Professional Development

Teaching with Visualizations: A Comparison Study

Gerard, L.F., Liu, O., Corliss, S.B., Varma, K., Spitulnik, M.W., & Linn, M.C. (2013). Teaching with visualizations: A comparison study. In C. Mouza & N. Lavigne (Eds.)  Emerging Technologies for the Classroom: A Learning Sciences Perspective. New York: Springer



Libby Gerard

Ou Lydia Liu

Stephanie Corliss

Keisha Varma

Michele Spitulnik

Marcia C. Linn

Short Description

Previous research suggests the value of technology-enhanced materials that guide learners to use dynamic, interactive visualizations of science phenomena. The power of these visualizations to improve student understanding depends on the teacher. In this chapter we contrast two professional development programs focused on teaching with visualizations.

Teaching with Visualizations: A Comparison Study

Gerard, L.F., Liu, O., Corliss, S.B., Varma, K., Spitulnik, M.W., & Linn, M.C. (2013). Teaching with visualizations: A comparison study. In C. Mouza & N. Lavigne (Eds.)  Emerging Technologies for the Classroom: A Learning Sciences Perspective. New York: Springer



Libby Gerard

Ou Lydia Liu

Stephanie Corliss

Keisha Varma

Michele Spitulnik

Marcia C. Linn

Short Description

Previous research suggests the value of technology-enhanced materials that guide learners to use dynamic, interactive visualizations of science phenomena. The power of these visualizations to improve student understanding depends on the teacher. In this chapter we contrast two professional development programs focused on teaching with visualizations.

Teaching with Visualizations: A Comparison Study

Gerard, L.F., Liu, O., Corliss, S.B., Varma, K., Spitulnik, M.W., & Linn, M.C. (2013). Teaching with visualizations: A comparison study. In C. Mouza & N. Lavigne (Eds.)  Emerging Technologies for the Classroom: A Learning Sciences Perspective. New York: Springer



Libby Gerard

Ou Lydia Liu

Stephanie Corliss

Keisha Varma

Michele Spitulnik

Marcia C. Linn

Short Description

Previous research suggests the value of technology-enhanced materials that guide learners to use dynamic, interactive visualizations of science phenomena. The power of these visualizations to improve student understanding depends on the teacher. In this chapter we contrast two professional development programs focused on teaching with visualizations.

Engaging Pre-service and Inservice Teachers in Middle School Mathematics: Using Dynabook to Shape Unconventional College Classrooms

Courey, S. J., LePage, P., Siker, J. R., Blackorby, J. (2012). Engaging Preservice and Inservice Teachers In Middle School Mathematics: Using Dynabook to Shape Unconventional College Classrooms. Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference, Austin, TX, March 5 (peer-reviewed presentation)



Susan Courey

Pamela LePage

Jody Siker

Jeremy Roschelle

Jose Blackorby


The Scalability and Sustainability of Professional Development: Challenges in Preparing Mathematics PD Facilitators


Three projects investigating different approaches to preparing mathematics professional development facilitators will compare their approaches and discuss strengths and limitations with the participants.

Session Type

What are the central challenges that face research and development teams in their efforts to prepare facilitators to do the work of leading mathematics professional development?