
Next Generation Science Assessment Tasks

Assessment tasks intended to support teaching and learning in classrooms that are enacting NGSS-aligned instruction, and to gain insights into grades 3-8 students’ progress in building proficiency with NGSS performance expectations (PEs).


The Next Generation Science Assessment Team

Short Description

Assessment tasks intended to support teaching and learning in classrooms that are enacting NGSS-aligned instruction, and to gain insights into grades 3-8 students’ progress in building proficiency with NGSS performance expectations (PEs). The tasks are designed to increase access and engagement for students with a range of ethnic and cultural backgrounds, linguistic abilities, and learning differences.  The tasks include web-based tools to integrate computational models, which students can manipulate to explore phenomena, to generate data for a scientific argument, or to carry out an experiment. Teachers can select tasks to use with their students and assign them to be completed individually, in small groups, or during whole class instruction. As students complete the assessment tasks online, teachers can monitor student progress in real-time. The assessment portal links scoring rubrics to tasks to help teachers understand and evaluate which aspects of student work show progress toward mastery of the targeted 3-D integrated knowledge. Using these rubrics, teachers can provide online feedback to individual students.

The DiALoG Science Argumentation Tool

DiALoG stands for Diagnosing the Argumentation Levels of Groups. It is designed for teachers to formatively assess the quality of evidence-based arguments and to guide the selection of instructional responses designed to Improve the quality of students’ arguments. DiALoG assesses two important aspects of group argumentation – how well students construct their own evidence-based arguments (the INTRApersonal) and how well students are able to reconcile differences with others to co-construct meaning (the INTERpersonal).


The DiALoG Team

Short Description

DiALoG stands for Diagnosing the Argumentation Levels of Groups. It is designed for teachers to formatively assess the quality of evidence-based arguments and to guide the selection of instructional responses designed to Improve the quality of students’ arguments. DiALoG assesses two important aspects of group argumentation – how well students construct their own evidence-based arguments (the INTRApersonal) and how well students are able to reconcile differences with others to co-construct meaning (the INTERpersonal). The DiALoG system includes the DiALoG tool itself, along with the accompanying Responsive Mini Lessons (RMLs) and User Guides (UGs).

The DiALoG Science Argumentation Tool

DiALoG stands for Diagnosing the Argumentation Levels of Groups. It is designed for teachers to formatively assess the quality of evidence-based arguments and to guide the selection of instructional responses designed to Improve the quality of students’ arguments. DiALoG assesses two important aspects of group argumentation – how well students construct their own evidence-based arguments (the INTRApersonal) and how well students are able to reconcile differences with others to co-construct meaning (the INTERpersonal).


The DiALoG Team

Short Description

DiALoG stands for Diagnosing the Argumentation Levels of Groups. It is designed for teachers to formatively assess the quality of evidence-based arguments and to guide the selection of instructional responses designed to Improve the quality of students’ arguments. DiALoG assesses two important aspects of group argumentation – how well students construct their own evidence-based arguments (the INTRApersonal) and how well students are able to reconcile differences with others to co-construct meaning (the INTERpersonal). The DiALoG system includes the DiALoG tool itself, along with the accompanying Responsive Mini Lessons (RMLs) and User Guides (UGs).

NGSS-Aligned Assessment Tasks for Grades 3–5

This web-based portal offers free, technology-enhanced science assessment tasks for Grades 3-5. Designed for use by educators, researchers, and the public, the tasks are aligned to the NGSS performance expectations and have been developed with elementary teachers.

Development of these tasks and associated resources will be ongoing, throughout the duration of the project period. These updates may include new and revised tasks, tasks for additional performance expectations, task rubrics, and other teacher materials and guides to support classroom assessment.


Improving Multi-Dimensional Assessment and Instruction Project Team

Short Description

This web-based portal offers free, technology-enhanced science assessment tasks for Grades 3-5. Designed for use by educators, researchers, and the public, the tasks are aligned to the NGSS performance expectations and have been developed with elementary teachers.

NGSS-Aligned Assessment Tasks for Grades 3–5

This web-based portal offers free, technology-enhanced science assessment tasks for Grades 3-5. Designed for use by educators, researchers, and the public, the tasks are aligned to the NGSS performance expectations and have been developed with elementary teachers.

Development of these tasks and associated resources will be ongoing, throughout the duration of the project period. These updates may include new and revised tasks, tasks for additional performance expectations, task rubrics, and other teacher materials and guides to support classroom assessment.


Improving Multi-Dimensional Assessment and Instruction Project Team

Short Description

This web-based portal offers free, technology-enhanced science assessment tasks for Grades 3-5. Designed for use by educators, researchers, and the public, the tasks are aligned to the NGSS performance expectations and have been developed with elementary teachers.

Case Studies of a Suite of Next Generation Science Instructional, Assessment, and Professional Development Materials in Diverse Middle School Settings

Principal Investigator:

Our learning approach, eco-solutioning, emphasizes learning 3D environmental content through the construction of solutions that have an impact with and on the local environment. Project goals include the design, implementation, and evaluation of a Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) curricular unit delivered through Gooru’s Learning Navigator data backbone system where middle school student learning is used towards local environmental solutions such as increasing local populations of native insects.

Co-PI(s): Michelle Newstadt,

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Target Audience:

Supporting Teachers in Responsive Instruction for Developing Expertise in Science (Collaborative Research: Riordan)

Principal Investigator:

With the increasing use of online interactive environments for science and engineering education in grades K-12, there is a growing need for detailed automatic analysis of student explanations to provide targeted and individualized guidance. In this work we describe a process of human annotation of student ideas based on deconstructed holistic scoring rubrics for knowledge integration in science learning and develop new NLP methods for identifying diverse expressions of student ideas and reasoning.

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Target Audience:

Building a Teacher Knowledge Base for the Implementation of High-Quality Instructional Resources through the Collaborative Investigation of Video Cases (Collaborative Research: Murray and Wilson)

Principal Investigator:

Analyzing Instruction in Mathematics using the TRU framework (AIM-TRU) is a research-practice partnership that is investigating the pressing problem of supporting teachers in increasing their capacity to implement high-quality instructional materials in the classroom with fidelity. Drawing upon the design-based research paradigm, the partnership has worked to co-design, investigate, and iteratively form the AIM-TRU Learning Cycle, which gives teachers the opportunity to understand the materials and how they are used in the classroom through a video-based professional learning cycle.

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Target Audience:

Measuring Early Mathematical Reasoning Skills: Developing Tests of Numeric Relational Reasoning and Spatial Reasoning

Principal Investigator:

The MMaRS project is designing classroom assessment resources of numeric relational reasoning and spatial reasoning for students in grades K-2. During the pandemic, SMU researchers worked virtually with teachers and K-2 students to develop resources that are responsive to their needs and accurately elicit their reasoning. This poster will highlight the virtual data collection methods and techniques, including think aloud video interviews with students and prototype co-design work sessions with teachers.

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Target Audience:

Developing Preservice Elementary Teachers' Ability to Facilitate Goal-Oriented Discussions in Science and Mathematics via the Use of Simulated Classroom Interactions

Principal Investigator:

In this project, we developed, piloted, and studied the use of a set of performance-based tasks delivered within a simulated classroom environment in order to improve preservice elementary teachers' ability to facilitate argumentation-focused discussions in mathematics and science. We conceptualized these simulated discussions as formative assessment opportunities, and studied how teacher educators made use of them within methods courses to support preservice teachers' learning. We also examined evidence of preservice teacher learning via pre/post measures.

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Target Audience: