Webinar: ITEST Proposal Development

Join the Innovative Technology Experiences for Students and Teachers (ITEST) National STEM Learning Resource Center, National Science Foundation staff, and ITEST Principal Investigators for a Q&A session on developing an ITEST proposal.

This session is for those who will have already submitted a letter of intent on September 20 and want to ask questions and gain insights on how to most effectively develop a full proposal.

When: September 25, 2012
Time: 2:00 - 3:00 ET

Transition to Algebra PD and Curriculum Orientation

We invite teachers, coaches, and other instructional leaders who will be using Transition to Algebra materials in the upcoming school year to a special orientation at Education Development Center (EDC). Transition to Algebra is a full-year algebra support curriculum that focuses on building algebraic habits of mind in order to raise the competence and confidence of students who may need extra support to succeed in a first-year algebra class. Find out more at ttalgebra.edc.org.

Transition to Algebra PD and Curriculum Orientation

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We invite teachers, coaches, and other instructional leaders who will be using Transition to Algebra materials in the upcoming school year to a special orientation at Education Development Center (EDC). Transition to Algebra is a full-year algebra support curriculum that focuses on building algebraic habits of mind in order to raise the competence and confidence of students who may need extra support to succeed in a first-year algebra class. Find out more at ttalgebra.edc.org.

Event Type

Webinar:Latinos in STEM

Excelencia in Education will release Finding Your Workforce: STEM, a new report revealing the Top 25 colleges graduating Latinos in science, technology, engineering, and math fields in 2009-10 and sharing selected evidence-based practices to increase Latino student success in these disciplines.  This report is part of an ongoing project to link U.S. college completion goals with the workforce needs of the country, and to increase the awareness of recruiters and employers to find Latino graduates in key sectors.