Environmental Science

Using Immersive Virtual Worlds to Support Learning of Ecosystems Science and Complex Causality


This session seeks feedback on hands-on experiences for learning causal dynamics through collaborative inquiry activities in an immersive virtual ecosystem, including exploring potential opportunities for expanding the curriculum.

2014 Session Types
Feedback Session (Work in Post-development)

EcoMUVE (ecomuve.gse.harvard.edu) is a middle school science curriculum in which students explore an immersive virtual ecosystem and learn its causal dynamics through collaborative inquiry activities. In one experience, students explore a virtual pond and its biodiversity, traveling in time to see changes over the course of a virtual summer. They discover a fish kill and are tasked with figuring out why it happened. In another experience, students explore population dynamics and predator-prey relationships over 50 years in a virtual forest.

Moving Toward Collective Impact on Climate and Global Change Education


Participants discuss and identify what coordination is needed across DR K12 efforts to enable sustained collective impact on the issues presented by climate, global, and environmental change.

2014 Session Types
Collaborative Panel Session

DR K12 projects have been funded to conduct (1) activities and develop materials that are beneficial to the STEM education community (teachers and students) and (2) education research to ensure continuous improvement of these activities and materials.

Ocean Tracks: Bringing Large-Scale Marine Science Data to and Beyond the Classroom


Participants engage in marine data investigations using the Ocean Tracks Web interface and analysis tools, offer feedback, and discuss possible synergies with other DR K12 programs.

2014 Session Types
Feedback Session (Work in Post-development)

Digital, large-scale scientific data have become broadly available in recent decades, and analyzing data, identifying patterns, and extracting useful information have become gateway skills to full participation in the 21st century workforce. Yet, pre-college classrooms are falling short in preparing students for this world and are missing opportunities to harness the power of Big Data to engage students in scientific learning. To address this issue, scientists, educators, and researchers at Education Development Center, Inc.

Modeling Earth's Climate


Amy Pallant

Hee-Sun Lee

Sara Pryputniewicz

Lead Organization(s)
Short Description

This article describes an online climate change curriculum that incorporates dynamic computer models that enable students to visualize the complex interactions related to climate change science. Students learn how adjusting variables in a dynamic model affects the entire system.

Mapping DR K-12 Project Activities to Climate and Environmental Literacy Principles - Steps Toward Leveraging Efforts and Broader Impacts


Presenters explore how DR K-12 projects address the Climate Literacy Essential Principles and Environmental Literacy Competencies and how that information can increase projects' effectiveness.

Session Type
PI-organized Discussion

The objectives of this session are for the group to map DR K–12 projects onto the Climate Literacy Essential Principles (CLEP) and Environmental Literacy Competencies (ELC) and to use that map to explore how to leverage all of the projects’ efforts both within the DR K–12 projects and in the larger community of climate and environmental education efforts. The session sets the stage for thinking about how DR K–12 projects address the CLEP and ELC with two brief presentations of these initiatives and examples of how specific projects align to them.