Professional Development

Integrating Innovative Technologies in Inquiry Science: Professional Development for Teachers and the Impacts on Teacher and Student Learning (Dorsey, Linn, Ryoo, Gerard)


Marcia Linn

Kelly Ryoo

Libby Gerard

Chad Dorsey

Short Description

This session presents results from four studies investigating professional development support for teachers’ use of innovative technologies in inquiry science and the impacts of support on learning.

Integrating Innovative Technologies in Inquiry Science: Professional Development for Teachers and the Impacts on Teacher and Student Learning (Dorsey, Linn, Ryoo, Gerard)


Marcia Linn

Kelly Ryoo

Libby Gerard

Chad Dorsey

Short Description

This session presents results from four studies investigating professional development support for teachers’ use of innovative technologies in inquiry science and the impacts of support on learning.

Integrating Innovative Technologies in Inquiry Science: Professional Development for Teachers and the Impacts on Teacher and Student Learning (Dorsey, Linn, Ryoo, Gerard)


Marcia Linn

Kelly Ryoo

Libby Gerard

Chad Dorsey

Short Description

This session presents results from four studies investigating professional development support for teachers’ use of innovative technologies in inquiry science and the impacts of support on learning.

District Development as a Means of Improving Mathematics Teaching and Learning at Scale

This chapter focuses on research that can inform the improvement of mathematics teaching and learning at scale. In educational contexts, improvement at scale refers to the process of taking an instructional innovation that has proved effective in supporting students’ learning in a small number of classrooms and reproducing that success in a large number of classrooms. We first argue that such research should view mathematics teachers’ instructional practices as situated in the institutional settings of the schools and broader administrative jurisdictions in which they work.


Cobb, Paul

Smith, Thomas
