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Emerging Communities for Mathematical Practices and Assessment (EnCoMPASS): An Online Practice Space for Teacher Noticing and Wondering

Noticing important aspects of student work (e.g. Professional Noticing (van Es & Sherin, 2002)), interpreting and evaluating student thinking and providing high-quality feedback are seen as high leverage practices and are “likely to lead to large advances in student learning” (Ball, Sleep, Boerst, & Bass, 2009, p.461). However, improving the quality and efficiency of these noticing practices often proves to be challenging (Ball, 2001).

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Emerging Communities for Mathematical Practices and Assessment (EnCoMPASS): An Online Practice Space for Teacher Noticing and Wondering

Noticing important aspects of student work (e.g. Professional Noticing (van Es & Sherin, 2002)), interpreting and evaluating student thinking and providing high-quality feedback are seen as high leverage practices and are “likely to lead to large advances in student learning” (Ball, Sleep, Boerst, & Bass, 2009, p.461). However, improving the quality and efficiency of these noticing practices often proves to be challenging (Ball, 2001).

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Changes to Mathematical Understanding as Influenced by Learning in a Collaborative Dynamic Geometry Setting

Web 2.0 environments provide infrastructure for synchronous access to communication and shared dynamic mathematical tools. These tools enable mathematicians (Alagie & Alagie, 2013) and mathematics learners (Alqahtani & Powell, in press; Powell, 2014; Stahl, 2015) alike to collaborate online to discuss mathematical ideas and solve mathematics problems. However, scant literature in mathematics education examines how with Web 2.0 tools, learners can coordinate both content and social resources as they discuss their mathematical ideas and problem solve.

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Changes to Mathematical Understanding as Influenced by Learning in a Collaborative Dynamic Geometry Setting

Web 2.0 environments provide infrastructure for synchronous access to communication and shared dynamic mathematical tools. These tools enable mathematicians (Alagie & Alagie, 2013) and mathematics learners (Alqahtani & Powell, in press; Powell, 2014; Stahl, 2015) alike to collaborate online to discuss mathematical ideas and solve mathematics problems. However, scant literature in mathematics education examines how with Web 2.0 tools, learners can coordinate both content and social resources as they discuss their mathematical ideas and problem solve.

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Vulnerability in Action: Noticing and Wondering in Building a Professional Learning Communities

Objectives: This study examined an online and blended professional learning community (PLC) of mathematics teachers and the role of sociocultural practices in its constitution and sustainability. The last decade has been marked by efforts to institutionalize PLCs in teacher education. However, a gap exists in the literature on how PLCs are constructed and sustained, especially for PLCs that are hybrid in nature, consisting of online activities, social media, and face-to-face interactions.

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Proportions Playground: Using Interactivity to Support Mathematical Reasoning

Objective & Theoretical Framework: The Proportions Playground project is concerned with how dynamic mathematical environments promote teachers’ mathematical reasoning. Specifically, this is an exploratory project aimed at understanding how to promote reasoning about proportional situations and the role dynamic environments have in that effort. We work from a knowledge in pieces perspective (diSessa, 2006), which posits that people develop understanding in the form of fine-grained knowledge resources. These resources are refined and interconnected as expertise develops.

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