CAREER: Understanding the Routinization of Mathematics Language Routines in Middle and High Schools

Principal Investigator:

This poster will share the development of a framework around adaptive expertise and mathematics language routines. Our larger project aims to understand how teachers’ learning communities, teachers, and students develop adaptive expertise in their use of mathematics language routines. Hatano and Inagaki (1984) defined an adaptive expert as someone who can perform procedural skills with flexibility and has developed a conceptual understanding of those skills—they can apply them flexibly in multiple situations.

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Target Audience:

CAREER: Teacher Learning Through Expansive Sensemaking in Science

Principal Investigator:

This project explores how to cultivate novel disciplinary spaces for secondary teachers to experience science. We are designing a content-focused education course for preservice secondary science teachers to engage in expansive and connective sensemaking, incorporating heterogeneity, power, and historicity in pursuits of explanatory accounts of the natural world. We examine how this space supports teachers to expand what counts in science and to attune to their (and their future students’) sociopolitical identities, histories, and future-making.

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CAREER: Supporting Model Based Inference as an Integrated Effort Between Mathematics and Science

Principal Investigator:

In our project we design and study opportunities for mathematics and science teachers to coordinate their instruction to support a more coherent approach to teaching statistical model-based inference in middle school. We aim to help more students develop a deeper understanding of ideas and practices related to measurement, data, variability, and inference.

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Target Audience:

CAREER: Supporting Elementary Science Teaching and Learning by Integrating Uncertainty into Classroom Science Investigations

Principal Investigator:

This poster describes and presents findings from a multi-year design-based research study. The focus of the work is how to design and implement science investigations that make productive use of the uncertainty that scientists experience as they conduct investigations. Specifically, we have developed a framework that situates empirical activity in a modeling enterprise, and names and situates common forms of uncertainty found in science investigations.

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Target Audience:

CAREER: Investigating Changes in Students' Prior Mathematical Reasoning: An Exploration of Backward Transfer Effects in School Algebra

Principal Investigator:

This project examines how instructional activities involving quadratic functions influence students’ prior ways of reasoning about linear functions, and develops and refines instructional products for teaching quadratic functions in ways that influence students’ prior ways of reasoning about linear functions in predictable and productive ways.

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Target Audience:

CAREER: From Research to Meta-Research to Practice - The Development of an Educational Learning Environment Framework for School Algebra

Principal Investigator:

This project advances the understanding of teaching and learning of algebra in grades K through 12 by using a methodology that leverages the cumulative power of an analysis of many studies on a topic. This work will synthesize results aggregated from 40 years of research in the field of mathematics education and develop a unified framework to inform parents, students, teachers, other educators, and researchers.

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CAREER: Expanding Latinxs' Opportunities to Develop Complex Thinking in Secondary Science Classrooms Through a Research-Practice Partnership

Principal Investigator:

One goal of this project is to improve Latinx and multilingual students’ opportunities to engage in complex thinking in secondary science classrooms through a district and university partnership. In this poster, we present the success and challenges of co-designing and enacting equity/justice centered units that promote civic engagement with five teams of secondary science teachers (n=20) and teacher leaders (n=3) in one school district.

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Target Audience:

CAREER: Designing and Enacting Mathematically Captivating Learning Experiences for High School Mathematics

Principal Investigator:

We will share the results of our designed based research project on how to design secondary mathematics lessons which shift the aesthetic opportunities of students. We worked with a group of six high school math teachers and used mathematical story framework to explore how mathematics lessons on topics that are typically described as boring or dull by students can instead be described as surprising or intriguing.

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Target Audience:

CAREER: Cultivating Teachers' Epistemic Empathy to Promote Responsive Teaching

Principal Investigator:

This design-based research project investigates ways to understand and cultivate science and mathematics teachers’ “epistemic empathy”—their capacity for tuning into and valuing students’ intellectual and emotional experiences in constructing, communicating, and critiquing knowledge. The project team develops educative experiences aimed at cultivating teachers’ epistemic empathy, examines the role of such empathy in facilitating responsive teaching, and explores how epistemic empathy can promote more equitable and humanizing learning environments.

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CAREER: Covariational and Algebraic Reasoning: A New Path to Algebra

Principal Investigator:

Project CARe’s goal is to explore how new technologies create a path into algebra that allows students to build algebraic reasoning and knowledge from their intuitive covariational reasoning, which entails conceiving two quantities changing together. For example, Project CARe explores how students can learn to solve equations by comparing two changing quantities in a dynamic digital depiction of a real-life situation.

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