Professional Development

Professional Development and Implementation of the Common Core Standards for Mathematics


This panel provides various perspectives on recommendations needed to ensure successful implementation of the Common Core Standards for Mathematics, with a focus on professional development. *This is a one-hour session with the option to stay in the room for informal discussion afterwards.

Session Type
Session Materials

This panel addresses the need for professional development in light of the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics. Composed of researchers and practitioners, participants in the panel will share what research has to say about the need for offering teachers quality professional development at scale, as well as what practitioners have to say about current efforts to support and prepare teachers who are ready for the implementation of the new standards.

Status of The Next Generation of Science Standards


This session provides an update about the development of the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS), with a special focus on implications for curriculum development, professional development, and assessment. 

Session Type
PI-organized Discussion

Work is progressing to develop the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). With private funding from the Carnegie Corporation and support from National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) and the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), the National Research Council (NRC) and Achieve, Inc., have embarked on a two-step cooperative process to develop the NGSS. The first step was to develop a conceptual framework that is grounded in current research on science and science learning and identifies the science all K–12 students should know.

A Humbling Challenge—Professional Development that Really “Sticks”


Professional development frequently doesn’t achieve major increases in effective STEM teaching. Can innovative, technology-based models for professional development help us achieve sustainable, substantial changes in practice?

Session Type
PI-organized Discussion

This collaborative session begins with a dilemma—the realization that professional development often falls short of expectations for improving teacher practice and classroom learning. The presenters realize that teaching is a culturally bound endeavor, and changing classroom culture is extremely complex. Their NSF projects are founded on theories of action grounded in research, that is, theories of what is required for professional development programs to change teacher awareness, motivation, understanding, and actual classroom action in STEM.

Supporting Implementation of the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics: Recommendations for Professional Development

In 2010, the National Governor’s Association and the Council of Chief State School Officers published theCommon Core State Standards for Mathematics (CCSSM) and to date, 44 states, the District of Columbia,and the U.S. Virgin Islands have adopted the document. These content and practice standards, which specify what students are expected to understand and be able to do in K-12 mathematics, represent a significant departure from what mathematics is currently taught in most classrooms and how it is taught.


Paola Sztajn

Karen Marrongelle

Peg Smith


Professional Development for Technology- Enhanced Inquiry Science

Gerard, L.F., Varma, K., Corliss, S., & Linn, M.C (2011). Professional development in technology-enhanced science. Review of Educational Research. 81(3), 408 – 448



Libby Gerard

Keisha Varma

Stephanie Corliss

Marcia Linn


Professional Development for Technology- Enhanced Inquiry Science

Gerard, L.F., Varma, K., Corliss, S., & Linn, M.C (2011). Professional development in technology-enhanced science. Review of Educational Research. 81(3), 408 – 448



Libby Gerard

Keisha Varma

Stephanie Corliss

Marcia Linn


Professional Development for Technology- Enhanced Inquiry Science

Gerard, L.F., Varma, K., Corliss, S., & Linn, M.C (2011). Professional development in technology-enhanced science. Review of Educational Research. 81(3), 408 – 448



Libby Gerard

Keisha Varma

Stephanie Corliss

Marcia Linn


Professional Development for Technology- Enhanced Inquiry Science

Gerard, L.F., Varma, K., Corliss, S., & Linn, M.C (2011). Professional development in technology-enhanced science. Review of Educational Research. 81(3), 408 – 448



Libby Gerard

Keisha Varma

Stephanie Corliss

Marcia Linn


Teaching with Visualizations: A Comparison Study

Gerard, L.F., Liu, O., Corliss, S.B., Varma, K., Spitulnik, M.W., & Linn, M.C. (2013). Teaching with visualizations: A comparison study. In C. Mouza & N. Lavigne (Eds.)  Emerging Technologies for the Classroom: A Learning Sciences Perspective. New York: Springer



Libby Gerard

Ou Lydia Liu

Stephanie Corliss

Keisha Varma

Michele Spitulnik

Marcia C. Linn

Short Description

Previous research suggests the value of technology-enhanced materials that guide learners to use dynamic, interactive visualizations of science phenomena. The power of these visualizations to improve student understanding depends on the teacher. In this chapter we contrast two professional development programs focused on teaching with visualizations.