
Chemistry Education Research Doctoral Scholars Program (Bretz, Lewis, Mayberry)


Stacey Lowery Bretz

Jennifer Lewis

Maralee Mayberry

Short Description

The Chemistry Education Research Doctoral Scholars Program aims to recruit, train and graduate a diverse group of scholars in chemistry education research (CER) who specialize in assessment; design coursework, K-12 partnerships, research experiences, and mentoring to successfully prepare these scholars for careers in CER; and create a community of scholars to collaborate and systematically improve assessment of student learning.

Blogs: Enhancing links in a professional learning community of science and mathematics teachers


Loving, C. C.

Schroeder, C.

Kang, R.

Shimek, C.

Herbert, B.

Short Description

Loving, C. C., Schroeder, C., Kang, R., Shimek, C., & Herbert, B. (2007). Blogs: Enhancing links in a professional learning community of science and mathematics teachers. Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education [Online serial], 7(3). Available:

A Design Pattern for Observational Investigation Assessment Tasks (Large Scale Assessment Technical Report 2)

The significance of inquiry skills is widely acknowledged in science practice across many areas.  Unlike experimentation, another form of inquiry skill, observational investigation has been much ignored in science education and thus science assessment.  Drawing on reserach development in assessment design, this report provides a design pattern to help assessment designers create tasks assessing students' complex scientific reasoning skills in observational investigation.  The design pattern lays out considerations regarding targeted knowledge and skills in this inquiry proces


Mislevy, Robert

Liu, Min

Cho, Y.

Fulkerson, Dennis

Nichols, Paul

Zalles, Dan

Fried, Ron

Haertel, Geneva

Cheng, Britte

DeBarger, Angela

Villalba, Serena

Colker, Alexis

Haynie, Kathleen

Hamel, Larry


A Design Pattern for Experimental Investigation (Large-Scale Assessment Technical Report 8)

The significance of inquiry skills is widely acknowledged in science practice across many areas.  Carrying out experimental investigations is an indispensable element of scientific inquiry and, therefore, an important capability to assess.


Colker, Alexis

Liu, Min

Mislevy, Robert

Haertel, Geneva

Fried, Ron

Zalles, Dan


A cognitive apprenticeship for science literacy based on journalism

Abstract: The Science Literacy through Science Journalism (SciJourn) project aims to reframe the discussion of science literacy for citizenship, and explore how science journalism practices can be used to inform a cognitive apprenticeship that increases the science literacy of participants. This symposium features four paper presentations that report on the progress of the SciJourn project.


Polman, Joseph L.

Saul, E. Wendy

Newman, Alan

Farrar, Cathy

Singer, Nancy

Turley, Eric

Pearce, Laura

Hope, Jennifer

McCarty, Glenda

Graville, Cynthia
