September 2024 Newsletter

Dear Colleagues,

This month’s Spotlight on Algebra Education in DRK-12 features projects focused on the connections between teaching practices, student reasoning, and the effectiveness of interventions. The projects address research questions about how students develop algebraic thinking and the impact of instruction on them, as well as how teachers perceive and interpret algebraic thinking and how their practices evolve through collaboration and professional development. Read about the DRK-12 projects and related resources featured in the Spotlight.

Don’t miss the newest episode in season two of Drs. Lani Horn and Terrell Morton’s video podcast series on project design, proposal writing, and project management. This episode focuses on both developing and managing a project budget.

The new DRK-12 awards keep coming. Read an updated list of new DRK-12 awards. Congratulations to the newest members of the DRK-12 community! There are now 10 awards for the Partnership Development Project type, new to the 2023 DRK-12 solicitation. Learn more about developing a proposal for this project type in this NSF webinar. Those interested in this project type can submit a concept outline to Joan Walker or through October 11.


The CADRE Team

Algebra Education in DRK-12 | Spotlight

Paper with a math problem written on it.This Spotlight highlights how DRK-12 projects are advancing the field of algebra education through innovative technologies, teacher professional development, curriculum impact studies, meta-research, and strategic partnership development. Eight projects describe their interventions, research questions, initial findings, and strategies for addressing key challenges. PIs also offer advice for others considering research and development in algebra education. 

In this Spotlight:

New DRK-12 Awards | Project List

CADRE New DRK-12 Award image

Since our August newsletter, additional DRK-12 projects have been funded. View the full list of recent awards below.

Congratulations to the newest DRK-12 awardees, and welcome to our community! We look forward to getting to know you and hearing about your work as it progresses.

New Episode! Uncovering the Hidden Curriculum of DRK-12 | Video Podcast

Video stills of podcast hosts.In this episode of the second season of the Uncovering the Hidden Curriculum of DRK-12 video podcast series, Drs. Lani Horn and Terrell Morton share insights on project budgets. Whether you’re developing the budget for a new proposal or in the midst of a project and managing an existing budget, there are tips for you.


ICYMI, Episode 1 of Season 2 focused on what NSF project management looks like and why it matters, as well as norms and practices that PIs should establish to support team collaboration and work. Watch the full Uncovering the Hidden Curriculum of DRK-12 playlist.

Project Tip: Helping New Partners Prepare Biosketches for NSF Proposals

Many experienced DRK-12 proposal submitters are familiar with the requirement to include specific documents for all senior personnel involved in their project. However, the exact requirements change periodically, so it’s important to keep up to date by reviewing the current proposal preparation guide. As DRK-12 projects increasingly involve partners less familiar with NSF processes, meeting these requirements may be more complex and time-consuming than anticipated. For proposed senior personnel without a CV, their relevant professional experience may be more appropriately highlighted in the Synergistic Activities document. Be sure to allot time to assist your new partners in completing these documents.


News from NSF

News from NSF Networks

News from DRK-12 Projects and Awardees

News and Media


Do you have news to share? Email

Upcoming Opportunities

The following funding and publication opportunities, listed by deadline, may be of interest to you and your DRK-12 project members.


For more NSF funding opportunities, see CADRE's list of Upcoming NSF DRL EHR Solicitation Deadlines.


For other publication opportunities, including those with ongoing submissions, see CADRE's list of Publications for STEM Educators, Policymakers, and Researchers.
For more conference information, see CADRE's list of Conferences for STEM Educators, Policymakers, and Researchers.

Career & Professional Development

A complete archive of our newsletters and announcements is available on

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