
STEM Smart Brief: Connecting Informal and Formal STEM Education



Short Description

“Providing a richness of resources unavailable in any classroom, informal science institutions across the country have developed exemplary partnerships with public schools—and have room for more.” Read this brief to explore how out-of-school learning can complement and enhance what is being taught in the classroom.

STEM Smart Brief: Raising the Bar: Increasing STEM Achievement for All Students



Short Description

“When students from non-mainstream backgrounds receive equitable learning opportunities, they are capable of attaining science outcomes comparable to their mainstream peers. The same is true for mathematics and, presumably, for other STEM subjects, as well.” Read this brief to dive further into what can be done to improve the academic achievement of students from all backgrounds.

STEM Smart Brief: Improving STEM Curriculum and Instruction: Engaging Students and Raising Standards



Short Description

“For effective K–12 STEM instruction to become the norm, schools and districts must be transformed.” Read this brief to learn more about curriculum and instructional methods that engage students in the learning process.

STEM Smart Brief: Preparing and Supporting STEM Educators



Short Description

“Recent research emphasizes that teacher quality alone cannot improve student achievement at scale. School leadership, staff collaboration, and a positive climate are among essential organizational elements that contribute to meaningful change.” Read this brief to learn more about suggested methods for properly supporting STEM educators.

Descriptive Overview of the DR K-12 Portfolio: Projects funded 2007-2012

The Discovery Research K-12 (DR K-12) program, funded by the National Science Foundation’s (NSF) Division of Research on Learning in Formal and Informal Settings (DRL), supports research and development in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education. Specifically, the program seeks to enhance the learning and teaching of STEM by funding “research projects that study the development, testing, deployment, effectiveness, and/or scale-up of innovative resources, models and tools.”


Alina Martinez

Brian Freeman

Daphne Minner

Laurie Bozzi

Caroline Callahan

Lead Organization(s)
Short Description

This report, the fifth and final portfolio overview to be prepared by CADRE, describes important characteristics of the first six cohorts of DR K-12 projects that received their initial funding from 2007 to 2012. It characterizes the development and research in STEM education—on resources, models, and technologies—funded by the DR K-12 program.

Powering Up for the Head Start on Science Program: Using Power Analysis to Plan the Sample Size Required for a Multi-Site Cluster Randomized Trial

This intermediate session demonstrated how we conducted an a priori power analysis for a longitudinal,multisite cluster randomized trial of an early childhood science education program, then later revised it to accommodate budget changes suggested by the funder without compromising the viability of the study. We covered how the research questions, design, and analysis plan informed the power analysis approach; the software we used; and what the input parameters required actually represent.


Steven J. Pierce

Laurie A. Van Egeren

David Reyes-Gastelum

Lead Organization(s)
Short Description

This intermediate session demonstrated how we conducted an a priori power analysis for a longitudinal,multisite cluster randomized trial of an early childhood science education program, then later revised it to accommodate budget changes suggested by the funder without compromising the viability of the study.

The Inquiry Project: Seeing Weight, Grasping Density (Doubler, Carraher, Asbell-Clarke)

⁃What does it look like to begin reasoning early about density before definitions and formulas?

⁃What sorts of classroom activities and teaching approaches might support this?


Susan Doubler

David Carraher

Jodi Asbell-Clarke


SGER: Assessing the Educational, Career and Social Impacts of the XO Laptop Program in Birmingham, AL City Schools (Cotten)


Shelia Cotten

Short Description

The goal of this study is to assess the educational, career, and social impacts of disseminating an innovative technology, the XO laptop computer, to minority 4th and 5th grade students in Birmingham City Schools (BCS) in Alabama. This is the largest XO dissemination in the U.S. and the first XO dissemination project to distribute XO laptops to all 1st – 5th grade students in a U.S. school district.