
Exploring the Relationship between Rigorous Curriculum Materials and the Development of Ambitious Mathematics Instructional Practices

STEM Categorization

Hear the findings and perspectives of three projects investigating the impact of and challenges related to teachers’ use of ambitious instructional materials on their knowledge and practice.


This session will focus on implementations of curriculum materials, especially with regard to ambitious mathematics and pedagogy, and participants will consider how materials are interpreted and enacted, and the means of support that facilitate development of ambitious mathematics and pedagogy. Presenters from three DR K-12 projects will share frameworks and findings from their work, followed by participant discussion.

Session Types

Issues in Integrating NGSS Standards and Literacy/Language Arts in Grades K–5 Science

STEM Categorization

Join in a discussion and give feedback on the work of a project integrating science and literacy/language arts, and issues associated with designing and implementing integrated science in K–5 schools.

Session Materials

The vision of meaningful learning in science from NGSS and the National Research Council’s A Framework for K-12 Science Education requires reform efforts that address 1) curricular issues (what is being taught); and 2) pedagogical practices (what teaching will look like with emphasis on both the practices of science and engineering and the integration of the Common Core State Standards – English Language Arts).

Session Types

Co-Design Processes to Support the Development of Educational Innovations

STEM Categorization

Join a discussion about co-design approaches that can help ensure that educational innovations are designed and used to support teaching and learning in early childhood.


Using NGSS Implementation to Build Science Education Community

STEM Categorization

Come and discuss opportunities to build synergy between Achieve’s efforts to support NGSS implementation across states and DR K–12 research initiatives.

Session Materials

Elementary Mathematical Writing Task Force Recommendations: Implications for Research and Classroom Implementation

STEM Categorization

Learn about types of and purposes for elementary mathematical writing, and discuss implications for research and classroom implementation.

Session Materials

Although the mathematics education community long has emphasized the importance of discourse in teaching and learning mathematics, mathematical writing has not been clearly defined. Questions remain about how writing can leverage elementary students’ learning of mathematics. In October 2015, the Elementary Mathematical Writing Task Force came together and recommended four types of writing (exploratory, informative/explanatory, argumentative, and mathematically creative) and their respective purposes.

Session Types

Lesson Study District Survey Report


Akiba, M., Wilkinson, B., Farfan, G., Howard, C., Kuleshova, A., Fryer, J., Murata, A., &
Eichler, B.

Short Description

This report summarizes the 2013, 2014, and 2015 findings from a longitudinal survey of district professional development coordinators across the state of Florida. The results are presented with six sections: 1) District policy and practice, 2) Leadership, 3) Funding, 4) Lesson study schedule, 5) Professional development programs, and 6) Sustaining lesson study.

Adopting an International Innovation for Teacher Professional Development: State and District Approaches to Lesson Study in Florida


Motoko Akiba

Lead Organization(s)
Short Description

The state of Florida has taken an unprecedented approach to teacher professional development in its Race to the Top
(RTTT) Program application by proposing to promote an international innovation that originates in Japan, “lesson study,” as
a statewide teacher professional development model. Since winning the US$700 million RTTT funding in 2010, the Florida
Department of Education and districts have been promoting lesson study as one of the statewide vehicles to implement
the state standards aligned with the Common Core State Standards. This study analyzed the state and districts’ approaches
to promote lesson study using policy documents, statewide district survey data, and interviews. We found that a majority
of districts mandated lesson study implementation without securing or spending sufficient funding. In addition, the existing organizational structures and routines for professional development pose a major challenge in capacity building of district leaders and teachers to engage in lesson study.

The Power and Promise of a Digital Tool for Teaching Inquiry Science


Katherine F. Paget

Jacqueline S. Miller

William J. Tally

Short Description

To examine the value of the electronic teacher guide (eTG) as a curriculum planning and teaching tool,
it was important to study it in the contexts of teachers’ actual planning, teaching, and reflecting.
This paper described two descriptive case studies.


Technologies and Reformed-Based Science Instruction: The Examination of a Professional Development Model Focused on Supporting Science Teaching and Learning with Technologies

While access to computers, other technologies, and cyber-enabled resources that could be leveraged for enhancing student learning in science is increasing, generally it has been found that teachers use technology more for administrative purposes or to support traditional instruction. This use of technology, especially to support traditional instruction, sits in opposition to most recent standards documents in science education that call for student involvement in evidence-based sense-making activities.


Todd Campbell

Max L. Longhurst

Shiang-Kwei Wang

Hui-Yin Hsu

Dan C. Coster
