Exploring Technological Innovations to Support Practice-based STEM Teacher Education

STEM Categorization

Learn about technology for teacher education as presenters introduce the work of the LessonSketch R+D Fellows and online tools being used in practice-based teacher education.


This topical session (1.5 hours) explores how teacher educators have used technological tools in teacher education to support broader participation by students in STEM classrooms. The session unfolds in four parts.

Engagement in Science Practices in Early Childhood: Discussing Successes and Challenges

STEM Categorization

This session invites participants to discuss which science practices align with the abilities of young children and what supports young children need to engage in those practices.


Researchers agree that scientific concepts do not stand alone and are meaningless if they are introduced as isolated facts. Instead, they suggest that science concepts be taught by engaging in the process of science (French, 2004; Gelman & Brenneman; 2004; Yoon & Onchwari; 2006). This science-as-practice approach is especially appropriate in early childhood.

Data Are Everywhere—and Now, So Is Data Science Education. Learn How This Affects You!

STEM Categorization

Hear from four projects grappling with what it means to engage learners in data science, both integrated into STEM subjects and stand-alone, and discuss the potential challenges.


This interactive session helps all participants view their work in an important new light. Through a combination of presentation and active discussion, participants investigate several ways that data science education (DSE) can be integrated into STEM learning, and work together to answer driving questions about how DSE looks and feels in practice. Specifically, presenters (1) increase awareness of the importance of DSE, (2) help participants understand how DSE intersects with their work, and (3) expand views on data use in STEM learning to involve DSE contexts.

NSF Priorities & Going the Extra Mile to Support Research Use


Neild discusses strategies for effective partnerships and collaborations between researchers and practitioners as well as promising mechanisms for communicating research findings to teachers and agency leadership in schools.

(Moderator: Karen King)

Session Types

NSF Welcome & Nexus of Change: Exploring the Intersections Between Broadening Participation, STEM and Computer Science Disciplines, and Technological Innovations in Education


The framing plenary presentation addresses the necessity and urgency for the NSF DRK–12 and STEM+C communities to capitalize on intersections or the nexus of the three domains of broadening participation, STEM+C disciplines, and technological innovations.


The education system is rapidly changing due to three emerging forces: traditional minority groups are now the majority; standards in STEM and computer science are academically rigorous; and technological innovations are advancing fast. The NSF 10 Big Ideas provide the vision for harnessing these emerging forces. This framing plenary presentation will address the necessity and urgency for the NSF DRK–12 and STEM+C communities to capitalize on intersections of the three domains of broadening participation, STEM and computer science disciplines, and technological innovations in education.

Session Types

STEM+C Gathering and Program Updates


Learn about the STEM+Computing funding program and its relationship to NSF’s Big Ideas (specifically, interdisciplinary Convergence and Work at the Human Technology Frontier), and network with other STEM+C awardees.

Session Types

Postdoc Career Pathways


Invited postdocs explore various career pathways in STEM education research in conversation with DRK–12 PIs from academic and non-academic institutions.

(Moderator: Dana Grosser-Clarkson)


CAREER Award Forum

STEM Categorization

This session focuses on the priorities and interests of CAREER awardees, including topics such as efficacy and effectiveness studies of STEM interventions in field settings, linking theories of change to variable selection, measure development, case studies, and other topics chosen by the participants.
