Assessing Secondary Teachers’ Algebraic Habits of Mind


Participants provide feedback on a preliminary paper-and-pencil assessment of secondary teachers’ mathematical habits of mind (MHoM) and use classroom video to examine MHoM in practice.

2014 Session Types
Feedback Session (Work in Development)
Session Materials

In Assessing Secondary Teachers’ Algebraic Habits of Mind, the project team is developing tools to study the following questions: What are the mathematical habits of mind (MHoM) that secondary teachers use, how do they use them, and how can we measure them?

In this session, presenters share a paper-and-pencil assessment being developed to measure how teachers use MHoM when they do mathematics for themselves. The presenters also share classroom video and a preliminary framework for examining MHoM in teaching practice.

Engineering SIG


(Open to all grantees)
This group discusses current research and practice in K-12 engineering education and issues related to content and delivery.

2014 Session Types
Special Interest Group (SIG)

New IES Ed Research & Development Centers

IES Announces New FY 2014 Education Research and Development Centers

The Institute of Education Sciences and the National Center for Education Research awarded two new grants under the Education Research and Development Centers competition (CFDA 84.305C). The Institute of Education Sciences invited applications in two topic areas: (1) Developmental Education Assessment and Instruction, and (2) Knowledge Utilization. Total spending for these awards over five years is approximately $15 million. The grants are: