Measuring the Effectiveness of Middle School STEM-Innovation and Engineering Design Curricula

Principal Investigator:

This DRK-12 Impact Study project investigates the effectiveness of STEM-Innovation and Design (STEM-ID) curricula in approximately 29 middle schools, targeting 29 engineering teachers and approximately 5,000 students across middle grades in Georgia.

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Measuring Early Mathematical Reasoning Skills: Developing Tests of Numeric Relational Reasoning and Spatial Reasoning

Principal Investigator:

The primary aim of the MMaRS study is to develop a mathematics assessment system to use for grades K-2 that measure students’ abilities in two foundational and predictive constructs, numeric relational reasoning (NRR) and spatial reasoning (SR). Teachers may use results of these assessments to guide their instructional decision making to support student learning of these constructs. The objectives of the project are to develop formative assessments supporting each grade level (K-2) for each of the NRR and SR constructs and collect validity and reliability evidence.

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Managing Uncertainty for Productive Struggle: Exploring Teacher Development for Managing Students' Epistemic Uncertainty as a Pedagogical Resource in Project-based Learning

Principal Investigator:

The project explores teachers' capacity to manage student uncertainty as a pedagogical resource that supports student’s productive struggle and the development of conceptual knowledge during project-based learning (PBL) instruction in middle school science classrooms. This project explores how teachers' instructional practices change over time with repeated use of epistemic uncertainty as a pedagogical resource to support students’ engagement in PBL, and what effect those changes have on student perceptions, practice, management of epistemic uncertainty and learning outcomes.

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Target Audience:

Locally Adaptable Instructional Materials and Professional Learning Design for Place-based Elementary Science

Principal Investigator:

This project investigates how to design instructional resources and professional learning that support teachers in making adaptations to phenomena in science units. A design-based research approach is used to 1) iteratively design, test, and revise locally adaptable instructional resources for elementary science; 2) examine how teachers adapt phenomena in their teaching; and 3) examine how phenomenon adaptation can enhance teacher agency and self-efficacy in science teaching and student perceptions of relevance and interest.

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Target Audience:

Learning Progressions in Science: Analyzing and Deconstructing the Multiple Dimensions in Assessment

Principal Investigator:

We propose to address a Science & Engineering Practice (e.g., scientific argumentation), a Crosscutting concept (e.g. patterns), and Disciplinary Core Ideas in each of the following foundational middle school science domains - physical science, life science, and Earth science. This study builds upon existing work around argumentation, physical science, and life science.

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Learning about Viral Epidemics through Engagement with Different Types of Models

Principal Investigator:

This project explores students learning about viral epidemics while engaging in scientific modeling. Given the multi-dimensional nature of complex issues, using different types of models is critical for robust learning about issues like pandemics. We focus on how learners coordinate sense-making across different models. Project goals include: 1) Promote learning about viral epidemics through modeling. 2) Research learning about viral epidemics and optimal ways to support student engagement with different types of models.

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Investigating Impact of Different Types of Professional Development on What Aspects Mathematics Teachers Take Up and Use in Their Classroom

Principal Investigator:

The Taking a Deep Dive (TaDD) study examines the residual impacts of four different professional development models on teacher learning, specifically 3-4 years after the actual PD experiences. The project is conducting a rigorous cross case analysis across participants from the different projects. Additionally, a survey was given to participants in May 2019 which was 3-4 years after their PD experience. Findings contribute to the PD landscape of PD design and survey design.

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Target Audience:

Internet of Things Pedagogical Ecosystem for Integrated Computer Science and Software Engineering Education for Grades 9-12

Principal Investigator:

This project is developing the first Internet of Things based pedagogical ecosystem for 9-12 CS and STEM classes. This project has focused on identifying critical elements for effective instructional design for CS and SE education by understanding student and teacher motivation. A key innovation of this effort has been the low-cost, IoT-hardware kits for project-based learning to create a hands-on experience in the classroom.

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Incorporating Professional Science Writing into High School STEM Research Projects

Principal Investigator:

The Journal of Emerging Investigators provides middle and high school students an opportunity to participate in a peer review and publication of their original manuscript.

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Improving the Teaching of Genetics in High School to Avoid Instilling Misconceptions About Gender Differences (Collaborative Research: Donovan)

Principal Investigator:

This project will study the aspects of genetics instruction that affect students' beliefs in gender essentialism, which is implicated in lowering girls' sense of STEM abilities, feeling of belonging in STEM classes, and interest in pursuing further education in STEM fields. The goal of the project is to answer important questions about how to teach genetics at the high school level in a manner that is scientifically accurate but does not have these detrimental side effects.

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