of STEM Education Publications (PDF).
- July 15, 2017 - The Science Teacher | Theme: Innovation
- July 31, 2017 - Teaching Children Mathematics | Theme: Moving Beyond Show and Tell: Intentional Mathematical Discourse
- August 1, 2017 - Science and Children | Theme: Heredity: Inheritance and Variation of Traits
- August 1, 2017 - Science Scope | Theme: MS-LS1 From Molecules to Organisms: Structure and Processes
- August 15, 2017 - The Science Teacher | Theme: The Maker Movement
- September 1, 2017 - Educational Leadership | Theme: Measuring What Matters
- September 1, 2017 - Science and Children | Theme: The Maker Movement
- September 1, 2017 - Science Scope | Theme: Real World Connections: Developing Partnerships/Career Exploration
- September 1, 2017 - The Science Teacher | Theme: PBL: Project, Problem, and Phenomenon-Based Learning
- September 15, 2017 - The Earth Scientist | Winter Issue
- ASAP, but before November 1, 2017 - Technology and Engineering Teacher | Themes: Standards for Technological Literacy, Computer Thinking
Other Opportunities
- ASAP - EHR Core Research (ECR) Reviewers Needed
- August 21, 2017 - Call for Editors for Review of Research in Education Volumes 43, 45
- August 31, 2017 - Call for Mathematics Teacher Educator Editor
Share with DR K-12 Colleagues
We encourage you to share this newsletter with your colleagues. Many of our news items, resources, and events may be of special interest to others on your project team, e.g., early career researchers and developers, evaluators, communication specialists, etc. We welcome all as part of our DR K-12 community and invite them to subscribe to this newsletter, join us on social media, and create an account on the CADRE website.