
Developing Learning Environments that Support Molecular-Level Sensemaking

Principal Investigator:

Our team works with high school chemistry teachers to co-develop a suite of curricular materials that engage students in making sense of chemical phenomena in terms of atomic/molecular behavior. This suite of materials undergoes a regular cycle of development and refinement, guided by teachers’ sense of “what works” when implementing the materials and observations of classroom discourse practices. Our work investigates how to best support teachers as they design learning environments to promote student sensemaking.

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Supporting Teachers in Responsive Instruction for Developing Expertise in Science (Collaborative Research: Linn)

Principal Investigator:

STRIDES supports teachers to customize the curriculum to address diverse students' evolving ideas and achieve the multi-dimensional proficiency called for by the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). STRIDES catalyzes a new approach to teachers' curriculum customization. STRIDES will improve the evidence teachers have to make customization decisions by collaborating with the Educational Testing Service (ETS) to advance natural language processing (NLP) methods.

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Strengthening Data Literacy across the Curriculum

Principal Investigator:

The SDLC project has developed and studied curriculum modules for non-AP high school statistics to promote interest and skills in statistical thinking and data analysis among diverse high school populations. Modules engage students with social-justice-themed data investigations using large-scale socioeconomic data from the U.S. Census Bureau and student-friendly online data visualization tools. Current study findings show growth in student interest and skills in statistical thinking and data analysis following module use.

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Preparing Teachers to Design Tasks to Support, Engage, and Assess Science Learning in Rural Schools

Principal Investigator:

The main goal of the 5DMASTERS (Making Aligned Science Tasks Equitable for Rural Students) project is to support rural science teachers to shift to assessment of students’ learning that includes five dimensions: using disciplinary core ideas, science & engineering practices, and cross-cutting concepts, and meaningfully connecting to students’ interests and identities. We will share results from our ethnographic study of rural teachers’ instructional contexts, along with the initial design of our online professional learning course.

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Leveraging Simulations in Preservice Preparation to Improve Mathematics Teaching for Students with Disabilities (Collaborative Research: Cohen and Jones)

Principal Investigator:

The broader goal of our DRK-12 project is to develop and test whether simulated classroom experience with students with disabilities can improve elementary general educators' preparedness to support these students in mathematics. To support the tools' development, we have interviewed 22 leading mathematics and special educators to unearth tensions and points of convergence in how the respective fields conceptualize mathematics instruction. The poster will discuss implications of these findings for teacher preparation and development.

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Improving Multi-dimensional Assessment and Instruction: Building and Sustaining Elementary Science Teachers' Capacity Through Learning Communities (Collaborative Research: Lehman and Pellegrino)

Principal Investigator:

The NGSA project seeks to better understand how to build and sustain the capacity of elementary science teachers to instruct and formatively assess students in ways that align with the NGSS. We utilize a professional learning model that places instructionally-supportive assessments at the forefront, and centers student discourse on disciplinary knowledge and practices to engage in sensemaking and reasoning. Teacher partners co-develop multi-dimensional assessment tasks and are starting to use them formatively with their students.

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Target Audience:

Improving Multi-dimensional Assessment and Instruction: Building and Sustaining Elementary Science Teachers' Capacity Through Learning Communities (Collaborative Research: Lehman and Pellegrino)

Principal Investigator:

The NGSA project seeks to better understand how to build and sustain the capacity of elementary science teachers to instruct and formatively assess students in ways that align with the NGSS. We utilize a professional learning model that places instructionally-supportive assessments at the forefront, and centers student discourse on disciplinary knowledge and practices to engage in sensemaking and reasoning. Teacher partners co-develop multi-dimensional assessment tasks and are starting to use them formatively with their students.

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Supporting Success in Algebra: A Study of the Implementation of Transition to Algebra

Principal Investigator:

We are studying the implementation and impact of Transition to Algebra (TTA), a year-long algebra support curriculum for underprepared 9th-graders. TTA responds to an urgent need for innovative approaches that foster success in algebra for high-need students. We are examining the impact of TTA on students' algebra achievement and attitudes toward mathematics, using a quasi-experimental design with propensity score analyses to reduce selection bias threats. We are also investigating how teachers use and adapt TTA.

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Three-Dimensional Teaching and Learning: Rebuilding and Researching an Online Middle School Curriculum

Principal Investigator:

Although several middle school science units are emerging with high ratings on an NGSS EQuIP review, few have been subjected to experimental or quasi-experimental study to examine their efficacy with teachers or students. We share the design specifications, development process, and research findings from a quasi-experimental test of a designed-for-NGSS middle school science unit. Treatment students outperformed comparison students on a test of three-dimensional learning (p = .019; d = .300).

Co-PI(s): Betty Stennett and Lindsey Mohan, BSCS Science Learning

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Aligning the Science Teacher Education Pathway: A Networked Improvement Community

Principal Investigator:

The A-STEP project fosters collaboration between university faculty and pathway partners to implement common set of tools (Next Gen ASET Toolkit) across a science teacher training and development pathway. Partnerships across steps function under shared goals and paradigm shifts for pedagogical reform along the teacher pathway. A-STEP promotes change across our Networked Improvement Community (NIC) and the local pathway partners working with each university, ultimately impacting the enactment of the NGSS in respective K-12 classrooms.

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