
ScratchJr: A Coding Language for Kindergarten

Computer programming for young children has grown in popularity among both education researchers and product developers, but still relatively little is known about how to assess and track young children’s learning through coding. This study presents an assessment tool to track Kindergarten through second grade students’ learning after engaging in a programming curriculum. Researchers worked with N=57 Kindergarten through second grade students over seven weeks to implement a curriculum using ScratchJr to introduce concepts of sequencing to create animated stories, collages, and games.


Amanda Strawhacker

Dylan Portelance

Marina Bers

Lead Organization(s)
Short Description

A paper on the prototype evolution of the ScratchJr programming environment.

Towards Domain-Independent Assessment of Elementary Students’ Science Competency using Soft Cardinality

Automated assessment of student learning has become the subject of increasing attention. Students’ textual responses to short answer questions offer a rich source of data for assessment. However, automatically analyzing textual constructed responses poses significant computational challenges, exacerbated by the disfluencies that occur prominently in elementary students’ writing. With robust text analytics, there is the potential to analyze a student’s text responses and accurately predict his or her future success.


Samuel P. Leeman-Munk

Angela Shelton

Eric N. Wiebe

James C. Lester

Short Description

This paper presents a novel application of the soft cardinality text analytics method to support assessment of text.

‘‘I Want My Robot to Look for Food’’: Comparing Kindergartner’s Programming Comprehension Using Tangible, Graphic, and Hybrid User Interfaces


Amanda Strawhacker

Marina U. Bers

Lead Organization(s)
Short Description

In recent years, educational robotics has become an increasingly popular research area. However, limited studies have focused on differentiated learning outcomes based on type of programming interface. This study aims to explore how successfully young children master foundational programming concepts based on the robotics user interface (tangible, graphical, hybrid) taught in their curriculum.

Exploring Opportunities for STEM Teacher Leadership: Summary of a Convocation

Many national initiatives in K-12 science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education have emphasized the connections between teachers and improved student learning. Much of the discussion surrounding these initiatives has focused on the preparation, professional development, evaluation, compensation, and career advancement of teachers. Yet one critical set of voices has been largely missing from this discussion - that of classroom teachers themselves.


National Research Council


Combining High-Speed Cameras and Stop-Motion Animation Software to Support Students’ Modeling of Human Body Movement

Biomechanics, and specifically the biomechanics associated with human movement, is a potentially rich backdrop against which educators can design innovative science teaching and learning activities. Moreover, the use of technologies associated with biomechanics research, such as high-speed cameras that can produce high-quality slow-motion video, can be deployed in such a way to support students’ participation in practices of scientific modeling.


Victor Lee

Lead Organization(s)

Learning Technologies and the Body: Integration and Implementation In Formal and Informal Learning Environments

This volume explores how technology-supported learning environments can incorporate physical activity and interactive experiences in formal education. It presents cutting-edge research and design work on a new generation of "body-centric" technologies such as wearable body sensors, GPS tracking devices, interactive display surfaces, video game controller devices, and humanlike avatars. Contributors discuss how and why each of these technologies can be used in service of learning within K-12 classrooms and at home, in museums and online.


Victor Lee

Lead Organization(s)

Succeeding with Inquiry in Science and Math Classrooms

Thinking critically. Communicating effectively. Collaborating productively. Students need to develop proficiencies while mastering the practices, concepts, and ideas associated with mathematics and science. Successful students must be able to work with large data sets, design experiments, and apply what they’re learning to solve real-world problems. Research shows that inquiry-based instruction boosts students’ critical thinking skills and promotes the kind of creative problem solving that turns the classroom into an energized learning environment.


Jeff C. Marshall

Lead Organization(s)

Design Practices of Preservice Elementary Teachers in an Integrated Engineering and Literature Experience

The incorporation of engineering practices and core ideas into the Next Generation Science Standards at the elementary school level provides exciting opportunities but also raises important questions about the preparation of new elementary teachers. Both the teacher education and engineering education communities have a limited literature base on the resources that novice elementary teachers bring to learning and teaching engineering.


Kristen Bethke Wendell

Short Description

Examining discourse of a team of pre-service teachers within an IEL engineering design challenge

Examining Young Students’ Problem Scoping in Engineering Design

Problem scoping—determining the nature and boundaries of a problem—is an essential aspect of the engineering design process. Some studies from engineering education suggest that beginning students tend to skip problem scoping or oversimplify a problem. However, the ways these studies often characterize students’ problem scoping often do not reflect the complexity found in experts’ designing and rely on the number of criteria a student mentions or the time spent problem scoping.


Jessica Watkins

Kathleen Spencer

David Hammer

Lead Organization(s)
Short Description

Exploring students' problem solving within an integrated engineering and literacy activity

Webinar on the Common Guidelines for Education Research and Development


Edith Gummer

Short Description

This webinar, led by Edith Gummer (formerly of NSF), discusses the guidelines outlined in the report co-authored by the Institute of Education Sciences, U.S. Department of Education and the National Science Foundation.