STEM Sea, Air, and Land Remotely Operated Vehicle Design Challenges for Rural, Middle School Youth

Principal Investigator:
STEM SEALs builds collaborative partnerships between North Florida College and local middle schools to bolster STEM pathways for students in this region. It involves the development of inexpensive, rigorous, and versatile design challenges to expose rural middle school students to high quality STEM experiences. Researchers study the feasibility and efficacy of these experiences to promote greater awareness of STEM pathways, increase readiness for STEM study; and generate student identity as STEM-able, STEM-skilled, and STEM-belonging.
Click image to preview:
Target Audience:

Developing a Modeling Orientation to Science: Teaching and Learning Variability and Change in Ecosystems (Collaborative Research: Lehrer, Miller, and Peake)

Principal Investigator:

We are investigating the development of middle-schoolers' understandings and practices of modeling in the context of investigations of variability and change in ecosystems. We are studying how and to what extent students' participation in distinct forms of modeling informs their classroom-based citizen science investigations.

Click image to preview:
Target Audience:

Developing a Modeling Orientation to Science: Teaching and Learning Variability and Change in Ecosystems (Collaborative Research: Lehrer, Miller, and Peake)

Principal Investigator:

We are investigating the development of middle-schoolers' understandings and practices of modeling in the context of investigations of variability and change in ecosystems. We are studying how and to what extent students' participation in distinct forms of modeling informs their classroom-based citizen science investigations.

Click image to preview:
Target Audience:

Developing a Modeling Orientation to Science: Teaching and Learning Variability and Change in Ecosystems (Collaborative Research: Lehrer, Miller, and Peake)

Principal Investigator:

We are investigating the development of middle-schoolers' understandings and practices of modeling in the context of investigations of variability and change in ecosystems. We are studying how and to what extent students' participation in distinct forms of modeling informs their classroom-based citizen science investigations.

Click image to preview:
Target Audience:

Science Communities of Practice Partnership

Principal Investigator:

Despite widespread agreement about the importance of teacher professional development (PD), translating what is learned in PD to classroom practice remains challenging. Guided by Self Determination Theory, this study examines how PD facilitators, including pedagogical coaches and university faculty, support the three basic needs for autonomy, competence, and relatedness for teachers' intrinsic motivation as learners in PD focused on reform-based science instruction. Study findings include high-leverage practices that facilitators can use to support teacher motivation.

Click image to preview:
Target Audience:

Strengthening Mathematics Intervention Classes: Identifying and Addressing Challenges to Improve Instruction for Struggling Learners

Principal Investigator:
The SMI project's goals are to: 1) study the current landscape of mathematics intervention classes at the middle grades, and 2) create PD to strengthen intervention teachers' practices for supporting students with mathematics difficulties/disabilities.
Click image to preview:
Target Audience:

Q&A Session on the 2021 ITEST Solicitation (Procedural/Budget/Technical Questions)

Event Date

Join STELAR for a series of Q&A “office hours” style discussions with National Science Foundation Program Officers, geared towards answering general questions including procedural, budget related, and technical questions around completing the required proposal sections and finalizing your submission.

Questions that are submitted in advance or that are posed during the office hours will be addressed throughout the office hour-long sessions. 


Event Type

Q&A Session on the 2021 ITEST Solicitation (General Questions)

Event Date

Join STELAR for a series of Q&A “office hours” style discussions with National Science Foundation Program Officers, geared towards answering general questions including procedural, budget related, and technical questions around completing the required proposal sections and finalizing your submission.

Questions that are submitted in advance or that are posed during the office hours will be addressed throughout the office hour-long sessions. 


Event Type

Q&A Session on the 2021 ITEST Solicitation (General Questions)

Event Date

Join STELAR for a series of Q&A “office hours” style discussions with National Science Foundation Program Officers, geared towards answering general questions including procedural, budget related, and technical questions around completing the required proposal sections and finalizing your submission.

Questions that are submitted in advance or that are posed during the office hours will be addressed throughout the office hour-long sessions. 


Event Type