Special Education

Design, Development, and Initial Testing of Asset-Based Intervention Grounded in Trajectories of Student Fraction Learning

One of the most relentless areas of difficulty in mathematics for children with learning disabilities (LDs) and difficulties is fractions. We report the development and initial testing of an intervention designed to increase access to and advancement in conceptual understanding. Our asset-based theory of change—a tested and confirmed learning trajectory of fraction concepts of students with LDs grounded in student-centered instruction—served as the basis for our multistage scientific design process.


Jessica H. Hunt

Kristi Martin

Andy Khounmeuang

Juanita Silva

Blain Patterson

Jasmine Welch-Ptak

Short Description

One of the most relentless areas of difficulty in mathematics for children with learning disabilities (LDs) and difficulties is fractions. This article reports the development and initial testing of an intervention designed to increase access to and advancement in conceptual understanding.

Gina’s mathematics: Thinking, tricks, or “teaching”?

Students with learning disabilities display a diverse array of factors that interplay with their mathematical understanding. Our aim in this paper is to discuss the extent to which one case study elementary school child with identified learning disabilities (LDs) made sense of composite units and unit fractions. We present analysis and results from multiple sessions conducted during a teaching experiment cast as one-on-one intervention.


Jessica H.Hunt

Beth L.MacDonald


Short Description

This paper discusses the extent to which one case study elementary school child with identified learning disabilities (LDs) made sense of composite units and unit fractions.

A Handbook and Tool for Uncovering Children’s Conceptions of Fractions

Understand students’ fraction concepts through interview tasks.  Includes tasks and guide to record student thinking.


Jessica Hunt

Short Description

Understand students’ fraction concepts through interview tasks. Includes tasks and guide to record student thinking.

Initial Understandings of Fraction Concepts Evidenced by Students With Mathematics Learning Disabilities and Difficulties

Documenting how students with learning disabilities (LD) initially conceive of fractional quantities, and how their understandings may align with or differ from students with mathematics difficulties, is necessary to guide development of assessments and interventions that attach to unique ways of thinking or inherent difficulties these students may face understanding fraction concepts. One way to characterize such conceptions is through the creation of a framework that depicts key understandings evidenced as students work with problematic situations.


Jessica H. Hunt

Jasmine J. Welch-Ptak

Juanita M. Silva

Short Description

This study extends current literature by presenting key understandings of fractions, documented through problem-solving activity, language, representations, and operations, evidenced by students with LD and mathematics difficulties as they engaged with equal sharing problems.

Rehumanizing the Mathematics Education of Students with Disabilities: Critical Perspectives on Research and Practice

Lambert, R., Tan,  P., Hunt, J. H., & Candella, A. (2018). Re-humanizing the mathematics education of students with disabilities: Critical perspectives on research and practice. Investigations in Mathematics Learning, 10(3), 129-132.


Rachel Lambert

Paulo Tan

Jessica Hunt

Amber G. Candela

Short Description

This editorial is part of a special issue of Investigations in Mathematics Learning Critical Approaches that was inspired by a Disability in Mathematics Education working group.

Think-Pair-Show-Share to Increase Classroom Discourse

Anticipating and responding to learner variability can make using talk moves complex. The authors fuse Universal Design for Learning (UDL), differentiation, and talk moves into three key planning and pedagogy considerations.

Hunt, J. H., MacDonald, B., Lambert, R., Sugita, T., & Silva, J. (2018). Think, pair, show, share to increase classroom discourse. Teaching Children Mathematics (Focus Issue-Invited contribution), 25(2), 80-84.


Jessica H. Hunt

Beth MacDonald

Rachel Lambert

Trisha Sugita

Juanita Silva

Short Description

The authors fuse Universal Design for Learning (UDL), differentiation, and talk moves into three key planning and pedagogy considerations.

Professional Development Approaches to Strengthen Collaboration among Educators with Different Roles to Improve Student Math Learning

STEM Categorization

Discuss the benefits and challenges of creating mathematics professional development that brings together educators with different roles to build knowledge, practices, and collaboration for teaching students with diverse needs.


In order to broaden the participation of underrepresented student groups, such as students with disabilities and English Language Learners (ELL), mathematics professional development (PD) programs need to include educators with different areas of expertise, not just mathematics teachers. This session will focus on the benefits and challenges of creating effective PD programs that bring together educators with different roles to build knowledge, practices, and collaboration for improving the mathematics learning of all students.

Session Types

How to better understand the diverse mathematical thinking of learners

In this article Jessica Hunt explores the use of clinical interviews to gain a deep understanding of students' knowledge. Examples of clinical interviews are provided and advice for planning, giving and interpreting the results of interviews is also included.

Hunt, J.H. (2015). How to better understand the diverse mathematical thinking of learners. Australian Primary Mathematics Classroom, 20(2), 15-21.


Jessica Hunt

Lead Organization(s)

Exploratory Study of Informal Strategies for Equal Sharing Problems of Students With Learning Disabilities

Little to no information exists explaining the nature of conceptual gaps in understanding fractions for students with learning disabilities (LD); such information is vital to practitioners seeking to develop instruction or interventions. Many researchers argue such knowledge can be revealed through student’s problem-solving strategies. Despite qualitative differences in thinking and representation use in students with LD that may exist, existing frameworks of student’s strategies for solving fraction problems are not inclusive of students with LD.


Jessica Hunt

Susan Empson

Lead Organization(s)