Professional Development

Towards an Empirically Grounded Theory of Action for Improving the Quality of Mathematics Teaching at Scale

Our purpose in this article is to propose a comprehensive, empirically grounded theory of action for improving the quality of mathematics teaching at scale. In doing so, we summarize current research findings that can inform efforts to improve the quality of mathematics instruction on a large scale, and identify questions that are yet to be addressed. We draw on an ongoing collaboration with mathematics teachers, school leaders, and district leaders in four urban school districts in the US.


Cobb, Paul

Jackson, Kara


Target Inquiry: Transforming In‐Service Teacher Professional Development and Instruction in High School Chemistry (Yezierski, Herrington)


Ellen Yezierski

Deborah Herrington

Short Description

This session presents results of a four-year longitudinal, mixed-methods study showing how Target Inquiry affects teacher beliefs, transforms teacher practice, and increases student achievement.

Supporting the Next Generation of “Stewards” in Mathematics Education

This paper describes Supporting Research, Service and Teaching in Mathematics Education, or STaR, is a program designed to support new faculty who have taken a tenure-track mathematics education position in a U.S. institution of higher education.


Reys, Barbara

Reys, Robert

Short Description

This paper describes Supporting Research, Service and Teaching in Mathematics Education, or STaR, is a program designed to support new faculty who have taken a tenure-track mathematics education position in a U.S. institution of higher education.

ScratchEd: Working with Teachers to Develop Design-Based Learning Approaches to the Cultivation of Computational Thinking


Karen Brennan

Mitch Resnick

Short Description

In this poster, we describe the goals of our research, our proposed model for professional development, our framing of design-based approaches to learning, and our framing of computational thinking.

Refining a Vision of Ambitious Mathematics Instruction to Address Issues of Equity

Note: A previous version of this paper was presented at the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Research Pre-Session in San Diego (April 2010) and the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association in Denver (April 2010).


Jackson, Kara

Cobb, Paul


Refining a Vision of Ambitious Mathematics Instruction to Address Issues of Equity

Note: A previous version of this paper was presented at the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Research Pre-Session in San Diego (April 2010) and the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association in Denver (April 2010).


Jackson, Kara

Cobb, Paul


Project Instrument Development (I.D.) - Growth of Empowerment in Career Science Teacher

A poster on Project Instrument Development (I.D.) - Growth of Empowerment in Career Science Teachers.


Mary Hobbs

Amy Moreland

Short Description

A poster on Project Instrument Development (I.D.) - Growth of Empowerment in Career Science Teachers.

Negotiating Identities for Mathematics Teaching in the Context of Professional Development

In this article, we present an analytical approach for documenting the identities for teaching that mathematics teachers negotiate as they participate in two or more communities that define high-quality teaching differently. Drawing on data from the first two years of a collaboration with a group of middle-school mathematics teachers, we focus on a critical initial condition for teachers to improve their practice—determining that the effort required is worthwhile.


Gresalfi, Melissa

Cobb, Paul
