Design and Development of a K-12 STEM Observation Protocol (Collaborative Research: Dare)

Principal Investigator:

This project uses over 2000 integrated STEM classroom videos to design and validate the STEM Observation Protocol (STEM-OP) for use in classrooms where integrated STEM is taking place. The STEM-OP is a valid and reliable instrument for use in a variety of educational contexts and research. The STEM-OP and associated training materials are available for use by stakeholders such as K-12 teachers, district administrators, teacher educators, and educational researchers through an online platform.

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DataX: Exploring Justice-Oriented Data Science with Secondary School Students

Principal Investigator:

The DataX project aims to develop an integrated, justice-oriented curriculum and a digital platform for teaching secondary students about data science. This project includes science and social studies teachers in the design of the resources and in testing them in classrooms. The DataX platform supports students to investigate authentic problems using real-world datasets. The project team will present a justice-oriented data science education framework, lesson plans co-designed with teachers, and preliminary findings from classroom pilots.

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Target Audience:

Connecting Elementary Mathematics Teaching to Real-World Issues (Collaborative Research: Thanheiser)

Principal Investigator:

There are long-standing calls to make mathematics more meaningful, relevant, and applicable both inside and outside of the K-12 classroom. In particular, there is a growing recognition that mathematics is a valuable tool for helping students understand important real-world issues that affect their lives and society. Further, mathematics can support students in becoming mathematically literate and engaged democratic citizens. Despite the increased interest in connecting mathematics to real-world issues in the classroom, many teachers feel unprepared to do so.

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Culturally Responsive, Affective-focused Teaching of Science and Mathematics

Principal Investigator:

Broadening participation in STEM requires a change in how K-12 teachers engage and educate students who identify as Black, Indigenous, and People of Color. The CRAFT project provides a field-based science and mathematics teacher education program that supports teaching focused on students’ affective development through culturally responsive practices.

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Crowdsourcing Neuroscience: An Interactive Cloud-based Citizen Science Platform for High School Students, Teachers, and Researchers

Principal Investigator:

MindHive is an open science, citizen science initiative that supports authentic human brain and behavioral science inquiry experiences for high school learners, educators, and their communities. The online platform features a suite of tools that enable learners’ research activities, paired with teaching materials. The program s co-designed by a team of educational researchers, teachers, scientists, UX researchers, and developers; and supports collaboration between students from schools across the country, professional scientists, and community organizers.

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Target Audience:

Crowd-Sourced Online Nexus for Developing Assessments of Middle-School Physical Science Disciplinary Core Ideas

Principal Investigator:

This novel project draws upon teachers to contribute or modify existing test items, then immediately pilots them using crowdsourced subjects. Psychometric analysis generates measures of item quality and then “recycles” items to participating teachers for improvement. In this way, a large test item bank is constructed utilizing teacher input with each item possessing: appropriate reading levels, NGSS alignment, scientific accuracy, appropriate difficulty, high statistical discrimination, and minimal difference by gender, race, or ethnicity.

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Target Audience:

Creating a Model for Sustainable Ambitious Mathematics Programs in High-Need Settings: A Researcher-Practitioner Collaboration

Principal Investigator:

In this project we are studying a sustained implementation of ambitious mathematics teaching (AMT) in a high need setting. Our goal is to articulate the demands of AMT, the resources necessary to address those demands, and the tensions between AMT and other internal and external initiatives. We collaboratively developed the model with instructional leaders, students, parents, and teachers. We operate from a definition of AMT that incorporates disciplinary practices as well as asset-based practices.

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Target Audience:

Contextualizing Data Education via Project-based Learning

Principal Investigator:

This project enhances two interdisciplinary project-based learning (PBL) modules from EL Education with authentic data experiences co-designed with science, math, and social studies middle school teachers. Applying “messy” datasets to relevant societal issues within their existing curriculum and subject matter, we used CODAP to introduce data science education skills and ways of thinking and we examined how engaging and empowering students and teachers can help them develop acumen with data and agency as learners.

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Target Audience:

Co-Learning Math Teaching Project: Collaborative Structures to Support Learning to Teach Across the Professional Teaching Continuum

Principal Investigator:

This project addresses questions regarding how teacher education clinical experiences might become a mutually productive site for teacher candidate (TC) and mentor teacher (MT) learning. The goal of this project is to design and study a model of co-learning between TCs and MTs through the development of tools and theory in support of co-learning ambitious, equity-oriented mathematics instruction. We offer insights and challenges of tool design and TC-MT tool use based on multiple design cycles.

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Target Audience:

Case Studies of a Suite of Next Generation Science Instructional, Assessment and Professional Development Materials in Diverse Middle School Settings

Principal Investigator:

We designed a learning approach and associated curricular program that builds from the 5Es (Bybee) model to harness STEM learning toward the engineered design of solutions (phases: Engage, Explore, Explain. Engineer, and Educate). Curricular activities emphasized design features that promote interest and motivation (e.g., choice, appropriately challenging, personal relevance). Research results demonstrated significant learning gains overall and on subparts (e.g., arguments). Teacher and student interviews articulated sustained engagement and motivation.

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