Urban Advantage: Formal-Informal Partnerships to Improve STEM Teaching and Learning in Middle School Science Classrooms


This session examines the potential and challenges of developing effective formal-informal partnerships to support STEM teaching and learning and embedding research agendas into this work.

Session Type
PI-organized Discussion
Session Materials

This session presents the work from three projects that are addressing the challenges of using secondary data sets in the classroom to teach ecology. Presenters from each project provide a brief overview of their development and research work followed by a question and answer period. A panel discussion with participants focuses on the following three questions: What are the challenges and benefits of bringing “real” data to the classroom? How do you make complex data accessible to middle and high school students?

Toward Greater Mutual Understanding in STEM: A Focused, Facilitated Conversation Exploring How Engineering Lessons Can Support Math and Science “Common Core” Standards


In an environment structured for productive thinking, educators from different content areas collaboratively begin to develop a set of recommendations or considerations for cross-content generative engineering lessons.

Session Type
PI-organized Discussion
Session Materials

This session focuses on a particular role that engineering lessons and curricula can play, placing them as tools for engagement in and expansion of mathematics and science learning in which engineering is used primarily as a means to help promote learning in these content areas. This role may not be what all engineering education specialists strive for; many of us may well value engineering education for its own sake and its role supporting technological literacy.

The Challenges of Scaling Up


Dynabook and SmartGraphs answer the questions: What are the major challenges in scaling up, and how do you plan to meet them?

Session Type
PI-organized Discussion
Session Materials

The goal of the session is to help attendees understand challenges of scaling up and to inform their design of scaling-up strategies for their own projects. The session has four parts: an introduction in which key challenges are identified, two parts in which Dynabook and SmartGraphs describe strategies for meeting challenges, and a part for audience to interactaction. To successfully scale up, organizations need to concisely identify the “value proposition” that appeals to users, which requires an understanding of need, approach, benefits, and competition.

Technology-Enhanced STEM Assessment Research and Development: Findings and Futures


How have technology-enhanced assessment projects studied their technical quality, effectiveness, and feasibility? Four mature assessment projects share designs, research methods, findings, and challenges.

Session Type
PI-organized Discussion

This collaborative session brings together four mature projects that use different approaches to develop and validate technology-enhanced STEM assessments. Presenters share their designs, research findings, and implications for measuring STEM standards. All offer evidence addressing four questions: (1) What was the technical quality (reliability and validity) and effectiveness of the assessments for their intended purposes? (2) How feasible were the assessments to implement in classrooms? (3) How can the projects can be scaled up and sustained?

Technology to Support Expression of Meaning


Presenters from six technology-rich projects explore how they are using new representations, activities, and practices to help learners become more fluent in expressing their thinking.

Session Type
PI-organized Discussion

Given technology that enables teachers and learners to express mathematics and science in quite new ways—relative to textbooks and conventional classroom talk—what sorts of representations, activities, and practices provide the necessary structure to guide and develop what students can “say” and “do” so that they develop ways to express themselves more powerfully and meaningfully?

Presenters from six DR K–12 projects, each involved in mathematics or science teaching and learning, describe their approaches:


Specifying Equity in Practice: A Focus on Ambitious Mathematics and Science Teaching


Three projects report findings about supporting mathematics and science teachers’ development of ambitious teaching and focus analyses on equity perspectives related to students’ opportunities to learn.

Session Type
PI-organized Discussion

In this session, presenters from three projects seek to elaborate teaching practices in mathematics and science that support the development of central mathematical or scientific ideas and result in significant learning opportunities for students. More specifically, they seek to ground a larger conversation about equity in mathematics and science education in the sharing of specific analyses of their work. All three presentations focus on supporting teachers’ development of ambitious (rigorous and equitable) instructional practices.

PARCC Assessments


This session provides an overview of the design of the PARCC assessments and describes the research studies and resources PARCC has or plans to develop to support the implementation of the Common Core State Standards (CCSS).* This is a one-hour session with the option to remain in the room for informal discussion after the presentation.

Session Type

The Partnership for the Assessment of College and Career Readiness (PARCC) is a consortium of 24 states that received a Race to the Top Assessment Grant from the U.S. Department of Education in the fall of 2010 to build a next-generation student assessment system. The assessments will be based on the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) for English Language Arts/Literacy and Mathematics and target students in grades 3–11.

Effective Computer-Based Curricula


What have we learned about designing computer-based materials that transform science education? What do we need to investigate? How can we collaborate to stimulate change?

Session Type
PI-organized Discussion

How can we sustain and improve our innovations to promote lifelong science learning? What have we learned about designing computer-based materials that transform science education? What are open questions and promising directions? How can we collaborate to stimulate change? What strategies and revenue streams will lead to sustainability of promising innovations?

Crossroads: Vexations and Ventures of Current DR K-12 Projects


Presenters describe struggles with sustaining science teacher professional development across remote sites and explore simulation training of science educators beyond one institution’s existing capacities.

Session Type

For a description of the Crossroads session structure, please see the initial Crossroads session.

Engineering SIG


(Open to all grantees)

This group discusses current research and practice in K-12 engineering education and issues related to content and delivery.

Session Type
Special Interest Group (SIG)