
Practicum-based Professional Development Models: Considering Impacts from Multiple Perspectives

STEM Categorization

Join a discussion about making, understanding, and measuring the impacts of practicum-based teacher professional development models, and aspects of policy and context that mediate these impacts.

Session Materials

Professional development projects aim to improve student learning by directly impacting teachers. However, the work of teachers (and thus the potential impact of professional development) is often impacted by a number of policy and context-related factors. This poses a challenge not only in programming designed to impact teachers, but also to the ability to detect these impacts through rigorous research designs.

Session Types

Improving Student Learning and Teacher Practice in Mathematics: A Focus on Formative Assessment

STEM Categorization

Join a discussion with panelists from several projects about project model designs, initial findings, and implementation challenges associated with formative assessment in mathematics.

Session Materials

In this session, four projects will share their work on formative assessment and mathematics learning trajectories, and participants will discuss the implications for formative assessment practices in mathematics.

Session Types

Problematizing and Assessing Secondary Mathematics Teachers’ Ways of Thinking

STEM Categorization

Engage with presenters as they discuss assessment and rubrics designed to measure secondary teachers’ mathematical habits of mind.


Work in secondary mathematics education takes many approaches to content, pedagogy, professional development and assessment. This session aims to illuminate the richness of hte content of secondary mathematics and the field of secondary mathematics education by sharing two such approaches and reflecting on the differences and commonalities between the two.   

Session Types

Perspectives on Solution Diversity and Divergent Thinking in K–12 Engineering Design Learning Experiences

STEM Categorization

Consider multiple approaches to valuing, supporting, and studying the diversity of students’ solutions to design problems through poster presentations and small-group discussion.


“Solution diversity” has been proposed as one key characteristic that distinguishes engineering design from other disciplinary pursuits. Engineering designers recognize that for any design problem, there will be multiple acceptable solutions, and informed designers have been found to strive for “idea fluency” through divergent thinking techniques that assist them in exploring the design space (Crismond & Adams, 2012).

Session Types

On the Design and Implementation of Practical Measures to Support Instructional Improvement at Scale

STEM Categorization

Learn about two efforts to design and implement practical measures of science and mathematics teaching to inform school and district instructional improvement efforts.


In contrast to evaluative research that uses accountability measures, improvement science research (Bryk, Gomez, Grunow, & LeMahieu, 2015), using practical measures is designed to provide practitioners with frequent, rapid feedback that enables them to assess and adjust instruction during the process of implementation. The resulting data is potentially of use to multiple stakeholders. For example, practical measures can orient teachers to attend to key aspects of the classroom that might be invisible to them.

Session Types

Bryk, A. S., Gomez, L. M., Grunow, A., & LeMahieu, P. (2015). Learning to improve: How America's schools can get better at getting better.
       Cambridge, MA: Harvard Education Press.
Yeager, D., Bryk, A. S., Muhich, J., Hausman, H., & Morales, L. (2013). Practical measurement. Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of
       Teaching. Stanford, CA.

Kara Jackson, Jessica Thompson

Game-Based Learning Assessments: Using Data from Digital Games to Understand Learning

STEM Categorization

Discover how digital games can inform classroom teaching using data from innovative formative assessments from three different game-based projects.


This session aims to open up a conversation about of how games can be used for formative assessment and how data from digital games can inform classroom teaching.

Session Types

Data-Intensive Research in Education: New Opportunities for Making an Impact

STEM Categorization

Join a facilitated discussion about the application of data science to education, drawing on a recent NSF-sponsored report. Participants share insights from DR K–12 projects.


The Computing Research Association’s report from an NSF-sponsored workshop describes seven next steps for data-intensive research in education:

Session Types

STEM Smart Brief: Teaching and Learning Under the Next Generation Science Standards

This brief gives an overview—and by no means a comprehensive one—of several NGSS-aligned projects in the areas of curriculum, instruction, assessment, and professional development.



Short Description

This brief gives an overview—and by no means a comprehensive one—of several NGSS-aligned projects in the areas of curriculum, instruction, assessment, and professional development.

ScratchJr: A Coding Language for Kindergarten

Computer programming for young children has grown in popularity among both education researchers and product developers, but still relatively little is known about how to assess and track young children’s learning through coding. This study presents an assessment tool to track Kindergarten through second grade students’ learning after engaging in a programming curriculum. Researchers worked with N=57 Kindergarten through second grade students over seven weeks to implement a curriculum using ScratchJr to introduce concepts of sequencing to create animated stories, collages, and games.


Amanda Strawhacker

Dylan Portelance

Marina Bers

Lead Organization(s)
Short Description

A paper on the prototype evolution of the ScratchJr programming environment.