
Navigating to NGSS Success: Identifying a Research Agenda


Leaders of three DR K-12 projects identify successful instructional strategies for using technology-enhanced curriculum materials, games, and models to achieve the NGSS practices.

2014 Session Types
Collaborative Panel Session

The media, the public, and, indeed, many teachers have significantly criticized the introduction of the Common Core, citing concerns such as that it overcomplicates simple topics, diminishes innovation, and ignores equity issues. Following the recent introduction of the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS), we need compelling examples and powerful research to prevent premature criticism and ensure successful implementation.

Perspectives on Mathematics Classroom Discourse


In this session, presenters describe three different approaches to studying mathematics classroom discourse. Participants analyze discourse and discuss benefits and potential drawbacks of various approaches to analysis.

2014 Session Types
Collaborative Panel Session

In the past 20 years, mathematics education research has seen a turn toward the social and, consequently, discursive aspects of learning (Kieran, Forman, & Sfard, 2001; Ryve, 2011). A heightened attention to discursive features of instruction is seen in the recent publication Principles to Actions (NCTM, 2014), which describes an ambitious image of mathematics teaching and learning for the 21st century.

Four Perspectives on the Nature and Effectiveness of STEM-focused High Schools


Four projects investigating the characteristics and effectiveness of STEM-focused high schools present their contrasting methods and early findings.

2014 Session Types
Collaborative Panel Session

This session focuses on methods and results from four current NSF-funded studies (three of which are funded under DR K–12). Two studies are attempting to capture the essential features of inclusive STEM-focused high schools and are developing data-based conceptual frameworks. One of these is conducting rich case studies of eight high-functioning, inclusive STEM high schools (ISHSs), drawn from seven different states, to build a common model for designing such schools.

Challenges Aligning Existing Measures with Professional Development Learning Goals to Evaluate Program Effectiveness


This session provides a forum for discussing the challenges of evaluating program effectiveness by using existing measures that vary in their alignment with program learning goals.

2014 Session Types
Collaborative Panel Session

This session provides a forum for discussion around issues of alignment between programs, their learning goals, and the measures for assessing program effectiveness. The session seeks to offer ideas and strategies on how to tackle these kinds of issues.

The session addresses a common challenge in research—the tension between the need for using existing measures to ensure that research results can be compared across studies and the need for using measures that are well-aligned with a program’s learning goals to assess treatment effects.

A Review of DR K–12 English Language Learner Projects and Their Contribution to Research


This session explores the role of funding programs in shaping research agendas. The springboard for discussion is a case study that investigated DR K12 contribution to research in science and mathematics education for English language learners.

2014 Session Types
Mini-plenary Presentation

This session explores the role of funding programs in shaping research agendas through deliberate and targeted funding for priority areas. With the English language learner (ELL) population in U.S. schools on the rise and a growing demand for expansion and development of STEM education, intersecting research in these two fields represents an important effort to address pressing issues in U.S. schools and the STEM workforce.

A Grand Opportunity: Synergy and Interoperability Across Educational Games and Simulations


Join this lively, interactive discussion examining the opportunities for coordinating work in games and simulations. Discuss and plan embedding, data capture/analytics, customization, and more!

2014 Session Types
Collaborative Panel Session

The advent of today’s widespread educational technology presents some new and exciting opportunities. Models and simulations can be easily embedded in other content. Research is exploring the use of simulations and games for novel assessment purposes. Technologies—especially HTML5 technologies—are making formerly unprecedented learning possible. This moment is unique, and as educational designers and researchers, we should be making the most of it and ensure that our work is aligned for maximum synergy.

The Design and Findings of a Random-Controlled Trial for a Successful Game-Based Mathematics Intervention


Join a discussion about designing and testing the effects of game-based products that facilitate middle school student learning of math concepts.

2014 Session Types
Feedback Session (Work in Post-development)

The goal of this session is to assist other project teams in the design and testing of game-based mathematics products. The session includes a discussion of recently completed randomized control trials of the Math Snacks games. Participants leave with concrete ideas on designing and testing e-learning products designed for classroom use with a focus on middle school concepts.