Organization URL Projects Nurturing Mathematics Dreamkeepers Multimodal Science: Supporting Elementary Science Education through Graphic-enhanced Communication The Leonardo Project: An Intelligent Cyberlearning System for Interactive Scientific Modeling in Elementary Science Education Models of Professional Development for Mathematics Teachers Project ATOMS: Accomplished Elementary Teachers of Mathematics and Science Completing, Validating, and Linking Learning Trajectories for K-8 Rational Number Reasoning Tied to the Common Core Standards Developing Science Problem-solving Skills and Engagement Through Intelligent Game-based Learning Environments Diagnostic E-learning Trajectories Approach (DELTA) Applied to Rational Number Reasoning for Grades 3-8 Project AIM: All Included in Mathematics System-Level Professional Development: Articulating Research Ideas That Support Implementation of PD Needed for Making the CCSS in Mathematics Reality for K-12 Teachers Mathematics Instruction Using Decision Science and Engineering Tools Confronting the Challenges of Climate Literacy (Collaborative Research: Ledley) Advancing Science Performance with Emerging Computer Technologies (ASPECT) Confronting the Challenges of Climate Literacy (Collaborative Research: McNeal) Universal BEATS: Universal BioMusic Education Achievement Tier in Science Transforming Teaching Through Implementing Inquiry (T2I2) Building a Next Generation Diagnostic Assessment and Reporting System within a Learning Trajectory-Based Mathematics Learning Map for Grades 6-8 Location NC United States