
Discovery Research K-12 (DR-K12):Descriptive Summary of Portfolio Analysis

The National Science Foundation (NSF) Division of Research on Learning in Formal and Informal Settings (DRL) maintains a portfolio of complementary programs aimed at improving science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) learning at all stages.


Alina Martinez

Eddie Breaux


Development of Illustrations as Image Supports for English Language Learners in Large-Scale Testing: A Report on the Procedure for Designing Vignette Illustrations

This paper presents a framework and a procedure for developing vignette illustrations as a form of testing accommodation for English language learners (ELLs). Vignette illustrations are defined as illustrations added to test items originally created without illustrations, with the intent to provide a visual support for ELLs that increases their chances of accessing the content of those test items.


Solano-Flores, Guillermo


Design Patterns for Assessing Model-Based Reasoning (Large-Scale Assessment Technical Report 6)

Understanding, exploring, and interacting with the world through models characterizes science in all its branches and at all levels of education.  Model-based reasoning is central to science education and thus science assessment.  Building on research in assessment, science education, and learning sciences, this report provides a set of desgin patterns to help assessment designers, researchers, and teachers create tasks for assessing aspects of model-based reasoning: Model Formation, Model Use, Model Elaboration, Model Articulation, Model Evaluation, Model Revision, and Model-Base


Mislevey, Robert

Riconscente, Michelle

Rutstein, Daisy


Conceptual Framework for Analyzing and Designing Illustrations in Science Assessment: Development and Use in the Testing of Linguistically and Culturally Diverse Populations

We present a conceptual framework for designing and analyzing illustrations used in science assessment. This conceptual framework is intended to help test developers to systematically create and examine illustrations used in science test items. Unlike previous approaches to examining illustrations, which rely on the use of vague or polysemic terms


Solano-Flores, Guillermo

Wang, Chao


Common Misconceptions about Heat and Insulation

The concepts of energy and heat are challenging for elementary students. Because young students are not ready to delve into kinetic theory and molecular motion, much of the explanation of heat and energy transfer is inaccessible to them. In addition, the use of the word "energy" in popular culture may interfere with the development of scientific understanding. Nevertheless, elementary students are capable of exploring heat through observations and qualitative, developmentally appropriate explanations.


Fries-Gaither, Jessica

Short Description

This article highlights some common misconceptions students have about heat and insulation. It also provides tools for formative assessment and resources for teaching correct scientific concepts.