CANCELLED: Rich/Authentic Contexts for Pre-College Engineering Education – Conceptualizations and Translations into Practice


“Authentic experiences” are core to many projects. The session shows ways authenticity is used in engineering/technology with examples from projects.

Session Type
PI-organized Discussion

The ubiquitous use of the term “authenticity” makes it difficult to not only operationalize the term for the development of learning environments, but also for empirical research into the effectiveness or role of different dimensions and different constructs of context and authenticity. Research on STEM education and underrepresented minorities and women may serve as an example for the significance and impact of authentic learning experiences and the need for more reflection: Data show that STEM fields are not as attractive to underrepresented minorities and girls.

Professional Development Materials to Support Geometry Learning and Instruction, the Common Core Standards, and English Language Learners


Two projects that are investigating how middle school geometry professional development materials support teachers’ learning. Presenters compare approaches, present preliminary results, and discuss strengths and challenges.

Session Type
PI-organized Discussion

This session focuses on two professional development projects, both aimed at increasing geometric content knowledge of middle school mathematics teachers and their students. The goal is to engage grantees in considering what the presenters are learning about the impact of these projects and to consider next steps in advancing the field. The two participating projects are:

Professional Development and Implementation of the Common Core Standards for Mathematics


This panel provides various perspectives on recommendations needed to ensure successful implementation of the Common Core Standards for Mathematics, with a focus on professional development. *This is a one-hour session with the option to stay in the room for informal discussion afterwards.

Session Type
Session Materials

This panel addresses the need for professional development in light of the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics. Composed of researchers and practitioners, participants in the panel will share what research has to say about the need for offering teachers quality professional development at scale, as well as what practitioners have to say about current efforts to support and prepare teachers who are ready for the implementation of the new standards.

Mapping DR K-12 Project Activities to Climate and Environmental Literacy Principles - Steps Toward Leveraging Efforts and Broader Impacts


Presenters explore how DR K-12 projects address the Climate Literacy Essential Principles and Environmental Literacy Competencies and how that information can increase projects' effectiveness.

Session Type
PI-organized Discussion

The objectives of this session are for the group to map DR K–12 projects onto the Climate Literacy Essential Principles (CLEP) and Environmental Literacy Competencies (ELC) and to use that map to explore how to leverage all of the projects’ efforts both within the DR K–12 projects and in the larger community of climate and environmental education efforts. The session sets the stage for thinking about how DR K–12 projects address the CLEP and ELC with two brief presentations of these initiatives and examples of how specific projects align to them.

Learning Progressions and Trajectories in Research: Methodological and Theoretical Challenges


Five research teams describe various methodologies used to develop, refine, and validate learning progressions/learning trajectories and describe challenges encountered in relation to those methods of investigation.

Session Type
PI-organized Discussion

A recent focus of mathematics education researchers has been on the development of learning trajectories (LTs) or learning progressions (LPs) that characterize the learning of a mathematical topic. LTs include (a) a mathematical goal, (b) a developmental path, and (c) instructional activities or tasks fitting each level of thinking along the developmental path. In this session, members of five research teams describe various methodologies they have used to develop, refine, and validate LTs and describe challenges they encountered.


Development and Use of Observational Protocols


This session presents the development and use of observational protocols. The collaborative team elicits feedback from the participants to enhance the protocols.

Session Type
Product Feedback Session

This session presents the development and use of observational protocols. The collaborative team elicits feedback from the participants to enhance the protocols.

Crossroads: Vexations and Ventures of Current DR K-12 Projects


Explore whether Network Improvement Communities might inform and guide dissemination efforts, and then engage in debate about STEM reforms at the local or global level.

Session Type
PI-organized Discussion

For a description of the Crossroads session structure, please see the initial Crossroads session.

NSF Funding Programs


Facilitator: Pat Wilson, NSF

NSF program officers discuss Directorate for Education & Human Resources (EHR) programs and related funding opportunities.

Session Type
NSF-led Session
Session Materials

Using Rule Space and Poset-based Adaptive Testing Methodologies to Identify Ability Patterns in Early Mathematics and Create a Comprehensive Mathematics Ability Test


Presenters discuss creating and evaluating a substantial revision of an existing assessment of early mathematics using emerging, multidimensional, cognitive and psychometric, theoretical models.

Session Type
PI-organized Discussion

Advancing understanding of how early learning of mathematics progress is dependent on the development of good measures. Presenters of this session produced the “Research-based Early Mathematics Assessment” (REMA), and now better understand its limitations. They are now creating and evaluating a substantial revision of the REMA using emerging multidimensional theoretical models, both cognitive and psychometric. The development of this instrument will lead to substantive advances in the fields of mathematics education research, cognitive psychology, and psychometric theory.