Supporting Teacher Customizations of Curriculum Materials for Equitable Student Sensemaking in Secondary Science (Collaborative Research: McNeill)

Principal Investigator:

This project includes research examining teachers’ customization processes and the development of tools to support teachers in adapting curriculum materials for their specific school context to facilitate equitable science sensemaking for all students. The research program includes: (1) Empirical study of teachers’ customization processes; (2) Theoretical model of teacher thinking that underlies customization; (3) Tools to support principled customization consistent with the goals of the reform; and (4) Empirical study of how tools influence teachers.

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Target Audience:

Supporting Students' Language, Knowledge and Culture Through Science

Principal Investigator:

The LaCuKnoS project promotes a justice-centered approach to broadening participation in STEM by engaging teachers, students and families across Oregon in work to support language development for science meaning making, mapping cultural and community connections to science, and building knowledge for informed decision making.

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Supporting Secondary Students’ Earth Science Knowledge and Engineering Design Skills with Mobile Design Studios

Principal Investigator:

This project seeks to support students to creatively combine science, engineering and social or community knowledge to address Earth Science problems in their local communities. Through a collaborative project based learning platform with built in scaffolding and an AI design mentor, students will engage in front-end design practices to understand and frame problems and explore solutions. We examine how this impacts science conceptual knowledge, design skills and creativity for middle and high school students.

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Target Audience:

Supporting Science Learning and Teaching in Middle School Classrooms Through Automated Analysis of Students' Writing (Collaborative Research: Puntambekar)

Principal Investigator:

Written science explanations are central to learning and practicing science. However, there are two main challenges: first, students struggle to explain their ideas and use supporting data appropriately. Second, it is not realistic for teachers to provide real-time, comprehensive feedback to each student. We will present how PyrEval, a natural language processing (NLP) technology, provided students with timely, personalized, automated feedback. We will discuss opportunities and challenges for using automated feedback in classrooms.

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Target Audience:

Supporting Science Learning and Teaching in Middle School Classrooms Through Automated Analysis of Students' Writing (Collaborative Research: Passonneau)

Principal Investigator:

This project supports students’ writing of science explanations. One main goal is to develop novel, automated natural language processing (NLP) technology to provide middle school students and teachers with real-time feedback on their science essays, to help them reflect on the quality of their explanations, and to foster their ability to write scientific explanations grounded in scientific evidence. A science unit on roller coasters is presented to students in a web-based environment that includes a roller coaster simulation to conduct experiments.

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Target Audience:

Supporting School Administrators in Leading Towards Racially Just and Ambitious Mathematics Instruction

Principal Investigator:

This poster will present one school's partnership work as part of our larger project. As a key lever to lead towards racially just, ambitious mathematics, the leadership team is focused on acknowledging, valuing, and incorporating students and families' funds of knowledge in mathematics into everyday classroom teaching and learning. The poster will describe the multiple pathways they are working to do this, successes, and challenges.

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Target Audience:

Supporting Instructional Decision Making: The Potential of an Automatically Scored Three-dimensional Assessment System (Collaborative Research: Zhai)

Principal Investigator:

This project studied the utility of a machine learning-based assessment system for supporting middle school science teachers in making instructional decisions based on automatically generated student reports (AutoRs).

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Target Audience:

Supporting High School Students and Teachers with a Digital, Localizable, Climate Education Experience

Principal Investigator:

This project is developing and testing a high school climate change unit and professional learning experience in which teachers localize part of the unit to make it relevant to their students and community context. The study is using a cohort-control quasi-experimental design to examine the impact of the unit and professional learning experience on dimensions of teacher practice and students' sense of agency with environmental science.

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Target Audience:

Supporting Elementary Teacher Learning for Effective School-based Citizen Science (TL4CS)

Principal Investigator:

The goal of TL4CS is to explore how elementary school citizen science (CS) can support students’ engagement with science content and practices. The study addresses three research questions: (1) What kinds of supports foster teacher learning about effective school-based CS? (2) How do supports for teacher learning shape the way teachers enact school-based CS? and (3) What is the potential of school-based CS for positively influencing student learning and student attitudes toward nature and science?

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Target Audience:

Strengthening STEM Teaching in Native American Serving Schools Through Long-Term, Culturally Responsive Professional Development

Principal Investigator:

Indigenous students experience persistent inequitable outcomes in schools, particularly in STEM. Since teacher quality is one of the most important school-based factors impacting K12 students’ learning and engagement in schools, our project provides long-term professional development to teachers in rural, Indigenous-serving schools to support teachers’ development of culturally responsive STEM curriculum units. We provide an overview of our professional development model, and share findings from our work with over 100 teachers during four program years.

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